Chapter 471 00471 be given and received verbally. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 50330K 2022-07-25

There comes a night in every city.

And in any city, the streets of the night exist.

The streets of the night are, in fact, known by many different names, such as the red-light district or the slave market, but most users refer to the market as the street of the night in the city.

The streets of the night are so vast that you can't say anything, but you can summarize them in one word as long as you have common characteristics.


As I said before, at first brothels and gambling parlors, and then a little bit more blackmail and hit-and-run murder, and then another arena and slave markets. That is, the dark desires of users that cannot be revealed during the day are actually implemented at night and are the distances between each other.

No city can say there is no street at night, but there is still some difference. The difference between acceptable and unacceptable. Some cities allow streets at night while others do not. T r an s l ated b y jpmt l .com

However, for the user, it is only a big irrelevant sanction. There is a warp gate that connects each city like a spider web. If there is one city allowed, it is sufficient to move around.

From this point of view.

Today, the most nocturnal streets on the North Continent are the Koran and the Koran, the city of the South Cow. For example, if Monica were to rule the streets thoroughly at night, the Koran would be the first to be tolerated.

Even the occasional criticism of the city where the rain comes in, instead, ”This is our city, so don't blabber. 'The Koran, which corresponds verbally, currently has the most active nightly streets on the North Continent.

Southern Cow City Koran.

In the streets where the wild energy flowed from red light, many buildings were showing off as if they were competing. They attract users with their glamour, or they come in person and seduce them with lewd postures or movements. Of course, there are few users who enter on their own.

Tran s l ated by Jp mtl .c om “She's doing well. Younger looking, smoother skin. I like it. How much? ”

“Yes? But this one is still less educated.... He's less than three months from the user academy. ”

“Uncle! Come on, you don't have to do business with me once or twice. I love kids like this. Look, you're just embarrassed. It still smells green and modern. Hohoho.”

“Ahh... Tsk! 100 gold coins, no 200 gold coins! Never below that. ”

A fat man kicks his tongue and says, drawing a ”V” with his hands. There is something insistent that no more than 200 gold coins should be made.

But soon the man had to open his eyes wide. I thought you were going to give up the bargain. “Huh? It's a bit expensive,” said the muttering woman, ”because she gave out two fresh platinums.

Seeing the gold coins being forcibly handed to me and the man being pulled towards the woman, the fat man flashed a blank expression.

“Heh. It's lovely up close. I'm going to have fun and have a great time today, so don't worry. So we're going? Ha-ha-ha! ”

The woman grins and grabs her hand. I was dragged to a face that I disliked but secretly expected. It's because the beauty of the first woman who bought herself was considerable.

However, the heart of the fat man who sees the two distant ones is not bad. because the woman who just bought him was a regular, and she knew what she was doing.

There was a very strange wall where the woman enjoyed the navy. In other words, the man who was just a moment ago was more likely to play some kind of defensive role.

“Oh, fuck. What a nice bitch! Oh, I can't even measure up... ”

Maybe one more stop along the way, and we'll find another comfy guy to attack. When you go home, you're forced to turn blue, and you're literally going to have fun watching. Maybe tomorrow morning he'll come crawling out of the sky. The fat guy spits and turns around and walks into the building. On the way to the entrance, the shy escort slapped her hard on the cheek, and it seemed like she was angry.

And after a while.

Another man, who was quietly looking at the landscape on one side, walked without delay as the fat man entered the building. The long, luminous robe is deeply enveloped, so you can't see your face very well, but it's tall and fluffy.

Clothes that any user would think were strange, except on the streets of the night. Tr a n s l at e d by Jpm tl .com

No. In fact, in this red-light neighborhood, users of these outfits are not welcome.

I'd rather it be a black-ops deal or a hit-and-run murder. Anyone can see, ”I'm suspicious. 'I smell it because I don't know what kind of trouble I'm going to cause on the streets that make sex trafficking my business. That's why people who dress up in suspicious clothing don't like visitors.

However, there was also one exception, so it was the case that he entered by himself. At that time, we must not refuse sex trafficking without getting distracted. It wasn't that there were no users who wanted to hide their identity.

Soon after entering the building where the fat man entered, some wild music and loud noises rang out at the entrance.

The man glances around for a moment and opens the door to the side.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

“Well done! ”

“Hey! Shake your ass a little more! ”

Inside, there was a large space. In the center of the light, there was a stage, with three or four women, almost naked, dancing dirty. And there were countless users around, cheering and throwing things around.

The man who made the complaint closed the door immediately. And without hesitation, he turned around and walked to the front counter.

Then again, there was a woman in a dirty outfit at the counter, smiling brightly as she saw the man walking to the counter. It was a sales smile.

“Welcome, brother! Thank you for visiting our Eve! Is this your first time on Eve?”

“… this is my first time. But now that I've heard some of it, the explanation is fine. ”

“I see. Okay, so you want to be onstage? Or do you want a room where you can have a great time? ”

Tr a ns l ate d b y Jpmt m “Room, please. ”

The man simply replies, nodding her head loudly.

“OK. Room... The base price for a room is 50 gold coins and there is an extra amount each time you qualify. Oh, do you have any style you want? ”

“Hmm. I wish my face was sexy, my body was a little dry, but my breasts were big. ”

“… there are too many of those styles! Choice would love a little more detail! ”

“Mmm-hmm. Well, if you look at it, would you choose a sticky woman you'll never forget again? Reminds me of myself at night. ”

“ ……. ”

At first glance, the man's words were quite sinister.
