Chapter 811 00811 The night of vengeance. (1/2)
Jeongyeon, who said that, suddenly the Spirit murmured, “Yes!” I soothed and patted my back. I just stared at him dazed for a long time without even knowing him.
It's a strange feeling. Do you feel happy and not look familiar? No, the expression is wrong. Glad and sorry, but comfortable. I just realized that I'm smiling.
“Shall we go back? You don't want to? You want me to hold it high again? ”
When Jeongyeon lifted up the road spirit, the hidden front was wide open. A new element of the flesh emerges in my eyes.
Firstly, a face. Smooth on the white cheeks that reminds me of snow white, and the smine redness is very smooth. The brightly shining sea eyes are sprinkled with mysterious energy thanks to the gentle growing water vapor.
How about those lusciously ripe red lips? A smile that seems to appear on his lips is elegant, like a divine divine embrace, without losing his composure, even though he looks playful.
That's it. An inviting neck that wants to lick it with its tongue. An elegant shoulder line that falls arrogantly. Soon after, I went down to my tastefully swollen breasts, halfway to sleep, and I realized that self-immolation had opened up a strong base. T r ans l a te d b y jp mt l.c om
Unlike the heat of the bath, hot energy rises. Whole body blood seems to flow to a part of the body. I feel like my esophagus is burning. As I vomit a little, my sigh comes out sighing.
Why is he suddenly like this? I was worried about the stains Sarah left the other day. Is that supposed to be a catalyst?
I don't know, cheeks, lips, clavicles, breasts... It's just a place. I feel like I'm going to burst if I don't cut my mouth off right now. I then swallowed the stinger and quietly crossed the sleep.
“Really? Does that make you feel better? I see.”
As Jeongyeon got closer, her imagination gradually turned into a delusion. I wanted to see Jeongyeon's vulgarity. I want that pompous face to turn sexy, to make my chaste body disgusting, and to make my mouth holler and hug me in the end.
I knew I shouldn't have done this...
I'm looking forward to it. Tr ans l at e d by Jpm tl .co m
“Huhu. Soo-hyun. Look at him. Isn't he adorable? ”
“Did you hear that? She says you're lovely.”
“… Yes? ”
“Not him. Hayeon.”
At that moment, the spirit suddenly falls and hits the water. Jungyeon's hands were firmly raised. And after 3 seconds, I only moved my eyes and saw me, and another shocking light spread. Soon, Jeongyeon was right in front of me.
When I calmly got up, Jeongyeon gasped. When I saw his erect penis, my eyes grew big with a flashlight glass.
“Hey, Mom! ”
I shrugged my shoulders, unable to connect the words. However, he looked like he was putting oil on the flaming straw. I grabbed her arms so she wouldn't run away. I felt a slight resistance as I pulled it gently.
“Soo, Soo, Soo, Soo Hyun! This is...”
“It doesn't matter. There's nobody there. ”
T r ans l at e d by jpm t l .c o m “Ha, but…. ”
“Hayeon. Please... ”
“Ah…. No!”
“ ……! ”
Tak, Jeongyeon pushed me hard. It wasn't that strong, but the fact that it resisted was shocking.
“Ha-yeon? ”
“Well, today...! ”
I opened my mouth to what I wanted to say, but in the end I chewed my mouth. Jeongyeon, who was looking at me with the very sorry eyes, immediately grabbed the Spirit and jumped up in a hurry. After a while, I could barely understand the sound of stepping on the wet floor.
“Ha-yeon! Sorry... ”
The sound of closing the door slams your ears before you can even pull the horse out.
“ ……. ”
Maybe there's been a mistake.
After some time and a little embarrassment, the door that was suddenly closed opened carefully. Jeongyeon looked at Salmoney's head, who only thought she'd left. Her eyes are staring straight at the other side with a red face.
Jungyeon, who was suffering for a long time, finally opened her mouth.
“That Soo-hyun.... It's not that I don't like Su-hyun... ” T r an sla t ed b y Jp m tl .c om
“ ……. ”
“I've been so worried about training these days.... My face and body are all messed up... ”
“ ……? ”
“It's not very pretty.... I mean... ”
“ ……. ”
“I'm going to finish preparing at least...! ”
“ ……? ”
Jungyeon, who joined the spacious words, ran away as if she didn't know what to do. The ridge is rapidly drifting away. I tilted my head.
With minimal preparation...?
“Juyuyuyuk.... ”
As soon as I entered the restaurant for dinner, a sigh welcomed me. He glances to the left and sees the woman sitting helplessly on the corner table.
Vivian is choking and eating. Like I'm forcing myself to eat it when I have no appetite. Suddenly, I was worried, even though I thought I couldn't be trusted.
“Oh my god. Vivian... ”
“Wow. Are you here for dinner? ” Tr an sla t e d b y jpm
Suddenly, a cheerful voice called to me. Jegal seaweed waving with a single face. As opposed to Vivian, her complexion is pale. He sits in a chair and sings as if he was waiting to see you.
“Married and married. ”
“Let's just say it's someone else. ”
“… sushi! ”
“ ……. ”
My seagull ends the song with a fresh smile. That's pathetic. He's not even a kid. Is that how he wants to play it? Or he ate his age with a butthole. It seems to be the extreme of mystery, but sometimes he is a worthless child.
I shook my head and asked.
“But do you know why he's doing it again? ”
“Huh? Ah. Mr. Vivian? I asked you before, but I think it's a magical problem. ”
“Magic powers?”
“Yes. The Summoning Gene seems to have resolved a bit, but she sighs and sighs for lack of magical power. Actually, I thought it was a stupid concern, but I gave her some advice to cheer up. ”
“Oh. What advice...? ”
“If you don't have enough Magic Power, you can increase your Magic Power, right? Like this.”
… Vivian was killed for a reason. Why. I just said, ”My magic is 102 points. ’Why don't you show off?
Vivian's concerns, by the way, don't seem to be an eventuality. It is natural that the higher the ranks you summon, the more magical you need to summon. Particularly, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd troops heard that the phenomenon of magical enhancement is very severe. Or just like Gehenna said, since Suna's influence will make your magic stronger, there is a possibility that you will need more basic magic to summon it.
“What is the Magical Power stat of Vivian...? ”
I'd like to help if I can. If Vivian could summon a stronger horde of horses, nothing would be as reliable as that. It's worth the time.
But now I know how to get my magic up. I guess I'll just have to rely on elixir or equipment.
It was then. By the time I thought about it, the door of the restaurant opened wide. A maid dressed in fine clothing rushes to me in her footsteps. And then he said something unexpected. The news that my brother is here.
It was an early evening, but I wondered why I came at this time, but I took a step to the fourth floor. In the Oval Office, my brother was sitting on the couch waiting for me.
“Well, you look better than I thought, right? ”
As soon as my brother saw me, he didn't know the first word I said.
“What do you mean you look okay? ”
Sitting on a desk chair, my brother smiles strangely as I greet him.
“I also thought you were struggling with the breakup.... ”
“Stop, stop! ”
When I stirred my hands nervously, my brother burst into laughter. Shit. Now I'm gonna get a scar on my ear. I'm living with my heart buried in my chest. I can't wait to ask around.
I opened my mouth wide.
“So, what's going on? ”
“No. I just came to say hello. ”
“As you can see, I'm doing well.... ”
“Is there something bothering you? ”
Hmm. Sometimes I think he knows me too well. It must be sharp.
“Not to worry. I was thinking of getting some magic elixir. ”
“Magic elixir... ”
If a smile touched my brother's mouth at that moment, would it be a mistake? Soon, however, he pretended to think and stirred his head slowly.
“It's usually not an easy product to get. Or is there some way to save it? ”
“I'm going to the streets of the night first. ”
“The streets of the night? Oh, the auction house? ”
“That's right.”
“I don't know. I heard that the property is really rare.... Wouldn't it be hard? And we'd have to fight and compete if we came up here. I'd be running around with the lights on. ”
The skeptical reaction came back. In fact, he was right. There is very little elixir associated with 'stats’ in the beginning. Although the equipment comes up at the very least, most of it is attributable, so it's not much use.
“I'd rather stare at exploration if I were you. ”
Of course I thought of that way.
Suddenly, my brother woke up. Then she walks up to her desk and pulls a note out of her arms.
“Take a look at this. ”
I did something and the contents were written in Gore. It was a record in the secret library.
“Why are you giving this to me? ”
“Soo-hyun, you. They don't seem to have any interest in the outside world these days. ”
Yeah, well, it's hard to keep up with our clan now. I muttered to myself.
Anyway, he said a little ridicule and put his hand in his chest again. This time it was a rather chunky pile of records.
“This is a report written by our clan. It's a little thick, but read it when you fly an hour. ”
“Why would I...? ”
“Read it first. You'll find out when you read it. After that... ”
“ ……? ”