Chapter 760 00760 Negotiation taken place. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 67970K 2022-07-25

You haven't left yet?

Hah, Gabriel was brilliant. With a silent word, of course.

Do they know that? Or do they really not know?

Probably former No, I know for sure. Otherwise, there's no way he would have made such a virtuous face.

For a moment, Gabriel smiles, wanting to punch him in the face. If you react here, you'll only have to admit that you're shrinking.

“I wanted to talk to you about that, too. ”

Tr a ns l ated by Jpm t An unparalleled tone. However, Kim Soo-hyun grins whether she felt a little bit alive.

“Why? Is there a problem? ”

“A lot. A lot, a lot. ”

“Really? That's weird. If you look at what's on this list, you'll see that it's made to go away, and there's no purchase limit. I don't think there's any problem... ”


“Oh, no, you're not, are you? Like if I don't wipe out the rare, secret class of passage rituals. So on a moral level. ”


T ran s l a t ed by jp mt l .c o m Son of a bitch.

There was a very naturally offensive swearing. I tried to keep my mouth shut again, but I almost spit it out.

“Don't you get greedy? Are you trying to touch the rites of passage while you're at it? ”

“user Kim Soo-hyun. The rites of passage are reserved for talented prospective users. I hope you understand that. ”

Worse than Uriel and Michael.

“? ”

And the reaction was, ”So what? ’It was a talking statue.

“Wait. What are you trying to say? So you want me to concede for those users? ”

“Don't push it! How far are you willing to go to balance? ”

“Forced? Forced? ”


“Haha. Let me ask you something. Did you just spit it out? Or is your head just stupid? ”

“What? This is what I was forced to do. ”

“Earlier? The third eye? That was an extra reward. This is me consuming my GP, acting on my own to get results. What do you think is different about these two concepts? ”

“... Ugh! ”

Uriel's face turned red. Even the mid-term words cut off by a humble human are irritated, but their outfits burst because they have nothing to say. Trans l at ed b y jpm t l .c om

“Oh, my God. Who the hell is pushing it? That doesn't mean I know where I'm buried.... ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who once again turned over Uriel's insides, immediately started handing over the list.

“Let's see. Did I hear Hanbyol got himself a gem wizard in the rite of passage?” ”

“ ……. ”

“Then we'd better search Trap Point first. It also has a third eye.... But just in case, should I get some more? ”

“ ……. ”

Of course, I didn't forget to say a few words to myself.

Now it's very provocative. Gabriel sighs. The words, ”Do it your way,” soared to the end of my throat, but I had to swallow it somehow.

We can't be 100% sure that Kim Soo-hyun can wipe out the class buried in the rite of passage.

But if we're going to do this,

‘Ten…. Ugh. There's still some left... ’

‘The first purchase is, let's make it 10. 70 days is enough. ’

I was very disturbed by what I heard earlier. Even though it was a bluff, it was the biggest problem that Kim Soo-hyun was not alone. The Secret Store is available to anyone. And the Mercenary Clan members have been chasing after Kim Soo-hyun for the past few years and have built up a good GP. 150,000 GP should be enough to cover it.

I mean, what if 30 people go through this rite of passage for a month? Gabriel couldn't be sure then. The rite of passage is a very narrow area compared to Hall Plain.

T r a nsl ated b y jpmt l.c o m It wasn't that there was no way. Even if I search, I can hide the class so well that I can't find it. Or I can retrieve it at all.

But now even that is impossible. 'The helper cannot intentionally harm the user, unless Kim Soo-hyun purchases a pass and expressly clarifies the purpose.’ The treaty takes hold of the ankle. Kim Soo-hyun, who knows this in detail, really has a singular number.

Moreover, since I gave up neatly on the third eye rank increase, it is also difficult to suppress. The more I push them to say no, the more exhausting they become. Literally neither this nor that.

It's been a long time, but I can't remember the number of spikes. Gabriel finally decides to take a step back.

“… tell me the requirements. ”

“Awakening Secret Class. ”

I already have enough to argue with, Kim Soo-hyun did not exclude and offered conditions without hesitation.

“Yes, I knew it. Rare, incognito…. What, what? ”

Gabriel shouts, ”This is unexpected.” I barely managed to keep my face down.

“Hey, you bastard! ”

The same was true of the archangels. There were various fluctuations, and Raphael couldn't overcome the desolation, so he cursed. Even Seraph was surprised. Only Kim Soo-hyun is gazing boldly.

“I think you're mistaken. ”

Kim Soo-hyun slightly outstretched his upper half, saying. Then I put my hands in my arms and lifted something up. It wasn't the beginning of the year. It was taken to the ”Grave of the Barbarians” expedition this time.

“Rare, incognito classes aren't my thing. Because I'm confident I'll get it any time I need it. ”

The angels laughed in vain. It's because he has a great attitude of saying that the secret class is neither his name nor his own. But before opening his mouth, Kim Soo-hyun shook the record in his hand. I was naturally distracted.

“This record…. I found it in a secret library in the North City. ” Tra n sl a t e d b y jp m t l .c o m

At that moment, the angels stopped breathing at the same time. The word ”secret library” is not surprising. It was only two words, but it was because Kim Soo-hyun had an intuition.

“The Victoria Dynasty Silock. It was fun reading this. It's not as wild as the North Continent records.... Rather, it's a compilation of records based on facts from the past. Ancient literature, or a proven historical record, is fine. ”

And I was wondering if you'd say that, too.

“This expedition has helped me see this record. Haha.”

The angels did not stand still any longer. If you become mute and eat honey here, you will accept Kim Soo-hyun's words implicitly. And at the moment of acknowledgment, the situation will be disadvantageous. Uriel who thought so shouted sharply.

“Ha! That's funny. So you're saying that we can use the records from the Secret Library to wipe out Atlanta? ”

“That's right. You've suddenly gotten smarter. ”

“How can you be so confident that you got hit this time? Any evidence that the other data could be the same? You just don't think you're lucky, do you? ”

“I noticed you have a history of giants. ”

Kim Soo-hyun said that with a smile.

“Well, we'll see. ”

Uriel shut his mouth for a moment. Although he stopped smiling, Kim Soo-hyun's smile was almost confident. And the source of that confidence is, of course, due to the fact that Kim Soo-hyun went through a car once. Of course, the archangels have no idea.

It is also true that Kim Soo-hyun left without knowing it. Records posted in the North City Secret Library serve as an indicator for each of Atlanta's sleeping achievements. What you can achieve is up to 8 halves of my total performance in Atlanta. The angels know this. It's a setup they gave me.

Of course, those records don't give you the perfect answer. However, Kim Su-hyun came back after solving one of the most difficult tasks, as if to see the tomb of the Barbarian King.

Gabriel chews his lower lip with a gradual tingling sensation. I haven't been in control since the negotiations began. Rather, you feel the opposing Pokémon swinging around as they wish. It's a complete trap.

There is a clear reason why angels are dragged like this.

As I said before, we must leave the way we are left to the angels. After deceiving Kim Su-hyun, everything can be returned except for the confirmed reward. That is, you have the courage to do whatever you want.

However, it is very unsettling to do so, whether it is true or not.

And why is that?

It's simple. Kim Soo-hyun's gait has proven his point for the past 4 years.

When you think about it, it's strange to start with Tanay's privileges. Since then, Kim Su-hyun has founded a mercenary clan and started actively, and as a result, he has swept the North Continent's performance. No, I did find the Hamilty Performance with Istanbul Low, but this is also suspicious. It would be better to express that Kim Soo-hyun gave it to me.

Of course, he created a powerful clan called the Machinery, but everywhere there is a counterpart. We have a problem. The Steel Mountains expedition has revealed a lot. At the time of the attack, the average level of North Continent users was much lower than the expected line of angels.

One area was able to succeed in attacking 2, 3, and 4 areas because of Kim Soo-hyun. It was Kim Soo-hyun who dealt with the Fathers, captured the half-awakened Kushan Tor, and also played a crucial role in defeating the Grand Duke of Hell.

In other words, without Kim Soo-hyun, it means that the Steel Mountains are likely to fail. The fate of one continent is dominated by one user. Angels never, ever want it.

That's it? The situation in the beginning also resulted from Kim Soo-hyun's early accumulation of more than 20 million spectacular GPs. With hundreds of thousands of people working together on a task, shredding it into a small group, the GP will be the only one to take it.

“What do you want to do? ”

Suddenly heard Kim Soo-hyun's voice. However, it was not a question, but a tone that felt like a delicate threat.

Yeah, it is.

- Listen to what I want, and I'll protect whatever line you want.