Chapter 993 00993 ext 3. Prank, act, success. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 45870K 2022-07-25

Player Status

1. Name: ‘Bowl of God’ Kim Soo-hyun (Year 5)

2. Class: Arousal Secret, Sovereign Of Sword, Master

3. Nation: Free

4. Organization (Clan): Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. Jinyeong • Citizenship: 1. Blood (1/66536) • South Korea

6. Sex: Male (29) Tr a n s l at ed by jpm tl.c o m

7. Height • Weight: 181.5cm • 75.5kg

8. Tendency: Neutral • Moderation

[Strength 111 (+14)] [Durability 95 (+2)] [Agility 103 (+2)] [HP 105 (+6)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90 (+2)]

(Remaining Stat Points is 0 points.)

1. Trace of God

The coins are temporarily out of alignment.

T ran s lated by Jp mt l .c om However, the heart of Kim Soo-hyun, due to the traces carved by a nine-grade god, can no one live except for Hwang Hwa Hwa Hwa.

1. Third Eye (Rank: EX)

1. Heart Zero

1. Rank: S Zero

2. Unbeatable (Rank: EX)

3. Draft (Rank: EX)

4. Rank: EX of Swordsmanship

5. Chloride (Rank: -)

(Remaining Ability Points is 0 points.)

1. Resolution.

Tr an sl ate d by jpm t 2. Apud Migra Eego Gladium.

3. Summon Sea Horse.

4. Conquer, O Monarch.

Wow, these stats are so glamorous...

It's not.

User information.

Too much user information has changed in a long time.

“Yes... ”

Seraph is also staring at the air to see if he can read the information on his own.

Does it mean that the two eyes are slowly frowning, not a good change?

“Some things have changed... There's a lot of information that's been deleted. ”

I did.

Some things have changed and a lot of information has been lost.

This change was my own secret that I haven't told anyone yet.

because it was a change that you couldn't even understand.

But Seraph doesn't have to hide it or hide it... Trans la t ed by Jp m t l .com

It was then.

“In addition, Hwa is joking... ”

Seraph, who was staring into the air for a long time, suddenly sighed.

What's that supposed to mean?

“Are you kidding me?”

“Have you read the user information? ”

“Of course... Wait, are you saying this anomaly is a sympathy? ”

“Half right, half wrong. ”

I was just wondering, but Seraph was in denial.

“It's hard to see the connection between what Hwa left in his heart and what changed in his user information. ”

“But…. You just did. I'm just kidding.”

“So... ”

“So what?”

Serrap hesitates as soon as he talks nonsense.

“This trace is the concept of 'Steamed’. ” T r a n sla t e d b y jp mtl .co m


“The literal meaning of the word. I mean, this human is mine, so don't touch him. ”

“... Who's touching me? ”

“Maybe it was aimed at the gods of the Earth? ”

“I really…. What the heck.”

I kicked my tongue without even knowing it.

I thought I knew why you said it was a joke.

I thought there was an important message, and that's what you meant?

“Anyway, the title and real name have changed.... The Ancient Witch's Brand, Magic Activation, and Charisma effects have all disappeared. What do you think?”

“It's simple, because there's no longer a nest of effects. ”

“? ”

“You don't have to think hard. How does Su-hyun feel about herself? ”

I noticed Seraph's rumours.

“The ancient witch's imprint was definitely erased, and the magical effects were also eliminated. However, do you feel that you are less powerful than before? ”

I immediately shook my head.

The magical force flowing along the circuit is more stable than ever, and the magical activity seems to be able to be accelerated to infinity with an exaggeration.

In other words, I feel much stronger rather than weaker.


It was that defense that destroyed Heo Joon-young who had accumulated a terrifying training in the modern battlefield.

“So do I. Su-hyun's body is now unable to produce twice the stature it appeared before Terra. ”

So you're saying it didn't work?

I don't think that's a bad thing...

“No. I mean, there must be a reason why you left the good and the bad. ”

“That's why.” Serrap speaks powerfully, and finally looks at me from the air.

“I think we need to pay attention to the title and name of the user. ”

“What do you mean half right and half wrong? ”

“It's just a guess... ”

“Tell me, it's okay. ”

Let's say so. Let's get the rest cleaned up.

The new killer's name changed to the vessel of God.

The summit, the Monarch of Swords, and Maestro disappeared, leaving no clue what ‘1/66536’ means.

Serrap, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth with a more cautious attitude.

“Do you remember when Su-hyun asked you to redeem yourself with a special favor? ”


“And what was my objection? ”

“Ahh... I told you it was dangerous.”

Seraph's eyes became sharp as he struggled.

“Yes. To be more precise, I thought the power of a nine-thousand-grade god would be insurmountable. It was even more absurd to put it directly in the body, especially in the heart, rather than in the form of a first-class foreign body. ”

“But you know that. I'm not saying I want to live with it, I'm saying I want to keep it. I didn't accept the power. I borrowed it. And I'm not the only one using the power of God, am I? I have a brother, I have a wife, I have a dress. ”

Why is that a problem?

I protested, but Seraph did not falter.

Rather, it looked like it wasn't.

“It was a robust way of calling out to three users only when they needed it. It was not merely a partial borrowing of God's power, it was not a complete possession of God. So it can't be the same as Su-hyun, who has God all the time. It's too different. ”

“That's …. ”

“That's not all. Su-hyun used the power of God completely as a trigger of chloride four times over. Above all, I've saved God's life many times, every time. ”