Chapter 622 00622 Night Of Battle. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 96840K 2022-07-25

At first, I thought it was just a slight vibration.

Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

However, when there were additional shocking vibrations on the ground, users felt that something had gone wrong. But by the time I felt it, it was already too late.

The change occurred in dense forests about 200 meters to the side of the camp. A repeated flashing phenomenon that blinks and turns the lights on and off suddenly reveals several bright lights between the forests.

No, it wasn't just a bright light. Sometimes blinking and flashing a dark red light, it must have been someone's eyes. The gleaming eyes of the red glare gradually make their way through the forest and toward the camp.

The first time red light appeared was only three or four dogs. However, as the distance decreased, the red light appeared to be superior. Traditionally, dozens of lights started flashing.

T ran slated b y jp m t l.c o m Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

Every time a single sound sounds, a huge tree breaks and collapses without fail. As the forest collapsed like that, the form of the light slowly began to emerge.


“Hey, what's this sound? ”

Kushan, eavesdropping on the meeting, looks back in horror as he hears loud noises. I could tell by the sound of it. In the beginning, this was the home ground of Kushan, and that sound was something you could only make with your heart. I mean, only my own kind could make that sound.

“Ugh, ahhhh! ”

Later, you hear a sound that is thought to be screaming from the outside, as well as a creak. You don't have to see why they scream.

“Oh, no! ” Translate d b y Jp m

Kushan bites his teeth. I don't know why, but after eavesdropping on the meeting, I strongly thought I should stop it first. You try to rise up in a reflexive fashion, but you're tied to the columns and can't even move.

“Giant! Giant! ”

The scream grows and the noise grows stronger. Accordingly, Kushan's heart continued to rush. When it was time for dinner, his arms were untied. Kushan grabs the rope that restrains him without delay.

“Knng...! ”

I gave my strength, but how can a rope tied with magical power be easily untied? No matter how hard you try, the rope doesn't break. You tighten Kushan's body tightly.

“Ugh...! ”

However, Kushan wept and pulled the rope harder. The more I felt a big tingling sensation in my abdomen, the less satisfied Kushan was, and he poured out all his strength until his face ran fluffy.

Shitty, shifty!

Ultimately, Kushan's efforts shined. I wanted to stretch the rope a little bit because of the ridiculous strength, but at some point it was torn cool. The unprecedented torn rope splits in all directions and Kushan finally rises to his feet.

A few moments later, Kushan lunges forcefully toward the incoming screams.

Meanwhile, the same time.

“What's all this commotion? ”

The users who were gathered at Yoohyun Kim's tent looked at the entrance with a face of embarrassment. In the middle of the night, everyone was reading it out loud, holding one of the records handed to them by Yoohyun Kim, but the camp became disordered.

It was then.

T ra ns lat ed b y jp m tl .co m “Khh, we're in trouble! The Giants are attacking!”

A man hurried over the tent with news. I was curious about the face of Kim Yoo-hyun as well as other users.

“A giant raid? ”

“Yes, yes! Suddenly appeared in the western forest...! ”

For the forest to the west, the northern expedition was designated as an unacceptable area for the Jin army. It's because the bush is so dense, and the large trees are so dense that I didn't feel the need to go in. But the giants showed up there?

“Oh, come on! ”

However, he opened his mouth in a hasty voice as if he didn't have time to think.

“ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─! ”

Suddenly, a terrifying shout echoes far away, shaking the user's eardrums. It was such a big voice that users could feel the illusion of thunder.

“Khh, this is bad! ”

Soon after, another man ran to the tent shouting a similar word as the man who just came in.

“Well, the giant has appeared! ”

“What are you talking about? You said it was an ambush!”

“Oh, no! I was about to be attacked, but a small giant came out of nowhere and stopped the giants! ”

“What, what? ”

The man breathed out briefly and delivered some new news. Again, however, users did not understand a thing. I don't even know what the situation is, but I don't understand what it means to commit a small Giant. T r an s lat ed b y jp mt l .com

Yoohyun Kim was also unexpected. Or rather unexpected, too sudden.

“Let's go. Let's go first. ”

I don't know anything if I'm here now. Kim Yoohyun who thought that way immediately got up and ran out of the tent without hesitation. The users who were just sitting there stood up and followed Yoohyun Kim out of the tent.

And by the time they came out, the users in the tent had to turn their heads all the way to understand the man's report.

“Oh my God…. ”

Among the users looking west, someone mutters a weak sigh. Maybe that one word speaks to everyone's feelings. That's how overwhelming the existence of the West was.

What the hell am I supposed to say?

They're big. They're really big. The figure that stands at the forefront has an enormous body that looks twice the size of Kushan. It was maybe 10 meters in size.

Although there are leaf pieces everywhere, the exposed torso has a skin similar to that of a human. Not only that, the eyes, the mouth, the hands, and the feet were all similar to humans, but they were only shapes. Buddha, go away. The actual size of the eyelids and wide glabellar lamps between the ears and eyes could not be compared.

Yes, they were in the form of giants that had been told in mythology. More than a hundred such giants have penetrated the western forest.

The situation was spinning oddly.

“Quid Inferorum Loqueris! Dimitte Me, Ut Citius Homo! ”

“Et Quid Infernum, Quid Tibi Non Hic Agiture. Haec Sunt Hostes. ”

Giants who look like they're about to attack are quietly waiting outside the camp. It seems that some Giants are holding a tree that has been plucked out, and others are holding their arms together and staring at Humans as if awaiting someone's order.

Tr a nsl at ed b y Jp mtl.c om And the identity of the man who stopped those giants from attacking was Kushan.

“Cura Tibi! Et Curabo Me Ne Faciam Hoc! ”

I'm standing in front of giants with my arms spread out to my left and to my right. You look straight ahead and scream at the biggest giant standing in front of you. At first glance, his face looked angry, but his voice was as desperate as his.

“Abi, Semel Huc Ante Tempus, huh? ”

“Tu Vero Hic Agitur, Num Mentem. ”

While the biggest Giant and Kushan were on their way, the users carefully retreated and looked at the Giants. Apparently there are only a hundred Giants left.

However, the personification of each individual was not a joke, and above all, the emission of the leader Giant is not much stronger than any monster that has ever been. I was wary of taking out my own weapons, but the look on my face was suddenly noticeable.

How long has it been?

“Ut Liberet Te Cura Guam Ego Possem Gerere Pro Me! ”

“Sed Hoc Verum Est? ”

'Oops. Crystal Ball.'

Yoohyun Kim was in a hurry to find the crystal ball.

“HeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeuHeu…. ”

Suddenly, a low smile flowed quietly into the ears of users.

Kim Yoohyun was able to hear the giant's voice just then. It's a different voice than Kushan. A voice that echoes in the ears of a heavy, confused person.

Huge height over 10 meters alone, sturdy neck gear, and hollow looking eyes. Kim Yoohyun's reflective gaze was almost intuitive. That giant smiling in front of you is the current Giant King of the Giants.


Suddenly, a loud laugh swept through the camp like a storm. The moment the user frowns at the sound of the eardrums ringing, the giant suddenly smiles and flicks his arm like a stone. Then something falls out of my hand and flies through the air. He was a lousy user when the giants came in.


“Huh-huh-huh-ah-ah! ”

The user is still alive. Unfortunately, a splash splashes over the muddy slope and starts running away, jumping up and down. A light smile flows through the giants again to see if they could not laugh. But he was clearly laughing, not because he really laughed.

And after a while.

“Melius Est. Kuschani Successor Noster. ”

The Leading Giant bursts into laughter and turns to the forest, as if there was no foolishness in the words. And as I was about to make my move, I suddenly turned my head halfway around and opened my mouth to Kushan who was still standing.

“Ut Recte Agere. Certum Exspectat.”

(… of course. I'll be waiting.)

The late Crystal Ball translates the Giant's voice for you.

“Nos Autem Fratres! Ha, Ha, Ha! ”

Let's go, brothers! Ha, ha, ha!)

Finally, the giant starts to walk aloud, and the other giants turn around and follow the king.

After a long time, all the giants have disappeared into the western forest.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

All that remains after the storm is a silent silence.

The first encounter between man and Giant prevented the Giants from retreating.


Deep night, but it's still early hours to say dawn. A dark, earthy spider settles in the camp, which can only see the blurry outline of things. It stopped raining, but even more so was the silence that was floating around the ground. The occasional quiet wind seems to have a scattered energy.


Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere. Inside the dark tent where the smell of cooled stew flowed, the crystal sphere that glowed brightly alone was the source of the sound.

(You…. Did you stop him?)

Across the man who carefully passes the horse, a great young man sits behind a pillar. It was Yoohyun Kim and Kushan.

Giants raided the camp in the Northern expedition today. No. As soon as Kushan stepped forward to raid, he just left. Kim Yoo-hyun doesn't even know why this is happening. It was just a visible phenomenon, but there was someone else who knew the details.

A moment later, Kushan nods slightly. Yoohyun Kim sighed unexpectedly.

(Phew…. I see... Should I say thank you for this? I was so surprised.)


(Are you still mad?)


When Yoohyun Kim carefully asked, Kushan immediately shook his head. Then I opened my mouth quietly.

(Now, what are you going to do?)


(Continued…. Will you do it?)


Continued. Although the latter was omitted, I know what it means to be Kim Yoo-hyun or Kushan.

(I don't know.)

Kim Yoo-hyun, who was thinking for a moment, suddenly lay down on that spot.

(Maybe I should quit.)

So you're going to die?)

Kushan asked in a nervous manner. However, after waiting a long time, I did not hear an answer.


Finally, Kushan opened his mouth again because it was a positive thing.

(It's an attack. Is this really necessary?)

(… of course. I need it.)

This time you will hear the answer.

(Is it greed or necessity?)

(Hm. That's a tough question.)

Kim Yoohyun tapped the floor and said.

(In other words, what is the status of each human being?)

What's the matter?

Kim Yoohyun nodded slightly because he seemed to be saying something. He stares up at the ceiling with his hollow eyes and lightly spills Kushan.

(Some may be survivors, and some may be greedy.... I mean, every human being can be different.)

Kushan tilts his head. Rather than not understanding it, I suddenly wondered about Yoohyun Kim. But that's not the point. I had to turn the conversation around.

(Then…. What are you going to do now?)

(I'm going back. Tomorrow.)

Yoohyun Kim simply replied with a voice of desperation, and Kushan asked. The Humans are returning tomorrow. The stories I heard at the meeting were coming out. Then...