Chapter 608 North 00608, march. (1/2)
... Are you so confident?
Soon after seeing my brother, I could barely swallow the horse that came up to the end of my throat.
A fierce look in your eyes.
'Yes, there is.' My brother's energy is unusual.
Most of all, he wanted to say something else now. Something I haven't fully realized yet.
The unbearable static flows.
Tr ansl ate d by jpm t m After a while, my brother opened his mouth.
“Yes. I'm sure it'll be comfortable with your help. It's not that I don't know. ”
“ ……. ”
“Very well. Let's assume you participated and succeeded in this raid. So what are you gonna do after that? ”
“You said that. Once we take out the Steel Mountains and enter Atlanta, it's clear those demons will make a move. No, not just demons, but users from other continents. ”
“… Yes. ”
I'm not wrong. As soon as the Steel Mountains are targeted, the probability of demons moving increases drastically. because the terrace next to Atlanta has a zero-code sleep. T r an sla t ed by jpmt l .c om
No, this could be happening right now.
“Of course, everyone in Atlanta will be happy if you do what you think. As soon as we get settled, we can make it to the terrace.... But do you really think that's going to happen? ”
... It can't be.
We know too well what the Devil is. We also know how much they want the zero-code.
Moreover, once this happens, the means and methods will come.
As always, in ways beyond imagination.
“It's not a world worth living in. This is what you know best. ”
My brother's words continued.
“They must be trying to sabotage the duc. And one day, it's gonna come down to us. The crisis you're so worried about right now is nothing compared to the Third Territory strike. ”
“When that day comes, I don't think you can do this. Because you have one body. ”
And I was able to fully understand what he was going to say.
“As long as you're not the all-round Cheeky, you need people. Someone who knows your circumstances, knows your purpose, and, if necessary, is willing to risk his life to help you. ”
This world is not a world you live in alone.
You cannot accomplish your goal alone.
That's what my brother wanted to say. T ran slate d b y Jpm t l.c om
And the person who could help me the closest now was also my brother.
A moment later, he sighed lightly, putting the record back into his arms and staring at me with a polite, warm face.
“I'm done talking about this. I don't think you'd understand. ”
Then he smiled without crumpling.
“You still look like that. Don't worry too much. I don't want to die either. ”
“… brother. ”
“Of course, I won't overdo it. And I'm going to take advantage of this detail that you gave me. Survival comes first. ”
“ ……. ”
“Let's do it as far as we can... Well, if not, then I'll ask you for help. At least I think this is right. ”
“ ……. ”
I couldn't say anything in front of my brother who said that. No, I couldn't.
It's just...
“Here we go then. ”
Tr a ns l a t e d by jp I just turn around and stare at my brother's back without hesitation.
As soon as morning dawned, he led the northern expedition immediately and started marching into the third region. It doesn't give me a chance to do anything.
Of course, we also left the day after we arrived at the Eastern Fortress, but the thought of being too fast does not leave our minds. Apparently, Puan asked me to stall for at least two days, but I don't think that's acceptable.
Given that Gong-ho Gong-ho is Madame Face, we can't blame her too much. Or maybe he was in a hurry.
I was bound to the clan, not to the individual, but to the expedition.
Suddenly, when I tilted my head and looked up at the sky, the bright sunlight filled my eyes. Until a few days ago, it rained so much that today the ground feels so sunny.
“ ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. Angelus! I hope your humble servant...! ”
Ansol and Sasha stare at each other as they look down at the sudden thunderclap.
It's no big deal.
They were in the middle of a duel. Looks like we got into some trouble between the two. Looks like we're going to have a one-to-one fight. And I was dragged out of the grip of an obsessive compulsion asking for judgment.
Priests and vampires. In fact, if you look at the class, you already have a winner, but you can't be sure. Sasha didn't just have a vampire, she had an unworthy class of blood monarchs. But don't think that imaginary ansol would be more advantageous.
While the two people were fighting each other, the users were sitting in a circle and watching.
There are colors all around the faces of such users. You don't seem to have any worries. It was a very different attitude from the users who left for the third region this morning. Tr a ns l a t e d by
“ ……. ”
I don't want to blame that attitude.
The Southern expedition is legit.
While we were attacking, we also felt anxious every day.
But through all that process, a second strike was tied by marking the end of the hole.
Of course, we can't say it's very safe right now, but all we have left now is to wait for the fort to be constructed and be thorough around the perimeter.
Therefore, it is only right that the Southern expedition spend such leisure time, no doubt.
… but…
Then I should also enjoy this leisure, why can't I?
Why am I the only one feeling so uneasy?
In fact, I already know the answer.
As a result, the northern expedition left, and the southern expedition remained.
And I failed to join the Northern expedition.
After his brother refused in the first place, Han Soyoung's permission or the persuasion of the clan members was useless.
In fact, I would have been able to contact the North myself and force myself to participate.