Chapter 655 00655 A light bulb. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 51880K 2022-07-25

The sun sprinkles a deep crimson, and the sun flows a clear, rosy glow.

One sun, one from heaven, and one from earth, to illuminate the world with its own light.

The fear of hell, an endless fire that calls itself ”the strongest.”

Ancient Fire, Fire, and Pass , which calls itself 'best’.

Two of the best and best blindness have just struck in the air.

At that moment.

T ra n sl ate d by jpm tl .co m Flash!

The sights that followed did not show enough brightness to make your vision extinct, nor did you hear any loud noises that made your ears deaf.

It's just white.

From that moment on, the two suns began to burn white. The bumping faces distorted with each other, and the energy that could not withstand the pressure extended out like rays to all sides. Soon, however, he drew a soft arc and crashed it back into place, creating a myriad of explosions. A stream of immense magical power that cannot be fathomed spreads in a circle like a ripple through a river.


A biting battle that somehow pushes each other away. The scene where the two spheres mixed and fluttered in the air was truly spectacular.

“ ……. ”

T r a n sl at e d by jpm t m “ ……. ”

Is it because the energy is so intense?

Not only did the users slip away, but also the unconscious users slowly began to regain consciousness.

Later, the users who looked up at the air according to their instincts made a mutual expression.

The red sea flowed in the sky after the sphere had been engaged. But the battle is not over. No, we're not done yet. The man and woman who were surrounded by fire were flashing across the air like an acrobatic flight. Every time it hits, a myriad of fire pools burst out, spreading like a dance, gradually embroidering the sky.

“Bro...? ”

Someone who checked the appearance of Kim Soo-hyun muttered in an unconvinced voice. It was inevitable because the speed of combat in the air was beyond imagination. When I could barely see it, I was immediately showing flashing movements elsewhere, literally flashing in the east.

In addition, Kim Su-hyun's ability to make chloride burns the whole body. However, since the effect of solubilization raised her wings on her back, it was hard for users to recognize her at once.

It was then.

It took some time, and users barely recognized Kim Soo-hyun and the Grand Duke of Hell.

“Clan Lord…. You're burning up your last momentum. ”

Someone mutters in a sudden voice. Three or four users turned their gaze. There, Helena looked up at the sky with golden eyes.

“The last strength.... You're burning it?”

My outfit barely lifted my torso and illuminated a curious face. Arcus Valkyrie armor, which always gives off a faint glow, is suddenly shattered in its breastplate.

“A candle can ignite a huge fire just before it burns out. ”

Tra n sl ate d by jp mt Helena gives a bold answer.

After a while, the facial features of the surrounding users changed sharply. It's because everyone understood what Helena meant.

light-reflecting turbulence.

If you think about it, users initially did not know how powerful the Grand Duke of Hell was due to the difference in size.

However, it was only then that the Grand Duke of Hell faced his face and felt the difference as he was faced with it. In fact, the majority of those who did not rebel properly and fell down. That's how users are feeling right now. The Grand Duke of Hell, summoned to this place now, has a subtle distinction he can't keep up with, rather than hand it over.

It was no exception even if it was Kim Soo-hyun. In fact, Kim Soo-hyun couldn't last more than a few minutes in the first fight and collapsed.



It was that moment.

Another light strikes in the air and the two shapes fall left and right. The user looks up at the road sky and opens their mouth dazed. Hundreds of thousands of degradation swords produced by Kim Su-hyun stretched out everywhere, and the Grand Duke of Hell couldn't help but avoid a lot of distorted faces. Dark constellations emanating from chloride run long like the tail of a meteor and are drawn in the air.

It is not a battle between man and man, but rather a battle between extraterrestrial beings.


You hear someone swallow your saliva. All users could see it just a moment ago.

A two pronged whip of fire with the Grand Duke of Hell and Kim Su-hyun's sword and spear that flicked it close. Then, the discipline of Kim Soo-hyun who repels the attack to be an ability and counteracts it.

In fact, the whole landscape is still dominated by the Duke of Hell. The power level is only comparable, but the hardship achieved by it itself is much higher. It cannot be said that the hardship of ‘setting’ is not a training or life-threatening experience, but a true hardship. Kim Soo-hyun would have already died a hundred times, even if the Grand Duke of Hell didn't need to be reconciled.

Tr an s l a t e d by Jp m t l.c o m However, in a situation where everything was mixed up, Kim Soo-hyun was clearly battling the Duke of Hell. It was also natural for users who didn't know the details to have hope of looking up at the sky.

... Yes. If only Kim Soo-hyun could continue in that state.

“Then…. Clan Lord…. He's going down soon.... ”

“A big burning candle, it goes out that fast. ”

Helena closes her eyes as she joins the stuttering words. We've amplified the force to fight similarly to the Grand Duke of Hell, which means the duration will be as short as that.

“Then a miracle...! Oh, no, not even the elixir! ”

“I don't know.”

An-hyun was about to shout for a miracle, thinking An-sol was in a coma, and shouting for an elixir. However, Helena shakes her head slowly again.

“Healing wounds that are worth dying for and consuming your unique vitality is an entirely different level of matter. If it's a miracle, as an elixir... ”


As more and more negative words continue, a resolute voice suddenly silences Helena. A man lying dead on one side is raising himself up with his bare hands. The man gets up from his seat and takes off his rough, black robe. It was like Yoohyun Kim who glanced around coldly.

“Now's not the time for everyone to just watch. Everybody look at the messages in the air. ”