Chapter 611 00611 Astarot, move directly. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 51550K 2022-07-25

Dark night.

“Yes... ”

After a mild depression, Hansoyoung gently touched the back of his nose, reaching for the light stones on his desk.

Knock, knock a few times, and the light that brightened the tent slightly diminishes. Darkness was gathering that much, but there was a little cozy energy inside the tent.

It's a deep night, but it's still early to say it's a sudden dawn.


T r a n s lat ed b y jpmt l .com Han So-young, who had reduced the light like that, once again handed over the original record that she had read. Focus on the road lettering of your momentary droopy eyes.

In fact, Han So-young, the gun commander, doesn't have to stay awake this late. The Southern region was already under siege, but everything was going smoothly, such as fortifications and boundaries.

Then why is Han So-young awake when everyone needs to sleep?

And of course, as only you know, maybe it has something to do with the bustling machinery that comes from the outside.

I mean, for example, waiting for someone.


It was then.

Someone bends the entrance of the tent alone and walks in. Han So-young stopped reading the records and raised her head calmly. A man walks in from the front entrance. Tr an sl a t e d b y jpm t l.c o m

“You're here. Mercenary Road.”

I did. It was Kim Soo-hyun who found the Gun Commander's tent on an ambitious night.

“… did you know? ”

“I'm not sure. But I thought it was very likely. ”

A conversation that sounds a little strange. Han So-young was talking as if she was waiting and knew.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun nodded his head. Then he stopped walking in front of the table and opened his mouth quietly.

“I'm here to ask your permission. ”

“Don't you think you've moved on? ”

“If you're offended, I apologize. But the clan's permission came first. ”


With a light nostril, Hansoyoung glanced at the man who suddenly came to me with one hand.

This guy definitely has something that attracts people. No matter what you say, you are not arrogant, you are not obedient. It gives you great confidence. Who could do this? Leaving this shitty Steel Mountains ahead.

Han Soyoung thought that way and slowly opened her lips.

“What if I don't let you? ”

Tr ansla ted by m Of course, Han So-young didn't even intend to. Some kind of joke?

However, in the context of the situation, farming was definitely an inappropriate choice. A joker should smile at the opponent and accept it. If someone like Hansoyoung really accepts the opponent. Hansoyoung smiled bitterly and shook his head as soon as he gave the information that his supersenses were ”embarrassed.”

“I'm kidding.”

Then I slowly got up and walked next to Kim Soo-hyun.

“But apart from jokes, I wish you wouldn't go. ”

“Do you know why? ”

“Is there a reason? The Steel Mountains are dangerous. ”

“Yes, I know. ”

Han Soyoung said, ”I don't want the Mercenary Road to get hurt. 'I can see it.

However, Kim Soo-hyun tilted his head. It's like, what am I supposed to do?

Perhaps a simple woman like that would complain that she didn't even notice. However, Han Soyoung did not think so. Rather, she considers herself understanding and caring. She shrugs her shoulders as if she was fine.

“If you promise me two, I'll let you. ”


“Yes. One, please be careful. ”


“And come back alive. ” T r an slated b y m

“I understand.”

A really difficult promise was made, very simply.

And after a while.

“Really.” Han So-young mutters, wrapping her elbows like her hands clasped together. When I give my arms a little bit of strength, I see a big chest that doesn't fit well with the awkward body.

“… I'm sorry. ”

Then suddenly I opened my mouth. I was curious about Kim Soo-hyun's face.

“I want to help... ”

“ ……. ”

“I wanted to do something for you too... ”

“ ……. ”

“Also, I'll have to keep an eye on him by myself. ”

“ ……. ”

Han So-young once said this before. In front of the campfire, Kim Soo-hyun and I were alone.

Then Kim Soo-hyun's eyes slightly widened.

T ra nslated b y jpm t l .co m He stares at the woman who asks for a promise and apologizes for not helping.

Regardless of how you feel, Han Soyoung can't move. Like Kim Su-hyun, there is no reason to empathize with the flesh, and even if it turns out to be a sympathy, nothing is that funny.

Even though he knew that, Han Soyoung no longer spoke. However, the eyes, like a shining black crystal, slowly look down by coming down shyly.

Late night.

The most emotional moment of your life.

Slightly static. Han So-young still doesn't talk. However, if you look down at the eyes and gradually glowing white balls, anyone can guess what Han Soyoung is thinking.

It's strange. The late night air is cold, but there is a heat between poisonous Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young.

“Istantel Low Road. ”

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun's face came closer. Lights of the Lightstone go out and darkness sets in at about the same time.

No, actually, the light was still there. The moment Kim Soo-hyun lifted her head, she just mistook Han So-young for reflexively closing her eyes and turning out the fire.

“I…. ”

Han So-young's beautiful forehead is revealed in Kim Soo-hyun's hands. I can feel my breath now as I get closer.

Her pretty lips tremble with a clumsy glow.

Han So-young raised her heel slowly, keeping her eyes closed.

It was that moment.

“Are you sick? ”

Kim Soo-hyun said because he was really worried.

“Suddenly my face turned red.... ”

I made the understanding and caring woman disappear for a moment.

Han So-young clenched her reflexively raised fist.

'… should I hit you?'