Chapter 893 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 46980K 2022-07-25

How long has it been?

No, how many dozen of these are there?

I don't know. The sky is getting a little darker now, and it can't be any funnier than counting the number of people killed in battle. In fact, I can't even remember. If you keep swinging it around, it'll be over soon.

I see them running headlong in front of me, and I jump into the middle of the ground without hesitation. Wielding Victoria's glory as she catches her eye, her vision of red energy grows elongated and sharply smirks at the runaway neck.

Scraper, flesh and bone cutting is creepy. As I forcefully shake the hand I cut to the right, the heads of those showing their backs roll down at the same time. Kneeling in turn and falling helplessly.

As I held my breath for a moment, a weak scream and murmur struck my ears from everywhere. I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't want to know. With the intention of disposing of it quickly, the victorious sword triggers, and the Blade of the Sun, Shining Sword, and Calico Abraxas swoop up into the sky with a long blast.

T r a n sla te d b y Jpm t l .c om One of the advantages of inheriting the 'Monarch of Swords’ is that the connection with the swords I use has become stronger. I can move beyond what I think is a part of my body. There is no doubt that it can produce enormous power if it is used well.

Woof! Woof!

As hard as you can, you whip three black holes round and round, turning fiercely like running water.

The sound of tearing air is very strong. Like a storm that destroys everything in its path, the blade breaks and shatters. If it touches your chest, it will be cut into your chest, and if it touches your thighs, your legs will fall as if you were splitting into a mixer.

In the meantime, there are some who have raised shields or built shields, but it's nothing. A lump of thick iron swept by the blade blast is instantly cracked and shattered, and the white curtain cannot withstand a second and is crushed like a piece of paper put in the last century. I can't stop just calculating the rotational force, but with the skill of a swordsman, the grain is unbeatable.

Shortly thereafter, dozens of people's blood rushed into the air, and the iron-blended shouting that was scratching their ears was gradually becoming frequent.


Tra n slated b y jpmtl.c o m Sharp noises cutting through the air. The day I go for my neck, life is pretty scary. I thought of hitting you with the sword for a moment, but I turned around and grabbed my cloak. It was almost simultaneously that Heo Yeon Kim's elongated steel spear broke through.

No, wait. Steel spear?

Activates the ability of Red Moon Cloak to ‘Absorb’.

Absorb Iron Lance.

Iron Lance, not Ice Lance?

Anyway, the steel spear, which was rushing into the cloak, disappears as fast as it can. For a moment, I felt a feeling of support, but I quickly disappeared. The performance of the Red Moon Cloak was triggered.

Looking back at the direction the steel spear flew, the hooded woman frowns. I immediately bounced off my feet. A strong curiosity arose from the magic of steel.

As I entered the palace, the distance became closer to shovel time. The woman acted surprised, but the instant response was great. Reach out your hands calmly, striding backwards without disturbing your balance. At that moment, I was a little, but I thought to myself,

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine!

I didn't seem to be casting a spell, but I suddenly stabbed him in the ear six times. Six new steel spears are piercing the ground as they flow beneath them. You circle around like a living creature, and stab it on the ground, spun round and round.

It was definitely a surprise attack. However, I immediately raised my magical power and triggered a double vision to quickly occupy the rear of the woman.

As you stare ahead, the steel spears swirl through the rest of the vision mercilessly. The woman lets out a sigh of relief in a loud voice, and as the statue begins to blur, she suddenly stumbles over her feet and falls straight into my arms. It must be a woman, given that the shoulder that touches her chest is gone.

The woman shrugged her shoulders and slowly turned her head. The sensation of shivering is conveyed all over the body. The eyes, slightly shining under the hood, are wide open in horror. For some reason, a dark blue rose necklace with a stained steel neck was trampled on by the eyes.

When I quickly scoured the information with my third eye, I nodded without knowing it.

“Of course. I thought you said you sprayed three in the South? ”

T rans la t e d b y Jp m tl .c o m The opposing Pokémon is already disabled. I reached out my left hand and grabbed her narrow neck, and I suddenly looked up at the sky. Before, the noisy city was slowly quieting down. It's a relief that things are getting sorted out.

I wandered all over for demons, but I couldn't even see the southern continent's main force, let alone the demons. All I've ever seen is a frenzy of looting.

Of course, you should be happy that you won...

Well, let's settle for now. He'll do whatever it takes to know the Saviors are here.

After organizing a series of thoughts, I glanced back at the stiff woman.


Glug glug! Glug glug!

The castle you see outside was a complete mess. Broken walls, blazing flames, and even black smoke flow to the exterior of the castle, smelling a faint odor. The city of dusk lit up, so I didn't know if the castle was on fire or if the sky was on fire.

Eldora was staring at the castle with a bitter face. Screams have faded a while ago, but I'm not in a good mood as I can imagine what happened inside.

But I can't help it. Less than 20,000 troops have invaded the eastern continent. Given Eldora's reputation and the population of the southern continent, there is no denying that it is a considerably small number.

At the end of the day, everyone here was empathetic to Eldora's cause. This means that those who did not follow were not compliant with Eldora's actions. Even if he revealed the inner parts of the angels under all heaven, it was a crowd of people who accepted it immediately, saying, ”Yes, everyone does.”

Eventually, I fled to the eastern continent, leaving the continent in chaos.

Of course, it wasn't without the force that actively endorsed it. Like Knox or carpet diem.

However, they were those who focused only on the two letters of the war, without even the attention of the words in the beginning. One person agreed to participate because of the unfortunate situation, but I had to do something about it.

I knew exactly why they were so passionate about war, and if I limited it, I would turn my back on it. That is, a kind of deal.

T r an s l a t ed b y jpmtl .co m After all, what's left of Eldora is her rationality for Humankind, and her belief that if she proves herself right, she will support us again. These are the only two. With these two momentum, Eldora is on the move.

But this bitter war will also end today. The southern continent has dropped its competition and will use it as a platform to raise power. And now, instead of angels, the power of the so-called demons behind the southern continent grows. So, after today...?

At that time, Ami of Eldora, who was clearing up her thoughts for a long time, frowned. I thought I was almost done, but suddenly the screams start to grow. And shortly thereafter, the torn wall of the city casts a torn shadow.

“I'll look into it. ”

Edward quickly flew away to see if he felt anything strange.