Chapter 542 00542 Satans Depression. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 60110K 2022-07-25

“ ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ”

“ ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ”

“ ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ”

“ ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ─ ─ ─. ”

You hear voices chanting spells.

It's not just one person chanting a spell. Thousands of potential wizards chanting at the same time.

T r ans l ate d b y Jp mt l.c o m I heard that there were between 3,000 and 4,000 wizards involved, but I don't know the exact number. However, the sound of this level of people chanting the spell at the same time was magnificent and magnificent beyond words.

“We'll see the results soon enough. ”

The new Jae Ryong, who was standing next to me, whispered in a loud voice. I nodded quietly.

In front of him, there was a steel mountain range that had only been painted in his head. I didn't just come here to watch. Because today was the day to execute the planned attack on the volcano from the previous summons.

After the summons are over. Plans officially announced by the Central Administrative Organization received greater response than expected. Among them, there was a fierce response to the plan to target the volcano.

I understand. The plan itself was simple, but it was very realistic. Moreover, the plan gave users an illusion.

In other words, he thought he could easily solve the Steel Mountains, which he had once considered to be impregnable. They say you can go the hard way easily, but there's no one left to turn to.

Officially announced fire flanking plans were resilient at enormous speeds as they received fierce response. It was an illusion, because users wanted to execute their plans and see the results as soon as possible. Tr an slated b y Jpm tl .c o m

It was not a benefit to stand idly by. Lee Hyo Eul immediately sent a messenger to each region to ask for help, and immediately the wizards who wished to participate began to gather in large numbers. There were users who wanted to try it on their own, so they had to be controlled by the central management agency.

After forming a Wizard Legion with such a chosen and elite group, the North Continent was able to reach the Steel Mountains in four weeks.

If you're ready, raise your staff to the steel mountains. Please remove the direct direction.

Maybe we're just getting started. The voice of voice amplification echoes through the plains.

Then, as if I was right, I felt an unspeakable magical flow between the point where we were standing and the wide open mountains.

Suddenly, I could feel my eyes glowing with the colours burning simultaneously. On the staff that the wizards lift up toward the sky, Eagle's burning light illuminates the surroundings.

- The First Fleet magic is ready.

- The Second Reich magic is ready.

- The 3rd Reich magic is ready.

- The 4th Reich magic is ready.

Report that each squadron leader is ready.

- 5th Troop Wind System magic is ready.

- The 6th regimental waterborne magic is ready.

And in case you haven't noticed, even the 5th and 6th squads reported that they were ready.

T ra ns la t ed b y Jp mtl.c o m - All set.

The order just before the launch has been issued.

I grabbed the sword tightly. I don't know what's gonna happen (for example, angry monsters popping out like crazy).), because if you do, you have to go ahead and protect the wizards.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

A moment of static followed, and the tension filled the inside.

However, the static did not continue for long.

- Fire!

Within moments, along with a distinctive sharp voice, all the wizards also shouted the starter language.

At the same time, I could see the lights hovering on the end of the staff almost exploding at once, as if they were firing a similar firecracker. I calmly blocked my ears and quickly listened.

... Fireball? Or firestick?

What the hell am I supposed to say? Hundreds or thousands of chlorinated magic are flying in the sky together. The aftermath was so great, despite the distance, I could feel the heat.

Unlimitedly, the magic ascended to the sky and paused for a moment. However, it was only for a moment.

Magic reaches its peak, runs in a downward orbit with a smooth curve, and drops superiorly. The target is the Steel Mountains. It was as if the rain of fire had fallen.

Yeah, it is.

Tr an slated b y jpm - Everybody, look out!

Literally, a hailstorm of fire falls on the Steel Mountains!

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The first clash of magic with the Steel Mountains. The flames dropped on the ground exploded in an explosion in front of them and whitened the interior of the Steel Mountains. An enormous bang strikes the eardrum, as if the cannon were going to explode right next to it, but I didn't take my eyes off it. I looked forward to pulling up my eyes and hearing as I had, not missing a single moment.

And after a while.


Through the white lights spreading through the forest, massive flames begin to burn.

Finally, the first step towards the attack on the Steel Mountains was fired.


A quiet room. A shadowy shadow rises slowly through the darkness that settles. The slow shape of the shadow was slightly dry and fabulous.

Soon after the shadow was in perfect form, the darkness pressed down heavily on everyone sitting on the chair.


'King of all demons.'

The appearance of Satan.

T r an sla ted by jp m The prophecy of the genealogy was fulfilled by hosting a gathering of seven great devils, and the latter appeared.

“You're all here. ”

A relaxed tone. However, a cold voice greets the demons sitting on the chair.

“Too late, host. You.”

The voice of reply is also very cold. A voice that gives me goosebumps all over. However, he was holding a teddy bear the size of his torso as opposed to his voice.

The devil staring at Satan with his deep blue eyes was a little girl.

I'd be eight years old by now if I looked at it from the looks of it. A lovely girl who looks like she sees sophisticated dolls, dressed in a black gorgeous dress with her chubby calves exposed. What it is is a brutal destroyer. It was Baal, the 'King of the East'.

“I'm sorry. I have some preparations to make before the meeting. ”

Satan, who gives a blatant reply, sits still in his chair. And I put a long finger in my pocket that looked unnatural, pulled out a lotus candle, bit it in my mouth, and lit it on fire.

A single scorching light illuminates the surroundings, illuminating the horizontal torn eyes and the red-eye. Soon, however, as the fire burned red, the lotus grass crumbled, setting back darkness on Satan's face for a moment.

“Satan? I heard you got a call from the system. I can't afford this year's beginnings... ”

I wonder if I didn't like the look of it. A sticky, naughty voice calls out. The other demons stared at Satan to see if they agreed.

But still Satan has nothing to say.

As time went by, everyone was wondering what it felt like.

Suddenly, Satan teases you quickly.



The Devil sits on the armrests of each chair with a piece of paper planted on them. Unlike ordinary paper, all the cotton is painted black.

“I've arranged for a communication from the system. Everyone knows how to use it. Let's eat first and talk. ”

Let's eat and talk. That was weird.