Chapter 474 00474 Thinking about it, I dont think I have enough horses and should receive them as stones. (1/2)
Official entry announcement after attacking the Mercenary Clan, Dragon Sleeping Mountains.
An unexpected agreement between the Confederate Clan and the Artemis Clan in the Koran. If you know of a deceased user, you decide to return all of the deceased's equipment (supplies) to them. The Mercenary Clan announces that it will surrender all equipment to the Alliance for free, and that the Alliance will also return the equipment of the dead for free.
”Kim Soo-hyun of the Mercenary Clan Road,“ said Kim Soo-hyun, “I don't think this expedition was achieved by the power of the Mercenary Clan alone. I have sought help from the west across the North, so I think it is a triumph based on the sacrifices of numerous users who have entered before. Therefore, this decision is to soften the users and acquaintances who died in the dragon sleeping mountain range.... ”
”Shinhyeok Shinhyeok from the Nambee Clan Road,“ in fact, there was no caution in the first speech. because there was a rule of thumb in Hall Plain, and he said it out loud and he thought it was rude. But it seems that the idea that users in the coalition were not just a clan member, but a family could move the minds of the Money Launch Road. The Mercenary Road has given me great pleasure in granting my request. And I was so impressed by that, that I volunteered to do it for myself. ”
Union of the Mercenary Clan and the Koran. You've been indifferent to each other all these years, and you're ready to build a new relationship?
The Mercenary Clan is also not interested in selecting the western city's leading clan. ”Currently, the interest of the mercenary is attracted to the ancient magical city of Maggia. This means you will not be participating in the selection process of the Western City, and you will soon come directly to the central authority to confirm your intentions. ”
Soo-hyun?) T ra nsla te d by Jp mt l .com
I was reading the records. Suddenly, when I heard the voice calling me, I could see my brother's face suddenly angry. Of course, it wasn't actually sitting in the front. It was built on a communication crystal.
Turns out he was communicating with his brother.
No, I was making sure. But he got bored of repeated conversations like a squirrel walking around, and he did something I didn't even know he was doing.
Anyway, no matter how much you feel, I don't feel good.
I immediately opened my mouth.
“Sorry, bro. I've been thinking about something else. ”
Tr a nsl ate d b y jpmt (Another idea? Soo-hyun, what are you thinking? Have you been listening to what your brother has been saying?)
“Yeah, I heard. But I told you, not like you said, it was for a really good cause. ”
(You stupid little brother! It doesn't matter what your intentions are. Huh? My brother was surprised to see your clan record today. No, let's say that's the city. But the results, how is that even possible? It was fed on you by the Union. Oh, I'm pissed off again. The Alliance is really... How dare you turn your back on my brother?)
He slammed the desk with a bang and changed it. I smiled bitterly.
In fact, my brother was at the public announcement in Monica's Square just moments ago to get angry like this.
I declared that I would return the equipment of the deceased users for free, as promised with Woo Seolhee, and the Union responded with a similar record. (Of course, I didn't forget about the western city.)
The announcement produced a larger return than expected, and as such the response was also varied.
There were users who welcomed the decision with the word Novelis Oblige, while there were users who criticized whether it was necessary to break the practice.
There were also some fairly sharp users who said there would be an internal transaction between the money market and the coalition.
A few days after the announcement, the entire North continent was ravaged, but our clan was silent. It was because he convened a meeting once before the announcement to explain the situation.
First of all, the coalition paid a substantial amount and took the equipment. It lowered the price to some extent, but it was priced on each piece of equipment.
The damage caused by not receiving a fair price was not that bad in terms of promotional costs, but also the equipment handed over to the coalition was just ordinary equipment that could be obtained anywhere.
I mean, quality equipment has already been smuggled out. He clearly said he would return the equipment, but he didn't say he had all the equipment.
Regardless, the clan members were silent, but the uncertain brother did not. I got the relevant records, put in some communication about handing over the equipment, and so far I've been raising my anger against all kinds of nagging and alliances.
And I had to sweat it out to dry him.
T ra n sl at ed by jpm It's not that I don't know my brother's heart, but I can't help but feel frustrated when I'm not annoyed with my schedule this afternoon.
Eventually, I stared at my brother, and he opened his mouth.
“Okay. Okay, that's enough. If you keep doing this, I'm gonna get really mad. ”
(You now!... No, no, I'm sorry, Soo-hyun. You're a little out of line, aren't you? So don't be mad.)
“Then stop it really. I already announced it anyway, and I handed over the equipment today. I did it with the best intentions. Users are responsive. ”
(… Fuyu. Yeah, I get it.)
His greatest advantage is that he can read my mind correctly. After a deep sigh, I knew it was time to fall in, I smiled with a small smile.
(Well, you did it in modern times. My heart was so warm. I like to share rather than go it alone, and I always like to help people, and I just can't get past the poor guy when I see him. Hahaha. Remember? You gave an umbrella to your grandfather who was selling at the entrance of the subway on rainy days.)
“… Huh? Huh? Huh? He did, did he? ”
(Yes, but Soo-hyun. I'm just gonna say this one last time. Hall Plane is not modern. It's a much colder and calmer world than modern times. Of course I do. You were... normal. But you said you were lucky. We can't be sure we're lucky again, can we? So, maybe you should take a little more care of yourself from now on. Do you understand what I'm saying?)
“Er... Yeah, I will. ”
His voice was endlessly warm, but I couldn't overcome the embarrassing feeling, so I responded trembling.
But when I thought about it, I thought it was worth it. I told my brother the truth, but I didn't tell him the truth.
At that time, I felt sad without knowing it, and I only told him what I was struggling with almost as if I was feeling sorry for myself. As much as he saw me, I still seemed to have the concept of a good brother.
A little silence passed.
For a moment, I felt very embarrassed, but I managed to organize my thoughts after I sank close. Then, I had something to say to my brother, but I thought I'd better tell him this time. Tr a n s l a t ed b y jp mt l.c o m
Now I turn to my brother, rolling in his chin, and I open my mouth quietly.
“Oops. Bro. Now that I have something to ask you... ”
(Oh, yeah. If you tell me yourself, I'll go to the alliance....)
(Sorry, sorry. I'm joking.)
“… Whew. Nothing else. You know the ruins I gave you recently. Did you raid the area? ”
(Not yet. I'm getting ready to go now. Why?)
When I said I was preparing, I finished my tastes.
In the past two years, I have explored many ruins and places where accomplishments have fallen asleep. But it wasn't all that exclusive at the Mercenary.
As I knew in advance what equipment would come out wherever I was going, I divided the ruins by performance into three grades A, B and C.
Grades A and B were divided among the Hammeal and Istanbul Low Clans, including mercenaries, while grades C occasionally slipped off to friendly clans.
Of course, there was not very little success in grade C, but it was a bit embarrassing to call it a ruin because monsters often appeared or were just a part of it.