Chapter 937 00937 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. (1/2)
“Run away!”
Tanatos shouted in a terrified voice.
It's too late.
I was late for a long time.
A clear, crimson glow flashed across the surface for an instant, causing the eyes to become dazzled and the clouds to burn red. And after a while, he plunges heavily into the ground, sliding like a gradual tilting balance.
The energy of the ancient world, called 'the best’, is a feeling of emotion.
The moment the best of the Chlorinated Fire hit the earth, T r a ns l a t ed b y jpm tl .com
Another flash of light brightened the whole world. It then distorts from the side where the wick wheel and the earth intersect, breaking in turn from the lower part of the sun like melting ice cream.
Peek, peek, peek, peek!
Once, twice, three, four times.
Every time the earth swallowed a mouthful of the sun, it began to crack like its belly was about to tear. Conventionally, it burst away to see if it could not handle the pressure. At the same time, an enormous energy of deterioration and debris spread out like a loop.
The scorching heat that melted away with a slight stroke, and the seemingly overwhelming view of the vast ripples, were close to truly spectacular.
And then, the end explodes. T r an s la t e d b y jpm tl .co m
A wave of red light erupts like a volcano from the endless pinned round hole. The energy is so intense that even the sight of those who were far away is flooded with light.
How long has it been?
Seeing that it was a bit quiet, the woman curled up with instinct raised her head. And his face is lifted as he stares at me.
About a hundred meters.
No, maybe more.
There was nothing left.
Everything in the blast radius is gone. The earth crumbles, revealing deep underground hides. Not to mention the body or the equipment, but the soul was burned to the ground.
The beautiful meadow turned into a wasteland in less than a minute.
The only place where Kim Soo-hyun stood was where a huge crater was created, and the spongy smoke and red atmosphere were flowing like the sea.
The woman almost bursts into tears of horror.
But do I know that? This isn't the end.
No, I don't.
It's a start.
T r an sl at ed b y jpm tl.c o m Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Suddenly, I heard the sound of the flames blazing violently again, before I shocked myself. Suddenly, those who looked up at the sky suddenly became zinc. It was because another flame glowing throughout the air was raging and had the shape of a sword.
It was Kim Soo-hyun's organ, a deteriorating sword that even Gehenna could not see lightly.
Compared to the sun, its size is much smaller, but its numbers are no joke. At first there were only dozens, but they grew exponentially and covered the sky in an instant.
Soon, thousands of deteriorating swords leaned at the same time. The moment I realized that the black, adult blade tip was aiming at a large number of unspecified targets, those who were underneath came up with the same idea at the same time.
As you turn your back and flee as if you were a fairy, the surrounding network has just begun to crumble like a domino.
I have no choice. The opposing Pokémon has only one opponent, but the sheer force of its own energy overwhelms everyone in the area. Even the blindly loyal Mages were already slipping away.
Kim Soo-hyun's face is still covered in flowing blood, so I can't tell what he's making. Simply turn your eyes slowly in the direction of the enemy's escape, and reach for your left hand with difficulty. Then I opened my mouth quietly.
“Area Declared. ”
At that moment, a round red aura spreads down and forcefully plunges into the earth. Then several people screamed together and were in a commotion. The large bowl was toppled upside down, and the tent resembling that of the tent locked up hundreds of people who had fled to die all at once.
Trapped in slumber, the villain taps his tent crazily, but his territory does not budge.
After a while, Kim Soo-hyun suddenly grabbed his hand.
It was that moment. T r a ns l a ted by Jp m tl .c o m
The blazing fountain rises like a fountain in the center with an enormous noise. The tent itself was shaken and the translucent interior was red, and the screams burst simultaneously at the stroke.
The people in the middle settle into a handful of blood splattered into a mixer without a sound, but those in the outskirts are caught in the fire late by a beat.
One fairy who rubs and rubs the veil to the end, eventually, he does not overcome the heat, so his whole body melts and his eyes turn upside down. Such was the rebirth of the pits of hell.
If only the inside was so terrible, the woman who missed the curtain fainted as she watched it unfold in front of her eyes.
Those with a mind tried to pick up the snarling body, but even before moving the legs, the sensation of the pharynx was overwhelming.
Suddenly, one of them turns his eyes away, and suddenly something sticks into his throat. He pulls out his tongue long and falls down. The next thing I could see was the scent of a deteriorating sword scattered everywhere in the sky.
“Oh my God…. ”
“Speaking of... No... ”
The enemy no longer thinks of escaping, but only watches the thunderstorm of fire as it flashes.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
What if hundreds of Vulcans burst into flames at once? The nearby bombings surge in all directions, crushing the ground and spreading.
It was not at the level of blowing up a region like the sun for the first time, but the radius was much wider.
Moreover, if the old deteriorating sword was just a single blade, each one of them was closer to a cannonball now. Wherever there is a bloody rug, the ground rises and shifts, and the broken pieces sweep through the place.
T r an sl ate d by jpmt l.c om So it was filled with cries of helplessness everywhere.
Kim Soo-hyun vomited a handful of blood. Not only the mouth, but also the eyes, nose, ears, etc. where there is no exception to blood flow. It looks like an evil spirit. After using a large technique three times in a row, the body collapse naturally accelerates.
But I had no choice. It's because the enemies have been scattered like ants everywhere since the first attack. It was pointless to go after them one by one, unless the purpose of the fire was to kill them indiscriminately.