Chapter 855 00855 Be Infected, Six. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 54240K 2022-07-25

Melinus received word that the woman was awake shortly after finishing her consultation and returning Winters. After receiving Ian's personal contact, Melinus secretly headed into the room so that no one would notice her, soon she could see Ian sitting on a chair and the woman leaning against her back on the bed.

“Ho, Belial.... No. Melinus here. ”

“… Satan. ”

Immediately after opening the door, a delicate tone greets Melinus. Even though the voices that were heard were women's unique, sweet voices, we cannot deny that the woman in front of us is Satan just by knowing the truth. To be precise, the soul that sits in a woman's body.

“You're awake.”

Melinus lowered her voice, but celebrated the Awakening of the Seed with a face mixed with joy and relief. The woman slowly turned around and suddenly snapped her neck to the left or to the right, grabbing her hand and straightening her back. It feels a little unnatural to act for some reason.

Tran s lated by jpm tl.c om “How are you feeling? ”

Did he feel something? Melinus asks.

“I don't know. How does it look? ”

Then she stops doing what she's doing, and she gives you a glance. Although it is said to be the leader of the great devils inside, it looks so cute because it looks so pretty. Of course, Ian and Melinus were incredibly awkward.

“I-I don't know. But I did the best I could. Me and Sabnach barely.... ”

“You did. It must have been hard. ”

“It's definitely a mythical seal. However, I managed to get rid of the Guardian or the seals on the outside, but more than that... ”

Tran s l ate d b y Jp mt l .co m “Hmm.”

Melinus looks at you without putting an end to the words.

“I see. What about Savannah, by the way? ”

But the next moment, I gently chewed my mouth. The woman secretly felt that she was trying to change the subject. Why they do not tell us clearly about their condition, it is obvious that they do not need to ask. I don't know what's going on, but it's most likely that some sort of problem occurred during the spawning process of Satan's seed.

But without the courage to ask, Melinus opens her mouth quietly.

“Savannah's seeds are spreading normally. He is currently a Lord of the Elpin Clan, named Olivia. ”

The woman listening quietly raises her head slightly.

“I thought the odds were low for the fourth time, but it worked. Good. How's Garf doing? ”

“The same goes for Gaff. We've been notified that you've been successful. They're probably putting a lot of effort into rallying the remaining forces on the West right now. ”

“What about Porceus?”

“Porceus…. At first it was very unexpected, but it was definitely affected by the smoke coming out of Tanatos' seal. First of all, I managed to get into the heart of Erwin. We still have a little bit more to look at, but it's pretty smooth compared to the beginning. ”

After Melinus's explanation, a long breath gushes from the woman's nose.

“Savannah, Gaff, Porcius…. That's what I'm saying. What about you guys? ”

As long as I've been trapped in the Seal, I can't help but wonder if my plan is going well as Satan. However, once he was relieved to hear that the three Demon Lords were safe and there were no big variables, he asked with a slightly softer voice. Ian smiles and raises his hand.

“I didn't have much difficulty. ”

“I will. No matter how good you are, the less abilities you have, the easier it will get. ” Tr an s l a te d b y Jpmtl .c o m

“That's a good thing to wear here. He likes to know things so much, sometimes he doesn't find it strange to leak North Continent information. ”

“I've chosen all of that in consideration. Melinus? That must have been hard. ”

Melinus smiles bitterly as she turns her head.

“I almost failed. ”

“… What? ”

At that moment, the woman's eyes suddenly opened.

Satan's first step in the world is Satan himself and the Five Demon Monarchs under his command. And the most important part of this plan was that Satan was safely seated in sealed Tanatos and completely occupied by at least one of Eldora and Melinus.

Even though the former just gambled, the latter one had to be made unconditionally, there were many troubles as well as Satan. In the end, Melinus targeted Melinus rather than Eldora, who was protected by several new objects, and used Belial, one of the 14 Demon Monarchs, as a seed to ensure success.

After all, he was just a human being, so I thought he would fail, but I was surprised that he was almost gone.

“I'm not lying, I'm just about to fail. It was really dangerous. Humans, for the elderly, were very spiritual. … but.”


“Fortunately, there was a distortion. Hehe.”

“ ……. ”

Melinus lets out a sudden sigh. An image like the usual sage was an unthinkable, cruel and despicable smile.

Tr a nsl a t ed b y jpmt l .c om “If I say it again.... I had a passion for this human, Eldora. ”


“It was funny, to be honest. I was practically raised like a daughter, and she had a very ugly, perverted imagination. that I felt was astonishing. And of course, I was able to squeeze through the gaps. ”

“I see. Not surprising, actually. ”

The woman opens her mouth.

“No matter how many prophets and wise people they may be, they are not inhabitants of this world after all. I wonder what kind of man he used to be in the world. ”

The woman who said that was silently thinking. Whatever the process, the first step of the plan was a success.

However, it was literally just the first step, and it was no exaggeration to say that the remaining path was only nine thousand leagues. I took a high risk of Tanatos' attempted procreation for the reversal of the prophecy, but the situation did not change at all. In the end, it was a matter of time.

The woman who had been organizing her thoughts for a long time suddenly stared at Ian.

“Amon, no, Ian. What's the situation on the North Continent? ”

“Hmmm. That's... ”

Ian scratches his head as if to say so. However, I spoke quietly to the woman's tired eyes.

“… the situation is not good. I don't think Satan's purpose is in their heads. On the contrary. ”


“Yes, the activity of the entire North continent suddenly doubled…. Maybe the idea of going into total force gathering... ”

Tr a n sl a te d by jpmtl.c om “ ……. ”

When Ian couldn't speak, even the woman's face became a little dark.

I emphasize a few times, but the time is the first and the second that we desperately need for the demon camp. The factors that determine the success of the plan do not just happen, but because it takes time and effort.

So I was hoping for a moment that I might settle down in Atlanta, and I was expecting the opposite. This will make the road Amitabul disappear forever.

“So what are you going to do now? ”

Melinus opens her mouth carefully. In a way, it was a question that pierced the core of the problem facing the current Demon Faction. It's good to take risks and come out. I had the power to resist hatred and fear.


From now on, what should we do?

“I have to admit.”

The woman said as she walked the bed sheet. Then Adam revealed a white Nazi who was dazzling, but that's not why Melinus and Ian's eyes curled up. But before you even say Moore, a woman walks out of bed.

“I appoint a human as my proxy.... Yeah, the angel was right. At least Gabriel's choice was right in this world...? ”

“Sa, Satan! ”

It was then that Melinus, who was silently listening, suddenly shouted, forgetting to pay attention to the title. The struggling Satan stumbles a couple of times like a sudden dance, then plummets back down.

Melinus, who immediately approached, was surprised again. It was because the left arm of the woman curled up in a circle was trembling like an aspen.

“Hm, are you okay? ”

Melinus asked me in a hurry.

“Damn…. ”

The woman frowns and spits. As I press my right hand against my left arm, the tremor slowly subsides. Melinus' eyes narrow. The kind of anxiety I felt earlier became stronger.

“You failed again? ”

“No, that's not it. ”