Chapter 536 00536 Two months later. (1/2)
The light fades, and as soon as I see the summoned angel reach the ceiling, I feel a sense of relief I did not know what it meant at the same time. Yeah, a miracle. Why didn't I think of that?
Ansol's breathtaking cry bursts out immediately. Then the eyes of the angel who was quietly closed opened and looked down at me.
The waves of magical power surrounding the dryness caused a huge body, while a radiant glow appeared throughout the angel's body. I stared at it dazed.
Suddenly, when the radiance and the waves met, a thunderous bang resounded around me.
The point of the noise is the middle point. The two forces that collided directly in the center were blowing up flashy lights like crazy, blowing them up, causing severe discharge. T ra ns l at ed by Jp m t l.c o m
Radiance that will somehow penetrate and waves of magical power that will somehow push through.
The two forces encountered each other in a biting battle for a while. I, of course, was watching the duel with mesmerizing eyes.
At some point, I suddenly realized. The fact that the angel was shivering all over his body with a frown. And the fact that the radiance is slowly fading even though it's winning a little by little.
“Yuck! Yuck! Uhhhh!... Pa, paw! ”
Mar's moaning, which had been cut off, suddenly flows out. And I struggled to summon myself and tremble.
Maybe it was because of the collision. The person looking for me with a pale face, it seemed really sad and pathetic. I secretly prayed in my heart, grabbing my thorny hand. Please let Marv win.
It was then. T ra ns l at e d b y
- O, Ego Sum Cantus. Numquid A, Adipiscing Vitae, Usque Nunc, Filii….
It was a song. It sounded like a song. A beautiful angel song I've never heard before, even when I was saving thousands of mythical heroes.
- Bamboo Caecus Quis Audierit. Omnes Vult Superesse Tibi. Puer, Parvulus Enim Est….
It was really strange.
The more the angel's song continued, the weaker the radiance began to reclaim the light. Not only that, but it soon splits apart into hundreds of thousands and starts pushing forcefully. Like a candle that burns down the end, right before the end.
I can't hear anything anymore. The clan members' progress and the sound of storms filling the warehouse. Only the angel's song is faintly ringing his eardrum.
Slowly, very slowly, the waves of magical power are pushing away.
We don't know what's happening right now. We don't even know what that is. There was only one thing I could do now. I focused my whole mind on keeping an eye on Mar's hand even more.
At that moment, the horrifying wave of magical power suddenly stopped.
Then, as if he had been waiting for this one opportunity, the angel widened his eyes and reached out his hands.
- Factus Est. Miraculum!
The sound that followed caused the vision to turn white again without notice.
At the same time, I could definitely feel it. Even though it is invisible, the waves in Mar's body collapse. And the radiance of angels poured down thousands of branches and drenched Mar's body. Tran sl at ed by jpm t m
After a few moments, the warehouse sinks like a lie, as the angel disappears with a weary face that says he's done his job. Noise, gust, song, radiance all disappeared in a flash. If there's only one thing left...
I looked down slowly.
And with 13 wings of light flowing on my back, I could see Mar asleep with a comfortable face.
The graduation ceremony is over.
There was nothing to make it big because it was a small group anyway, so I was able to end it quickly. Immediately after a simple graduation ceremony, I waited in the lobby with Helena for the students. But we had to give him time to get his stuff down.
“That was really mean of you. In front of all the students... ”
I turned my gaze to the grumbling next to me, and I saw Helena rubbing a lump that was convex on her head. As she looks at you, Helena blinks with a shivering face. You confessed your sins.
“I sent him to educate you, and all you do is talk nonsense. Love? Pregnant?”
“It's just an old story. It also fueled the desire of a concubine. ”
“So. Well done. ”
“It's the last day. And now we have to do whatever we want with the rest of our lives. ”
That said, I stopped sighing and spilled Helena. It's not much of a life. If you think about it, so is it. The dragon's soul doesn't fit in the human body in the first place.
“How long do we have? ”
“I don't know. Three or four years? ” T ran s l a ted b y Jpmt l .c o m
“3, 4 years…. ”
“Considering the acceleration, it might be less. I don't know about humankind, but in my view, it's only a matter of time. So please understand. ”
I originally came out to look around the human world to avenge the great hero, but I was stuck in this place for two months, so I could complain.
I think I understand a little. I nodded quietly.
“... Now that this is over, I'll let you go a little. Good work.”
“Glad to hear it. I have a place I'd really like to go. ”
“Where would you like to go? Where?”
I said, ”Oh, I'm going to go to a building called the window. I mean, I'm a prostitute. because I think I can see a pretty interesting response. ”
Funny reaction. You don't have to see who you're talking about. I thought it was a hobby, but it has nothing to do with me anyway. I decided to turn the conversation around, shaking my hands, meaning to do whatever I wanted.
“I finished the graduation ceremony like this, by the way. What do you think? ”
“You mean the trainees? That's as much as I can do. ”
“No further explanations. Simply put.”
“Hm. Cha Hee Young is just what I expected. It showed good growth and development possibilities. From the point of view of the user, of course. And Jegal's seaweed instructor.... ”
In fact, Cha Hee Young's potential can be seen as a class of users, but the incoming voice was not too loud. However, if Helena's reality were to consider Magna Cartime, which was called the Ease of Doom, it would be a rather generous assessment.
Anyway, I thought it was something I would see with my third eye, and I waited for the words that would lead to an interesting feeling. Now it was my turn to seaweed. What was Jegal's assessment of the dragon of the Apocalypse? Tra n sl ate d b y jpmt l.c o m
“ ……. ”
“ ……. ”
However, no matter how long I waited, Helena's words did not continue. It's a mouth-breathing spray, but it looks vague.
“Why won't you tell me? ”
“Well, I thought you said no pranks. But no matter how much I think about it, I can't just hang up and say it. ”
Helena protests with the expression that it is very difficult. I thought for a moment and then hung my chin.
“Is that what this is about? Eyes of wisdom looking up at the sky. For example, you know how magic works, or you're at least qualified to have a different origin. ”
Helena looked at me in surprise. Then the eyes that look at me draw soft wires.
“Ho. Where else did you hear that? If you know what it means, it's a very accurate expression. ”
Helena nods with a strange face as she taps her heart. Then he crosses his arms and looks back at the stairs. Turning the detection that way, two men are caught coming down the stairs. Looks like they packed yesterday.