Chapter 929 00929 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. (1/2)
The Final Gateway.
The Final Gateway refers to the long acidity that draws a boundary between the sacred area and the next. In other words, if we cross the boundary, the temple of promise will be called the Final Gateway.
“Wow…. It's really long.”
“Height is high, but length is no joke. How far will it go? ”
The band and the band burst into elasticity one after the other.
It used to be, but the final gate is a structure that impresses me every time I see it. I don't know what it's made of, but the surface is lined up with large grey bricks. It may not be tall, but it is more than ten meters thick and more than four meters long.
Tra n sla ted b y Jp mt l .c om Above all, a spectacular landscape unfolding as a work () without limit on the same punitive field is not lacking even if it is a spectacle. I have to say, I think I see the Great Wall.
It is not common sense to cross that gateway unless you can fly in the sky. But there is one place you can walk through. This is just a last hole in the whole of the acidity, but for us, it would be right to think of it as a doorless passageway.
However, this place was clearly remembered, so I could walk through the gates early in the day, stuttering my head.
As soon as I came through the final gate, the scene was quite different from the area I had previously passed. If the landscape in your area was a wasteland that you couldn't find even with your eyes washed, this was a vast area with white buildings everywhere you looked, like a lonely ancient ruin covered in white snow.
It was just that most of the buildings were worn out because they couldn't overcome the flow of time, and it was so quiet and desolate that it didn't feel a bit desolate at the end of the century.
At this point, I'm like, ”What is this place? ’I have to come out. Or,” Where do we go now?’ or.
But your woman has been silent for some time now. As I turned around, I looked up at the sky with my mouth slightly open and stunned.
Then, Han So-young kissed me in the eye and said, “Hap.” Shut up. And he looked angry for no reason. I have no idea what I did wrong, but instinctively, I looked forward again. Transl a ted b y
As I slowly looked up toward the front, I saw a large architecture that resembled the horizon of Ground Zero stand out all by itself.
Even though the distance was far away, no matter how big it was, it could be clearly seen here. Moreover, even the white light that flowed on the outside felt holy and mysterious beauty.
“ ……. ”
Yeah, it is.
A temple of promise.
As a result of walking for about twenty minutes, we were able to arrive just before the temple of promise.
It was great to see from afar, but it was even more amazing to see it up close.
The bottom supported rectangular monophasic thickness is breathtaking and magnificent. Above it is an orderly pillar reminiscent of the Parthenon Temple, with the same structure as the Baroque church connected to it. In addition, the top was beautifully finished with a rooftop drawing an old-fashioned arch.
The temple is so high that it can't be measured in three stages.
Suddenly, someone vomits, followed by two more breaths. Probably overwhelmed by the power of the building without even knowing it. I guess that's what I was like when I first saw him.
I laughed inside and looked back and forth. It is because there is no road in front of it, and if you turn to the left or to the right, you will get a staircase to go up to the top.
I came all the way here. What's there to worry about? I thought so and calmly moved closer.
Shortly after, we set foot on a long, wide staircase, and finally climbed onto a massive platform and stood in front of the temple.
“… ha. ” Tra ns la t e d b y Jpm tl .com
It's an indescribable feeling. Seeing the white door with an unknown symbol, it gives me a new feeling. As soon as I open this door and go up to the top floor, I grab the second zero code. I reach out to bend the door in front of my eyes in a frenzied mood.
“Mercenary Road. ”
It was then.
“You're not surprised. ”
I suddenly stopped my hand without knowing the quiet voice.
“I feel like I've been here before. ”
“… Yes? ”
I barely greeted him, but my heart was pounding for a moment. As I turned away dazed, Han Soyoung was looking at me with deep, dark eyes. Why, no. How did you figure that out?
“By the way... You know the road too well, don't you? It's so spacious, you can barely hold it together. ”
He pretended to think about it and asked with his index finger. Seeing the gentle smiles, I thought I was joking, but my eyes were watching me closely.
I managed to manage my expression in a hurry. I don't know why you brought it up all of a sudden, but I think it's best to just give it up here.
“No way. You're just lucky. Haha.”
As I shrugged my shoulders, Yeon-ju opened her eyes and slightly pushed out her lower lip. However, at that moment, Han Soyoung's head leaned forward very slightly. I wanted to stop for a moment. He did not have the supersenses of Han Soyoung in mind. It was a mistake.
At the next moment, I felt a faint look in my eyes, but I turned around, coughing forcefully. And hurriedly turned the door around and pushed back inside.
Thus, it was a temple of promise that entered after five years, but it was no longer a situation to savor the comforting feelings of compassion. It was because the pressure of something kept poking me in the back. Tr ans l a t ed by jp mt l .c o m
I knew the way, so I was walking reflexively, but in fact, my back was trembling with sweat and my chest was pounding. I've been hiding it well...
However, after walking for a while, I thought, ”What does it matter now?” If we get the zero-code back, it'll be over. It's not an easy story to tell, of course, but you don't have to hide it as far as you're willing to go.