Chapter 455 00455 Forgotten Heroes. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 64680K 2022-07-25

I had to feel awkward looking around. The sight of thousands of souls kneeling all together was a spectacular burden without cause. I felt the same feeling as me, and I felt Ansol holding my hand tightly.

Fortunately, the awkward time did not last long. It was because the man who was facing me woke up, and other souls appeared to be raising themselves at the same time.

When I looked back at the man who was smiling at the little of the arc. Suddenly, a wizard approaches and starts chanting quietly.

Eternal life was very short. He just mutters a couple of words and looks at me with a big smile. She was the woman with the golden hair who cured my body earlier.

- Can you hear me now? Our Savior.

At that moment, you hear a fluent voice that you can clearly hear, unlike the one you saw earlier, when you were distracted by the woman.

I was greatly surprised at the moment, but I immediately understood the situation. The fact that the spell she just recited is some kind of translation magic. T r ansl a te d b y jpmtl.c o m

He nodded calmly and said with a bright face.

- Thank you, Savior. We….

“There seems to be a misunderstanding. We are not the Saviors you think we are. ”

Although I deliberately hung up on him, I couldn't find any unpleasant scent words in a man. Rather, he smiled more widely and stirred his head to the left and to the right.

- No, that's correct. He cleansed us from the darkness and freed us from the wandering souls for thousands of years. He led us into the path of light, which was forsaken. Therefore, he is definitely our Savior.

He hides behind my back, sadly, because he was so ashamed of what he said.

I looked down at Ansol in a strange way, reminiscent of the man's words. It was because he was the one who led the light. Tra n sl a t ed b y jp m

Soon, the man who was giving endless warm eyes closed his eyes quietly.

- How am I supposed to repay this favor...?

I was far away, staring at the equipment worn by the souls. The only thing that looks unusual is getting clean again.

I wanted to ask if I could leave the equipment I was wearing.

But behind my back, ”You don't have to repay me...” There was a voice that crawled in, just tasted it again.

“Well, I have one question. I was wondering if you could answer that. ”

Whatever it takes, I swear to God I will do my best to tell you.

No, I know you're thankful, but please stop. I feel like I need to ask you something big, something that looks like that.

In fact, I was going to ask a rather trivial question, and I opened my mouth loudly, grumbling in my heart.

“The reason we came into these mountains was because we wanted to find people. It's because a lot of people have been disappearing in these mountains recently for no reason, and some of them we know. Eventually, it flowed to this fortress... You can see where they are, or what happened to them. ”

The moment I took out the horse, I felt a veil in the frozen eyes of the arc. Soon, the man who had experienced a severe aura opened his mouth in a polite voice.

- Oh, if that's the case... I know. I think it's an old team out of the fortress.

“My old colleagues...? ”

Thousands of years have passed since we were imprisoned in this fortress. No matter how virtuous you are in life, you can't last forever in the face of all these years. We knew that, but we just watched. I don't know how to offer my apologies.

“Then…. ” Tra ns l ate d by Jp mtl .co m

The man smiled bitterly and immediately opened his mouth with a polite voice.

- For now, I can assure you, some of them are alive and asleep underground in this fortress. and how to save them.

I was a little offended by some of the words, but I could see that Ahn Hyun's chances of survival had increased. Since we came straight into the mountains after An-hyun disappeared, An-hyun should have entered the fortress relatively recently.

I immediately opened my mouth.

“I see. Then you can tell us how to get to the underground fortress, and how to save it.” ”

- Of course, but first...

Suddenly, the man shut up. And he looked at me carefully, but then he spoke in a quiet voice.

- It won't take long. So for a moment, my... No, can you hear our story?


The subsequent man's words were also a story, but in some ways they could also be seen as an explanation.

Of course, I was curious about the story after Magna Carta's fall, so I could hear it in a really interesting way.

Magnakarta's curse. It is not one curse, but two.

One curse was cast on the mountain range as expected.

Simply put, the water of the curse says the soul has a kind of golden age that can't escape these mountains, and it seems to have achieved a field effect mixed with the spirit's principles.

Tr an slated by jp mtl.c om And the rest of the curse was unexpectedly a prophecy curse.

The Dragon of Armageddon said he left a prophecy to the great hero just before he died.

'Now this defeat disappears, but I and this prophecy will never disappear. I will allow none of the humans here, not even themselves, to leave behind my will. Yeah, you can do whatever you want for a while. But one day, even among your descendants, there will be a link between my power and the wind. The moment the Seed of the Apocalypse sprouts! Then the world will fall into chaos again. So until then, let's give it a shot. Kuhahahahahahaha!'

A curse that never disappears, but is close to the prophecy that will come true one day.

Humans who barely finished the battle had to face a new phase. Even after the battle, the mountain ranges are cursed and their feet are stuck.

Nevertheless, the humans do not let go of the leash of hope, although the end has been broken. They thought there might be a way to break the curse by staying in the Keep.

Then one day, the great hero who led the battle in the mountains announced a message. Humans, who thought they'd finally found a way to break the curse, all gathered in one place and waited for the great hero.

And finally, a great hero appeared. Humans who thought they would be able to return soon looked up to their commanders as they had hoped.

However, the first word that came out of the mouth of the great hero was apple.

- Guys, I'm sorry.

Suddenly, humans were very confused by the sudden apology. And towards the perplexed humans, the great hero revealed his vision.

The point is that at the end, we found the contents of Magna Carta's prophecy and a way to ward off its curse.

In other words, we don't know which humans have inherited the power and the wind of Magna Carta. Therefore, if we leave the mountain range like this, we can cause chaos in the world later, so we should not go out.

The only way to stop the curse was to make unconditional human sacrifices that participated in and survived the mountain battle.

- By the time she had said all that, she was already all set. After he said that, he apologized to us again, and he didn't have the time to say anything, and then he went straight to it. It meant our death and eternal restraint.

T r an sl a te d by Jpm t l.c om “That way.... ”

- The aspiration of a great hero. It was a way to use the Memorial Stone of Aspiration.

“Memorial stone of aspiration? ”

Memorial Stone of Aspiration. The Seven Memorial Stones, which contain God's fragments, form the Magic Gene, a way to borrow the power of the goddess of language and wisdom. If that wish is deemed reasonable, the provoked human can accomplish any wish.

“… does that make sense? Otherwise, there would have been a way to break the curse with that power. Or we can take care of it by asking you to tell us who the prophet is.... ”

At the same time, my head tilted slightly.

The great hero tried to stop Magna Carta's curse.

But the only way to think about it is to take everyone's life because we don't know who the Dragon Power and the Windy Man are. And were you worried that the spirit of the prophecy might leak out, so you accepted the dragon's curse and kept the souls from escaping these mountains?

I don't know what the Memorial Stone of Aspiration is, but I really don't understand that I can only think with that much power.