Chapter 605 00605 The large trunk remains unchanged.... Wouldnt it? (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 91430K 2022-07-25

“Wait a minute.”

It was then.

As soon as I didn't feel curious, Han So-young quickly stopped his words.

Han Soyoung's face was stiff as ice. Only after seeing that attitude could I understand why I hung up on him in the middle.

Northwestern alliance.

Allied with the West and the North.

At first, while attacking, I strongly thought, ”What alliance?” T r a nsla t ed by jpmtl .c om

But even after that, the weight of the word alliance is never lighter.

Above all, there are many ears to hear right now.

If any details about one of these columns are leaked out in any way, it will never have a good impact. Rumors do spread.

“About what you just said…. I think we should talk about this separately. ”

I knew it.

Han So-young asked for a one-on-one conversation, as if I was right. My brother nodded and accepted that he didn't care, and eventually I and other users had no choice but to get up.

Trans la t e d b y jp ... In fact, if you weren't curious, you'd be lying, but now you have to distinguish between the works.

“Just in case, what you hear in this tent today is strictly confidential. Any story. ”

Han So-young emphasized the word ”nothing,” and did not forget the warning.

I glanced at my brother before I left the tent. It was a sign to come to the tent where I was staying when I finished talking with Han Soyoung.

My brother smiled brightly.


My brother came to my tent when I skipped dinner, not lunch.

“Oh, Soo-hyun. I'm so tired. Istantel Low Road, really strict.... Huh? Huh? Soo-hyun?”

As soon as my brother came in, I shouted with all my strength, but I straightforward grabbed my shoulder and forced him to sit in the chair. My brother stares at me with embarrassed face.

“I thought I was getting tired of waiting. Now tell me. Go ahead and say it.”

As I spoke as if I was petrified, my brother shrunk his shoulders and made an endless look of pity.

“... dear brother. Can we just take a little break? Stantel Low Lord was killing me a little while ago. ”

“Okay, tell me. You can rest while you talk. ”

“Please…. Think of my position to say the same thing twice. ”

“So you won't tell me? You sure you don't want to do this? ”

I stared at him and said, The next thing I'm prepared to say is, ”Yes. Then be my guest. 'The tone was very sharp. T r an s l ated b y jp mt

Whether he felt that feeling, his brother dropped his head with a resigned face. Then he picks up the drink prepared on the table, panting and sighing heavily.

“Huff…. If that's what you're gonna do. Yeah, I'm so curious about the radish. ”

“Of course they're all curious. What the hell happened while we were attacking? What did he do with Lee Hyo? ”

“Oh my, Lee Hyo-in asked me to pass it on. It's not my fault. Don't swear at me! Go.”

“ ……. ”

… I felt like the voice of benefit was playing automatically in my head, so I shut up for a moment.

Soon, he smiled once, slowly touching his chin and nodding his head.

“Well, okay. I was gonna tell you anyway.... But there's one condition. ”

“Condition? Watch your mouth? ”

“No, it doesn't matter. It'll be revealed sooner or later. I just hope I'm not interrupting anything while I'm talking. Like who?”

“… Huh? ”

I blinked three or four times, thinking it was a fairly unusual condition. Then the older brother kept on touching his chin (I think my chin hurts because he talks a lot.), I suddenly trembled with the face of boredom. It was a very short time, but suddenly I felt sorry for my brother.

“... Was it that bad? ”

“Yes. Very, very bad. Every time I say two or three sentences, I ask for a skewer.... I can't tell you anything. Is he always like that? ”

The brother emphasized again and again. Tr an sla te d by Jp mt l .c om

Then, suddenly, I noticed, and I clear-headed my throat once or twice.

“Hmm. Anyway... Just promise me one thing and I'll tell you right now. From the beginning, everything you wanted. ”

That's why I'm telling you to just listen... If you have any questions, you can just drive around and ask.

I made a promise verbally not to interfere in the middle, and my brother began to tell me one by one what had happened. I listened to my brother quietly.

The beginning of the story was about the structure of the North Continent.

North continents can be divided into five sections (heads).

Central, East, West, South, North.

And three years ago, when I was just starting my second car,

Back then, the West and North were best friends based on the Golden Lion Clan in the middle, and the East and South, which were in conflict with them, also formed an implicit friendship with each other… No, wait.

“Brother. I know this... ”

“You promise?”

… damn it.

Anyway, one day.

There was a significant tectonic shift in the conflicting North continent that appeared subtly or publicly to each other.

Tr a n s l a t ed by jp mtl .c o m It was the first attack on the Iron Mountains.

The Golden Lion, who led the first attack on the Steel Mountains, formed an expedition centered on the west and north of their friendship with them. Eastern and Southern groups were deliberately excluded from organizing.

However, the attack ended miserably enough to feel that it was a failure.

Seven out of 10 attendees died as a result.

The expedition size at the time of its first departure was 5000 people, but fewer than 10% were born.

4700 elite users responsible for the real power of the North Continent (Year 2 - Year 6) were massacred in a single strike.

There were even cases where the clan itself was brutally massacred.

At that time, 'North Continent levels have declined for several years.' It was enormous enough.

Even though they barely made it back alive, the rest of them had to settle for a storm.

With each wealth wrinkled, the clans collapsing one after the other, the balance of power slowly begins to tilt. Before and after the Steel Mountains invasion, central, western, northern, eastern and southern positions began to reverse.

However, the trials did not end there.

A large coalition of western continents and vagrants invaded the North before the wounds healed.

Starting with the surprise of Mule the Northern Cow, western cities such as Halo, Beth and Dorothy were captured. Conventionally, Barbara was humiliated. Literally, the one that got hit by the spill.

He barely managed to defeat them, but North Korea made another unintended sacrifice.

It was clear that the West and the North had become more difficult with this incident. I was in the middle of a whirlwind, but I took an extra hit from the city.

Rather than the entire city being destroyed to the west, the North is the only city that has been destroyed.

Of course, the East also made a trivial sacrifice in retaking Barbara, but the situation is different from the previous two. At least their foundation was in good health.

It is also not to be ignored for its reputation for defeating the mainstay of the Western continent and for obtaining an appealing symbol for its users, Barbara, the symbol of the North continent.

In the beginning, the South was almost as good as taking back a western city.

Thus, the situation of each wealth evolved in various ways, and it took an additional two years.

Since the launch of the central management mechanism, Lee has focused on just one in the last two years. In the meantime, healing the damage accumulated on the North Continent and raising the level of regression to a level that is greater than it used to be.

I couldn't help but notice that the plan was a success.

Since the war, a growing Baby Boom has emerged and recovery has been actively undertaken under the support of central management. New powers also began to emerge quickly.

Such circulation naturally healed wounds on the North Continent, and at some point gave it more power than before.

Don't be.

In a good way, that was it.

On the whole North continent, you can clearly see that the objective of Summoning has been achieved.

But when you think about wealth separately, rather than as a whole, it was not a problem at all.

Otherwise, the balance of forces with each wealth was problematic.

If I looked at it calmly, I had no choice.

Even if the benefits of trying to run this central management organization reasonably, the 'difference' is inevitable as long as the starting line from each side starts differently. If the West and the North spent two years rebuilding cities and putting new users in place, the East and the South were used to restore their original power.

So, if we gave them a few more years, would the West and the North one day be able to regain the old age?

No, it wasn't.

In order for a city to develop, it needs resources such as stabilization through hunting and excavation of ruins.

However, the resources of the North continent are never unlimited. Certainly there are certain limits or limits, and it is difficult to expect further development in a city that has no resources. (It was a little hot when I heard this.)

Not long ago, the North was in a similar state. Users are only growing in time, but the resources are drying up.

Once you reach that kind of saturation, no matter how much time you spend, the city doesn't progress.

If you do well, you'll only get worse at maintaining or fixating.

In the end, there was only one way left.

Pioneering a new continent.

That's why we decided to adopt a plan to target the Second Steel Mountains at the right time.

Attack the Steel Mountains where the users, the Clan, or the North Continent, have been waiting for a long time.

However, not everyone was able to participate because they had waited.

The Central Administrative Organization imposed three conditions to participate in the Steel Ranges siege.

1. 0, Year 1 is not allowed to participate.

2. Selection by clan.

3. Establish expeditions by East, West, South, and North regions.