Chapter 860 Be Infected, Six. (1/2)
“I thought about it. Why, why did I summon the people of this world...? ”
Even before he asked what it was, Tanatos continued.
“You know, I've been asleep for a long time, and I don't even know the details of the angel. But a man named Ian told me quite a bit about the history of the continent today. ”
“Ian... ”
“I was able to make very strong guesses as a result. ”
“Does that guess have something to do with the zero-code you just mentioned? ”
“Yes.” T r a nsl a te d b y jpmtl .com
“What the hell is that? ”
Eldora doesn't seem to understand.
“Explain your birth story first, and you won't have enough birds for days and nights. ”
Tanatos said in a voice that is still beautiful, but still unassuming.
“Simply put, it is a product of the power of the Universe.... In my current situation, I might say, To be guarded as an angel. But as a hostile, that's what you need. ”
The power of the Universe, we must protect it unconditionally.... The detailed explanation followed, but the doubts deepened. I felt like I was wandering around an invisible maze, trying to find my way out.
But if I was going to go on like this, I wouldn't have even started. I thought we were just moving on to the good stuff. ”I see. ’It is not enough to go over like flowing water. Eldora wakes up. T ransl at ed b y Jpm t
“I don't understand what you're saying. Why does an angel have to keep that zero code and need hostile forces? ”
I said, ”It's simple. You said zero code is an object of universal power. ”
Tanatos splits his chin, calmly joining the horses.
“If you take this word universality apart, the zero code contains a kind of key role. ”
“Yes, a key. Eldora, don't you have a home to return to? ”
“… yes. ”
Eldora reacts late without even knowing it. For some reason, the word 'home to return’ slightly touched my heart.
“Anyone has a home. It's the same for me and for the angels. It's not the Hall Plane, it's actually on a much higher level. For example, in the case of angels, you can call it the Celestial Realm. in the human language.”
Tanatos' tone was as calm as a teacher who taught a student who knew nothing.
“Zero code is the key to this whole universe. A key that allows you to invade hostile forces, meaning that you can unlock the key to protecting the celestial world. ”
The moment you say so, you suddenly face the target. As if to come to a conclusion.
No, we've got a point.
“A device that protects my hometown at all costs as an angel. However, the opposition is the key to the kingdom that must be acquired. This is the current address of the zero-code, the center of the Hall Plane triangulation. Does that make any sense now? ”
Eldora looks confused. It was the opposite, not because I didn't understand it. My head was getting cleaned up. Tanattos gives you an unbelievable glance, a slight snort as if it wasn't worth mentioning. Tr a n sla ted by jp m t l .co m
“So... ”
The voice that was coming out was suddenly groaning.
“That's a lot of stuff in this hall plane. ”
“… Are we on the line to extend the battle between angels and hostiles? Because of that zero-code thing? ”
The horse was cut off and repeated. Tanatos nods quietly and looks at the opposing Pokémon's reactions, expressing his regrets. Eldora herself doesn't know it, but her eyes tremble and her claws on her thighs are clenched hard enough to dig through her flesh. As soon as the wealthy pieces of the puzzle come together, my heart starts to boil.
Suddenly, six years ago, a random memory struck the brain.
When I woke up with my eyes open, I remember lying in a strange space.
The memory of being wronged, begging for it back, and forcibly expelled as a rite of passage.
A gruesome murder scene of a fellow summoned, still traumatized.
Above all, the eyes of the angel who desperately cried out, as if looking at a similarly laboratory mouse, clearly came to mind.
Hot anger rises from deep in my heart.
Naturally vomited, but intentionally questioned.
“I don't understand that either. ”
And Tanatos is told to wait. Tra nsl ate d by Jpmtl.c o m
“It would be better for the inhabitants of this world. Why bring in a stranger who has nothing to do... ”
“Anyway, I don't know. This is also just a guess, but perhaps the Angel faction is extremely disadvantageous. ”
Tanatos' words were extremely simple. Hall Plane contains items that spill from hostile forces known as Zero Codes. Here, angels summoned man with the intent to protect the celestial system, their home. This means that the user is acting as a substitute for indirectly engaging in combat for the angel.
After realizing this far, Eldora suddenly takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. Let's repeat that a few times, the lava boil slowly cools down.
‘We are the only people we can trust. ’
Tenchin Melinus' advice just before the explosion brought back a strand of rationality.
‘Yes, there's nothing for sure yet. ’