Chapter 508 00508 Dogs of the Day, I dont know if its scary. (1/2)
“Ahhhh. It's hard to educate, Soo-hyun. If you don't have dinner plans, let's go out to dinner with your brother. ”
“ ……. ”
Soo-hyun? Soo-hyun! ”
“Huh, huh? Oh, I'm fine. You eat alone. ”
I guess I was too mesmerized. I was shaking my head vigorously as I woke up to his voice.
Nevertheless, there is still no dull energy.
When I keep staring at the air like that, I'm worried about sleeping, and my brother looks at me slowly. T r an sla ted b y jpm t l.c om
“Soo-hyun, are you sure you're okay? Aren't you sick? ”
“It hurts.”
“Your face doesn't look strong.... The more you do, the more you have to eat. ”
“Oh, his rice. I'm fine.”
I felt a bit annoyed and pushed him away, but I wasn't worried at all. I'm not exactly concerned, but I'm a little concerned.
'You've been glancing at me!'
Han So-young said that Han So-young was staring at me. I don't know which one of the spacious bastards said it, but I was thankful first. Very much so. Tr a n sl a ted b y jp m t l .c om
However, it was not that I was very distracted.
Maybe I'd rather have seen it from the beginning. You pretended not to, and then you glanced at me secretly, which means maybe you were conscious of me. Or...
… Ah. I don't know.
“What do you mean you don't know? What are you talking about? ”
“… Huh? ”
“You just said you don't know. Anyway, Su-hyun, let's just go to the restaurant with my brother. Huh?”
“Oh, come on. What's wrong with you? I don't want to go.”
You were so successful when you pushed your face in again.
Suddenly, I could see Han So-young walking from a distance. His face is still expressionless, but he turns his head as if he's looking for someone.
I took a step without even knowing it. In the direction Han So-young is coming.
Han So-young quickly checked me. And he wants to take a shortcoming moment, and then he comes up very quickly. I think he was looking for me, but he seems a little angry from up close.
“Long time... ”
“I didn't see that. ”
Tra n sl at ed by Jpmt m Han So-young quickly said as soon as she approached. Because of that, I had to feel a little embarrassed.
“… Yes? ”
“I didn't see the Mercenary Road. He's joking. I even got a confession that he made a joke of himself, so you can check if you want. No, check it out. I brought it here.”
No, but what confession?
I could barely swallow a word that went up to the end of my throat. And I quickly grabbed Han Soyoung's hand, really trying to lift her arms. Then I felt a slight cool, melting sensation. It's like catching a soft, cold ice cream.
“You don't have to show me. ”
Han So-young looked at the hand held by her and calmly raised her head.
I immediately opened my mouth.
“Actually, I thought you might. ”
“… Yes? ”
“I think I heard it from Hayeon. I heard you have a rather ferocious member of the Magical Talent Clan. You must be having a hard time. Hahaha. ”
“Yes... Yeah, that's right. That's it.”
Han So-young, who twisted her hand nicely, confirmed without changing her face. I had to do everything I could to resist the laughter of letting go. If you think about it, she's a proud woman.
Also, even though I was upset about the teasing the last time, it was hard to see what had happened before as my fault. I think I suffered from it secretly, but it would be better to just give up and take a step back. I didn't want to fight Han Soyoung over this.
That reminds me, I opened my mouth smiling. You wouldn't spit on a smiling face.
Tra n s la t ed b y jp mt l.c o m “By the way, nice meeting you. Istantel Low Road. Would you mind giving us a moment? Let's have a cup of tea sometime. ”
“Yes. I want to apologize for last time, and thank you for the warp gate. ”
“You don't have to do that.... Anyway, it doesn't really matter. ”
The awkward energy disappeared without a trace. As I was talking to her, I could feel Han So-young and I going back to our old lives.
Yes, Han So-young is not that narrow in the first place. It was going to be like this anyway, but what was I so concerned about?
“Is that so? Thank God. Haha.”
“Well, I have a question about Mazia, by the way. ”
“I have some stories to tell you. We'll see you when you don't have an appointment. ”
“I'm free for the weekend. ”
Finally, Han So-young gently bowed her head and passed by my side. It was not a hasty walk like before, but a hard walk that was unique to Hansoyoung.
After a while, after I saw the disappearance of Han So-young circling the hallway, I opened my base as hard as I could. The food was still in my mind.
Suddenly, it seemed a little dark outside the window. Now I feel hungry, I put my hands on my brother's shoulders and said.
“Bro, should we stop going to the restaurant? ”
And at that moment, he put his hands on his shoulders to the sound of thunder. At the same time, Jigsy looks at me and speaks in Bolmen's voice.
“No, I'll just go by myself. ” Tra ns la t ed by jp mt
“Huh? You said you were hungry. ”
“Yes, I'm going anyway. ”
“You can have tea with your favorite Istantel Low Road. ”
“No, it's the weekend... ”
But without even listening to me, my brother walked through a volatile corridor. In the opposite direction of Han Soyoung.
I stared at my brother's back in a daze.
... What's wrong with you all of a sudden?
The user academy changes rapidly from early to mid and later. Literally, it is okay to have a continuum of education and education. Based on Week 14 of 100 days, it is no longer than Week 12 that the schedule begins to be gradually unscheduled and the remaining time is spent on personal maintenance or promoting the clan.
It should also be discussed when the training schedule has been completed normally, otherwise the weeks 13 and 14 must be sent to the training without delay. In a way, it is a disaster for chicks.