Chapter 586 00586 Everyone has a shining period once or twice. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 66870K 2022-07-25

The moment I saw two messages in the air, I felt a mental breakdown.

I have no choice. A sword that has been with me since I started the car twice. I have read the explanation repeatedly so many times, and have been diligently trying to lead the entity.

It was a sword that showed no change, yet it was suddenly a Blade of Extinction? What's all this sudden?

It was then.

Changes the details of the sword.

Sword of Extinction (32118; 28357;).

(Description: The Spirit System is under the control of a total of nine attributes, and each attribute has a corresponding role. The nine attributes are salt, water, wind, nausea, soil, brain, light, cancer, and chaos, among which the role given to chaos is the 'extinction' of enemies that threaten the Spirit System. T ra n slat ed b y Jp mt l.c om

”Exterminator” refers to the Spirit King of Chaos, the Feast of Destruction (32118;), and the Destruction of Destruction (28357;). In other words, 'It takes away a lot. or ”ruin.”

1. The greatest power under this sword is the number of lives of your opponent. Even if you have an infinite life, the Black of the Apocalypse is counted as one.

2. The creature whose life is taken by this sword is imprisoned in a Hole controlled by the Spirit King of Chaos. If you do, you can't put your foot back in the world. I mean, you can no longer receive the blessings of rebirth and resurrection.

* The Blade of Extinction is a very scary sword. Originally, summoned to the middle system was forcibly summoned because of a sword that should not exist, but rather belonged to a distant higher rank.

It is highly recommended that you do not use it, and even if you are confident in handling it, please think twice, three times and use it carefully.)

At the same time a long description message is printed.

T ran sla te d by Jp m tl.c om - Don't be dazed! You idiot!

The cry of peace echoes through the king's mind.

I straightforward looked around. And I had to try really hard to stay calm.

“… here. ”

Everything has changed.

Everything has literally changed. The tentacles are invisible and the padres are gone.

The space I was standing in was no longer a square. It's just a dark, monochromatic space.


“ ……. ”

At least one thing I could feel for sure. In this dark space, I'm not the only one.

In the distance, I felt a very large, but priceless, energy. It is an energy that cannot be defined precisely. I don't think it's the kind of energy that mixes up something and doesn't catch the ribs. Let's just say it's close to chaos...


The moment I thought about it, I could only think of one possibility as to why this was happening.

A sudden change in the sword and an unusual description. And a sword with this much information...

Yes, just think of the warning in the message. In other words, this sword is not a tool that can be used by anyone, so we have to perform the master ritual.

T ra n sl a t ed by Jpm t l .c o m Boom.

Then I heard a giant ringing sound somewhere, as if I was right.

In the direction of the sound, there is still darkness. However, one shape is visible. The figure seemed to be aligned with the darkness, boasting such a huge size that it could not be contained within my sight.

- An ancient flame that burns forever. This humble servant of chaos sends his regards to the Mother of Fire.

- It is truly an honor to meet you.

Something was very rough, but an iron-like voice rang quietly in my ears. On the other hand, however, it was also a sound of profound majesty that only an absolute person could see. I was able to instinctively realize that the entity was the Spirit King of Chaos.

“ ……. ”

There was silence for a while. I've had enough worries about the outside for a long time. As long as I put the sword in, I had no choice but to do it. If this was calculated, I'm sure I would have considered the outside situation as well.

- Hwa-Hyung... What are you talking about?

Then, the chaos spoke again. It sounded so cautious that it didn't match the sound of a cloudy voice. Anyway, I don't think I was aiming for peace. I opened my mouth quietly.

“I didn't say anything. ”

- I see. Then, from here on out, you and I will figure it out.

Suddenly, I felt the sensation of a dark figure slowly rising up. I raised my head as much as I could, and then at some point, I gave up.

I couldn't get a sense of the owner's consciousness, so I had to wait. However, the time to wait was not long.

After a few moments, you can see a long blade coming down slowly from the air. I stared at the Siggy Sword.

The first time I saw the sword, I thought it was a really beautiful sword. Tr a ns la t e d by jp mtl .co m

Indeed, it did. It does not appear to be an angled, refined Black Death weapon, but rather a display of exquisite craftsmanship. The Black Sword, which seems to suck even the darkness, instead of the light, was assimilated into the darkness and was showing him that he was moving quietly and alive.

It's so, so beautiful.

I definitely want to try it.

I feel tempted, reaching out slowly toward the sword.

- I don't like it.

However, as soon as I tried to grab the hilt, the voice of chaos shook my eardrum again.

- I like it. I don't like it.

I paused and glared. It's still invisible.

- Though I am here by his command, you are not authorized to do so without the power of extinction.

“ ……. ”

- You look embarrassed. Then let me be clear. You're not qualified to handle this body yet.

“… Why? ”

As soon as I heard that, I immediately reacted.

In fact, I felt a bit embarrassed. As for the sword, I have never been denied it. Of course, I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with the truth. It's just a wild guess. Anyway, why is he rejecting me?

“Is it because I'm incompetent? ” Transla ted b y Jp mtl .co m

If you're referring to user information, I'd say it doesn't really matter. No, I think it's more than enough.

“… what are you talking about? Master consciousness is probably the most important element of your ability. Does that mean you're not qualified? ”

Talents are all that matters. But in other words, abilities aren't the only ones.

Not all of your abilities? Then there are other criteria.

-... you really don't know.

If I feel that the Spirit King of Chaos sighed, would I be mistaken?

- Hey, what do you think of the sword?

“Huh? What do you think of the sword? What the... ”

At that moment, I wanted to ask what kind of ghost seed you were forgetting, but I could barely swallow it because it was the opponent.

You haven't thought this through. You've only used it as a means of killing. And in the end, that's exactly what you think.


- I was expecting it, but now you're getting a little mad at me for checking in. I think the owner who uses the sword with one self is the companion of life. But why are you like that?

“So... ”

- So why don't you give love, despite all the respect and love of the sword? Master of the sword.

“ ……. ”

The Spirit King of Chaos has mentioned my true calling. I felt like I was mute with honey. I don't know about anything else, but all this time, it's been irrefutable to treat a sword as a tool. Not to mention what it has to do with anything.

- Tsk. That's all I have to say.

As I was moving my eyes so tightly, I forcibly entered my hand as if a sword was suddenly floating in the air. The spirit king of chaos then turned his back.

- Anyway, I'll lend you my power this time. But don't get me wrong. Lend it to me because no one else has His command, I still do not acknowledge you.


And at that moment, the darkness that was watering the whole world began to crack with the sound of glass breaking. It was a sign that the owner's consciousness was over.

I grumbled strongly into my heart as the cracked darkness watched Booth fall. If you're going to lend it to me, please lend it to me. I came to pay for the master's ceremony and I heard everything. I couldn't erase the feeling that it was a little awkward somewhere.

And just in case.


Suddenly, the chaos suddenly spoke, and at the same time, the cracks got worse. Just like before it broke right away.

- Never use a girl named Victoria more often than I do, so please don't feel bad.

… what?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Of course.

But the last thing I said was, the whole world fell apart. As if solving the puzzle as best as you could at once, a piece of darkness falls into all directions and the space beyond begins to appear.

Black, still in my hands.


The intense light clouds your vision. Suddenly, an enormous wind hovers around you, pulsing violently, including your hair and even your robes.

I wonder if it's in the dark.

I glanced at the front, frowning reflexively, but increasing my eyesight.

Woof, woof, woof!

After returning to the square, the massive black sound that had never been heard before was rushing around like crazy.

“... What happened? ”

I looked ahead quietly, keeping my left hand clear of my windblown hair.

And then I saw what was right in front of me.

- Hey, guys.

I was able to understand the meaning of extinction.


Helena collapses.
