Chapter 987 00987 Epilogue 6. Memorize. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 66570K 2022-07-25

It's strange.

It's really strange.

Hmm. It's confusing, but let's clear things up one by one.

I took the train home this morning with a full report. And then I sat down, and I fell asleep. All right, this is perfect. But...

“ ……. ”

Why are you in a gray space when you opened your eyes? And why are you slashing the knee of a beautiful angel I've never seen before?

Tran sla t ed b y Jp m tl .c o m “Wax.”

The angel smiles as he makes eye contact. It's beautiful. You're so beautiful you're shaking. Heheh...

No, wait. This is not the time.

“Hey, where are we? ”

When I woke up and asked, the angel opened his eyes wide. Then he naturally tilted his head.

“Who are you?! ”

One more time, the angel giggles. Wow, you're smiling so much.

“This is the Independent Hall Plain, and I am Serrap the Angel. ” Tran s l a t e d by Jpm t

... No. I appreciate your candor, but I can't understand you if you say it like that.

Hmm. Let's put our arms together first.

Oh, is this a dream?


I slap myself hard, but I don't wake up. I don't think it's a dream. It hurts, by the way. Be gentle.

“Are you going to run screaming next time? ”

Huh. How did you know?


“I'm Seraph, the angel. ”

Did I say something wrong? I think my voice is a little angry.

Whoa, let's calm down. If you're embarrassed, you lose.

“Joe, great. Mr. Seraph, the angel. Just out of curiosity, why am I here? ”

“I've been kidnapped.”

Oh, come on. I admire that.

“I see. Why don't you just send it back?” ” Tran s lat ed by Jpm tl .c o m

Of course not...

“Yes, I will. ”

Hey. Hey.

………… What is it?

Where am I supposed to dance? Oh, are you kidding me? As a hopeful advisor?

“Are you sure? ”


“Really? You're really giving it back? ”


“Is there no redemption? ”


I made a joke at the last minute, but the angel covers his mouth again to see if it worked. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I want to be a stranger.

“… It was so sunny and lovely 15 years ago…. ”

Huh? I thought I heard you talking to yourself.

T rans lat e d by Jp mtl .c o m “Thank you. I was able to feel the old perfume. ”

“No... Well….”

You should be ashamed of yourself for being praised.

“Well, if you're going to do this, why kidnap me in the first place? ”

“Oh, I think we should go back. It looks like it's going to close soon. And…”

Then the angel hung up on me and slowly got up. Glad to hear it, but I doubted my eyes for a moment.

... I don't know what to say. Earlier, when I was cutting my knee, it seemed to glow from the angel, but now I can see that my wings are thin. Not only is it discolored by black, but it fades and scatters the ashes. However, the stronger the glow, the more paradoxical this figure is. It's like seeing a corrupt angel on the verge of extinction.

Later, when the discoloration range even invaded my shoulder, I opened my mouth without my knowledge.

“I…. ”


“Are you all right?”

“ ……! ”

Angels open their eyes wide. Then he smiled with a slight sense of shame.

“Don't be surprised. It was supposed to happen anyway. ”

“Coming…. Yo?”

Tra ns lat e d b y jpm tl.c o m “Yes, because I wasn't included in Su-hyun's request for regression. We asked for the zero-code separately with the authority of the helper, and thankfully it was accepted. This means that the zero-code request is not formally included, but rather universal. ”

“ ……. ”

Uh, it's hard.

“Now that Su-hyun's purpose has been fulfilled, my pledge to help Su-hyun on both sides was fulfilled. Now that the intention of existence is gone, it's only natural to follow the principles. ”

I didn't understand what he was saying at all, but I just listened. For some reason, I felt like she wasn't talking to me.

Soon, the angel crossed his arms at my side and led him to the purple oval gate. It was a gateway that looked like a portal you often see in games. It's amazing.

“Can I come in here? ”

The angel nods, and I just dip my right foot into it. Surprisingly, I felt quite well. It's like putting your foot in a quietly rippling ocean.

“Wow! Is this really...? ”

... Huh? What? What's wrong with this angel? Earlier, it was up to my shoulder, but I had already discolored my neck. No breasts, no arms. Why are you going so fast?

“Soo-hyun Kim, Human. ”

However, the angel said with a quiet smile.

“Do me a favor? ”

Swing your back slightly to join the conversation. Uh, hold on. You said you had a favor to ask, so you pushed it.

Soon, when I was halfway in, I barely looked back. However, the angel who gently shook my body was somehow half covered in light.

“W-what kind of favor? ”

I barely spoke up.

“Please tell Kim Soo-hyun. ”

The silent voice returns.

My eyes frowned at the crowd of intense lights, but I could see my quietly spreading lips.

“You…. ”


I can't think of anything. I just felt numb and focused on my whole body's senses.

Once the headache cracked open, it became somewhat tolerable. I can tolerate the dizziness that the world was spinning. Of course, there was one thing that was not finished.

- Soo-hyun...

It was Seraph's voice.

Accepting the disturbance was unimaginable, as Seraph said. It wasn't because he broke furniture or puked everywhere. I don't know who it is, but I would never exaggerate a user who made an extreme choice. The simulation that Seraph had told me about, I finally believed it.

After experiencing it firsthand, I said, ”I'll just go back. ’I realized how uneasy I felt. This is the amount of acceptance of human Kim Soo-hyun as the user, maybe if he went back to his original state....

- Soo-hyun...

Seraph has been calling out to me ever since the beginning of the Gorge. But I was able to hold on to my mind thanks to this voice. As coincidental as that sounds, Seraph calls out to me in a clear voice whenever he tries to lose consciousness mid-way. As if to not lose. Be alert and savor the human experience and memories one by one.

- Soo-hyun...

Yeah, it worked. It worked.

I was able to determine the success of the plan on my own. Now inside I was filled with familiar, unfamiliar emotions like the sea. Above all, it was that the feeling of sadness that I had forgotten was clearer than ever before.

Of course, it was up to me whether this flame would ignite, disappear powerlessly, or crash without mixing with the user's nature and destroy the mind.

However, at this moment, Seraph's plan to turn the user Kim Soo-hyun into a mainframe and overlay the human Kim Soo-hyun with a new flame was clearly successful.

- Soo-hyun...


- I hesitated a lot, actually.

Then Seraph, who had only been calling his name, began to speak. I instinctively listened.

- If you're listening to this, it means you've succeeded in your seating.


… No, you don't deserve to congratulate me.

As I said earlier, I made my own decisions, and I acted as an arbitrator.

... Yes, I'm well aware.

Even if Seraph did what he wanted, this is unacceptable. Once you've waited five years and gone back to Hole Plain, you'll still be in debt. Seriously.

- I'm truly sorry for this, and I know it's unforgivable.

But even if you hate it, even if you hate it, you won't be able to face it....

However, if Su-hyun is okay, I dare tell you before I go back.

Before we go back?

‘Yes, because I wasn't included in Su-hyun's request for regression. We asked for the zero-code separately with the authority of the helper, and thankfully it was accepted. This means that the zero-code request is not formally included, but rather universal. ’

‘Now that Su-hyun's purpose has been fulfilled, my vow to help Su-hyun on both sides has also been fulfilled. Now that the intention of existence is gone, it's only natural to follow the principles. ’

What's this memory? Ah, Seraph sent me to Earth as well as dragged me to Hall Plain on Earth. Then it might be convenient for Serrap to talk with him....

Wait a minute.

- Soo-hyun.

In fact, I wanted to stay in the Hall Plane.

I wanted to enjoy waiting for the day we wanted to see Su-hyun.

I wanted to see what kind of life you had turned into.

But after one vow to the zero-code, we can't fulfill it until the end, and it's just too painful for us to deliver this message right now.

... Seraph?

- But Soo-hyun.

I will always want to remember you, and I will always remember you.


- And I...

“ ……. ”

- You...

“… you? ”


Tell me.

Tell me.

Tell me.

I'm listening.


I barely opened my mouth and called out. However, even after waiting a long time, I couldn't hear Seraph's voice. No matter how much I listened, there was no voice. It's as if he didn't finish it.

I opened the user information window just in case. However, I did not see any glitter that I saw earlier.

Really? Is it over?

This is the end?

After what you've done?

Apologizing isn't the end of it, is it?

At least….

“… Huh. ”