Chapter 915 00915 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 55480K 2022-07-25

I was very happy when I won the war, but I returned safely and became overwhelmed with unknown anxiety over time.

I have to say, one breast is heavy. After communicating with Lee Hyo, we face reality. I was just vaguely assuming the war wasn't over yet, but it was definitely steamed one by one.

To be more precise, I feel strongly that the Devil is still planning something. You won't be able to sleep without destroying every last one of them.

When the obsessive notion of what to do quickly arose, unfortunately, a resident messenger came from the temple. It was an angel's call.

“Welcome. User Kim Soo-hyun.”

As I ran through the portal, I sounded like a silent voice was waiting for me in the Summon Room. I met Seraph quite a long time ago, but he hurriedly sat on the floor.

T r a n sl ated by Jp mt l .co m “Is the meeting over? ”

“If you're referring to the discussion of the war and the Devil's intentions in these two places, I'd say it ended yesterday. ”

Seraph, sitting on the altar, calmly replies. It's like sweeping your silver-haired hair away with your hands, ”Calm down. ’Softly soothed me. Take a breath and catch your breath, the pair of green-glowed eyes gaze back at me.

“First of all, I sincerely congratulate you on your mission to save the Eastern Continent and exterminate the archangels, Baal and Belzebub. As your delegate in charge of this matter, I thank you on behalf of all the angels for your obedience. ”

Seraph really bowed his head when he said that. It bent so deeply that the forehead touched the altar.

Honestly, it's disgusting. I thought that's probably why the angels didn't want to come out. Even if you have the power to subdue Humans now, your life or existence will be in jeopardy the moment you come out of the Hall Plain. The law of the Middle World is no exception to being an angel.

“Never mind. I don't want to be thanked that much. How's things going, by the way? ”

Tra ns la ted b y Jp m t l .c om “How aware are you of the situation? ”

Seraph is fortunate to offer an explanation before he gets to the point. However, I did not need to hear anymore because I had already heard from Lee Hyo. The most important thing now was the movement of the southern continent, demons, and the continent where rats and birds disappeared unnoticed.

Seraph nods as if he knows. He opens his mouth quietly.

“That's right. I'll get right to it. First, while the Salvation Army was returning, there were some unforeseeable changes. ”

“A change that cannot be underestimated? ”

“Yes. First of all, our angel has managed to regain control of the South. ”

“So you're back in control of the South? ”

“That's not all. because there was still a tendency to deny the angels. However, the southern continent was still confused, but it was easy to work through a demon-free gap. And as a result, it was a connection that was severely disrupted, and it was repairing the heavenly bodies that were taken away. ”

“But the chances of the Devil coming back, no. You're already back, aren't you? ”

With us arriving on the North continent in two months, the opponent should have had enough time to return. Surprisingly, however, Seraph shakes his head.

“We thought so, and we watched constantly, but we haven't seen any demons. ”

“Couldn't you see? You're saying the Devil never came back? ”

“Yes, but not just the Devil himself, but the South Continent user as well. Only a few hundred of them came back separately, and most of them didn't. ”

“ ……. ”

Surprisingly. Even though you lost so much, you didn't return to your stronghold? Moreover, the continent that had taken the ball was too easy to give up.

T ran s l ated by jp mt m “How about hundreds of them coming back? ”

“As a courtesy, I didn't find anything unusual. I think the shock of defeat is that it's a group that's been sneaking away. ”

Abandonment. Bears don't bother me much. Particularly some users' exit news will be safe to assume that the Alliance forces are shaking that much.

But is it true?

I've thought about it before, but Satan's terrifying reason is that he scatters the seeds of various abdomens gradually, and then, in due course, he rushes all at once. The moment you think ’No way?' is the moment you fall into a trap. So, ”The opponent is shaking. ’Rather than think of it simply, it is better to think of it as a kind of target. Even if it means leaning.

... The problem is, there's nothing you can do about it right now.

Anyway, since you said you have a few things, rather than one, let's keep asking.

“What about the West? I heard he was baiting the Eastern continent day and night and then vanished the day after the battle. ”


Suddenly, Seraph burst his weak elasticity.

“The user benefit was traced back to the Dark Forest and found traces of retreat. But after that point, all the traces disappeared. ”

“Does that make sense? I don't think it flew into the air. ”



“If you've activated your Warp Gate, yes. The main issue is the presence or absence of Memory Stones and the knowledge to activate warp. Do you have anything on Su-hyun? ”

Tra n s l a t e d by Jp m tl .com “! ”

At that moment, I didn't even know it. At the same time, one possibility hit the brain.

As Seraph said, Warp Gate activation is not difficult as long as you have knowledge of Memory Stones. Helena said the same thing, and there were no moments when Tanatos and the demons were actually about to kill Eldora. Also, since most of the cities were occupied before we arrived, we should have enough Memory Stones.

Only, the warp gate flows in both directions, not one way. In other words, the western continent had to have memory stones and related knowledge to establish Seraph's conjecture.

“By the way... There was an invisible one among the Demon Lords. ”

“You mean the Demon Monarch? ”

“Yes. Just one. Seraph. Is the Demon Lord capable of activating the Warp Gate? ”

“... If we know how to do it, we can do it, too. ”

Seraph first appeared anxious. Just in case. It was the moment it was discovered that the Western continent was linked to demons.

“Hoo. I wish I knew what they were doing. ”

He sighed deeply and let out a faint sigh, but Seraph's expression is powerful. No movement was found. Unless the Devil was stupid, of course he would have blocked it.

“And about Tanatos... ”

Then Seraph blurs cautiously. I think you're paying attention to me, but it doesn't matter, so I keep poking my chin in order to keep talking.

“Actually, I'm most concerned about Tanatos' survival. The advent of the God of Death was unexpected to us. I'm sorry.”

“Of course it's your fault.... Well, never mind. Even Tanatos isn't a big deal anymore. ”

“No, I'm not.” Tr a n s l at e d b y jp

“? ”

“Just by luring Tanatos in, the Devil can create a myriad of variables. Su-hyun should always be aware of this and be cautious. ”

“I don't know. But if you heard, you'd know. ”

Of course, Tanatos was strong, but I was the one who won in the end. And since we've destroyed three of the six pieces, we won't be able to get the power we used to have. I am confident that I will win when I show up again.

- Are you an idiot? Just keep it in mind.

When I thought about it, I warned her with a solemn voice.

- No matter how weak you are, Tanatos is Tanatos. The infamous God of Death, who I consider to be my equal. What if he regains his strength in a way that neither you nor I know?

‘Well, that's... ’

- Of course, you won't be able to recover to the level you thought you were. But don't hold it against you. At the very least, without me and you, we wouldn't be able to deal with Tanatos in his condition.

‘ ……. ’

Rich, I can't deny it. The reason I was able to strike Lost Tanatos was because of the Burning Sword.

- Don't be careless. By the way, you're strangely inclined to ignore God. You were ravished by a fallen evil god for three or four years.

‘Okay, I'll be careful. ’