Chapter 875 00875 Battle Of The East Continent, Four. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 43420K 2022-07-25

When demons and demons appeared in the world,

What is the easiest way to handle it?

The answer is surprisingly simple.

It is to process ”as soon as it comes out” or ”as soon as it is summoned.”

In the middle world, this dimensional force is largely limited by the law called 'causality'.

And at the time of the newly summoned, it's safe to assume their power is extremely weak.

... So, I don't know if they made that choice at the time. T ra ns l a t ed b y



When I opened my eyes, the warm sunlight knocked on my body. The sun is already in the middle of the sky and there is sunlight everywhere in the room. Like my brother said, I'm focusing on eating well and sleeping well. After two days, I feel like my stomach has subsided somewhat. Anyway, I can't deny I overslept today.

I walked out of bed and loosened up. When I inhale the air outside, my head feels refreshed. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine. I don't think I'll be as frenzied as last time if I see an angel again.

Why don't we start with a light meal after we wash your face?

Pow, pow, pow!

Tran sl at e d by jpm t l .c om As soon as I thought, the corridor outside the door became noisy. Good morning... Who else, if not the, caused the problem? Now I'm ahead of my worries. From what I hear, not a single one.


After a while, the door bursts open wide. Two animals have invaded as expected. One female beating, and one male trembling in anger. It is Yijeong and Jin Soo-hyun.



As soon as my ears started to tingle, I pointed at them with a swift index finger. But you can still tell right away! Close your mouth at the same time. “Shh.” After the signal, you come closer. They look at each other one at a time and nod quietly. Then began walking quietly. Okay. Now...


“It's you!”

... I think I'm a little shallow. I forgot the learning didn't work.

“You're a fucking greedy bastard! This is from me...! ”

“What are you greedy for? I was on a mission with you! And the work is much more...! ”

“What do you want me to do? I got it anyway. You gave it to me.”

“Wow. Look at you with class B. You don't think I'm Class A? ”

It turned out that each of them was grabbing something that looked like a garment with their hands. I think I got into a fight over that equipment. First, I separated the two growling against my forehead, and then seized the object in question. Suddenly, it's a pretty cool armor made of leather.

“Hmm…. ”

Tr an sl ated by jp mt l .c om No, I had a hunch that performance would be good at first glance. A subtle red light that flows on the surface indicates that it has at least one additional effect. After checking with the third eye, I also knew that I was right.

“That's pretty good. ”

Physical Defense or Magic Resistance are also considerable, and they are magically more flexible to enhance their performance. And I would have done a good job of looking good.

“Is this what you're fighting about? ”

“Yes! My brother decides for me. I should have this, right? Right?”

“Ahhh. No, sir. It's me, isn't it? ”

“Well…. Where did you get this, by the way? We haven't had any recent expedition reports, and we're supposed to get paid for our missions, right? ”

It was then.

“Er... ”

“Eh…. ”

A little while ago, he frowned and said, and suddenly the room became silent. Suddenly, the two of them look disgusted and only look at each other.

Wait. You can't be...


“Oh, no! He didn't get any of our lobbies! ”

The reason jumped.

Trans l at e d b y Jpm tl .c om “Then why? ”

“Get in, you're right. Maybe they noticed. ”

“Hey, man. ”

“Ha, but that's it! because if it wasn't for us, the expedition wouldn't have succeeded, and we wouldn't have gotten paid separately. It's an extra reward concept. ”

“Really? Can I check with Dawn? ”

“Hey, mister! Did we get the wire? It's unfair!”

Jin Soo-hyun desperately protested, beating his chest.

“... if there's a problem, take care of it. ”

Eventually, after placing the harp, I picked up the item again, tasting it again. The two breathed out afterwards, and soon they glanced at me, sparkling. It's a burden. Actually, it looks good on either of you.

“This... ”

I thought about it for a while, but I was able to decide.

“I hope he wears it. ”

At that moment, I could see two very dramatically grinding reactions. The reason was that she looked like a very lovely girl, and Jin Soo-hyun... I can't even pronounce it. It feels like the person who has lived only to taste the bitterness of life folds into the twilight of life....

“Kahahaha! Kahahaha! ”

Is that good? Yoo Jung was happy to run around. Kiss my cheek and say, ”I love you.” I whisper. Soon, he packed his equipment and walked out relaxed, looking up at his nose. Who would want to hear that snore?

T ra n s lat ed b y Jp m tl.c om “Ugh... ”

Jin Soo-hyun was not a pretender. Beyond the raggedy things, I'm even weeping for the male. My mouth was puffy, so it looked like I was bursting with tears.

“My brother always favors women... ”

I'm not even a kid. I opened the drawer with a cortical smile. I should have kept it down, but it would be perfect if I gave it to Jin Soo-hyun.

“Here. Take it. ”


As I threw my hand, my flying robe and belt fell right in front of me. Jin Soo-hyun suddenly opened her eyes, shaking her head powerlessly. I think I recognized what I gave him right away.

“Tongue, brother.... ”
