Chapter 423 00423 10. Final Story (9/9). (1/2)
The landscape on the first floor of the main house is simpler than I thought. When you enter the entrance, you will see a counter in front and an open corridor to the left and to the right. In the center, there was a very wide and rounded space with tables and billboards, which was the lobby for all purposes.
Usually the lobby is quiet. The majority of the clan members have private laboratories and accommodations.
But today is different. All the clans have gathered together to make a nervous face. It was really quiet when everyone was silent.
Suddenly, I felt like I knew why they were doing this, and I laughed. There's only one reason. Because of all the equipment that's right in front of you.
“Hmm, hmm. ”
After clearing my throat once or twice, I felt a lot of gaze pouring out. I opened my mouth quietly because I didn't want to stall any longer.
Tra n sl a t e d by Jpmtl .c o m “Then, before we enter the festival in earnest, let's begin closing the equipment. ”
I quietly got up from my seat and moved to the center of the lobby.
This settlement is based on the results obtained from 'Tower of Ice', 'Tower of Valhalla' and 'Lost Paradise'. I only captured the core equipment, not all of it. It was because I thought it was appropriate to raise the atmosphere before the festival. In fact, there were a lot of them.
I quickly glanced around. On the ground floor, I found all sorts of different instruments sprinkled with subtle light. Goods Appraisal has already been placed on all equipment, but the third eye is much more effective.
'I'd better take care of Hannah first.'
I decided to end the first start with Hannah, and I picked up the meeting directly. Then I put my hand inside and took out a jewel with a pale, dark blue hue. It was a device that could inherit the rare class Medium Of Twilight.
Hannah smiles shyly as she looks at you. But Bien and Ansol, who were sitting next to her, already knew that she would get it, were already floating in Busan.
I held the gem high. It is the beginning of settlement. Tra nsla t e d b y Jp m t l.c o m
“Let's start right away…. I always thought I had an owner, but only today. I will pay the Rare Class Dusk Bitch to the user's Tenant. ”
I declared 'full payment', not 'rental'. As soon as she reaches out for the gem, Hannah receives it with both hands, her head bent. A light round of applause follows, and she gives a big smile.
“Finally, a rare class. Congratulations on joining my rank. Yohoho.”
“Congratulations, sis. You've finally got the rare class you've been waiting for. ”
“Myself, when did I wait for you...? ”
Hannah shakes her head. However, he seemed quite happy with a smile on his mouth.
I wanted to have more time to celebrate, but I just walked towards the next piece of equipment. Because a woman clan member has asked us to close the settlement as early as possible.
The main users of the festival were the women's clan members of the Mercenary. In fact, I don't know what will happen to this festival. It's because the women of the clan took a break from each other to surprise them that day.
Anyway, I don't know what the hell you're prepared to do, but it's better to end it as soon as possible.
The next target was Robes and Mule's enemy bows from the 'Tower of Ice'.
Lunaris Robe of Ianor la Hershel.
(General Description: This is the Lunaris robe worn by ErRachel, princess of the ancient Hall Plain, Ianor Kingdom. The Kingdom of Ianor made the Temple of the Moon a religion, and there was a tradition of sending royal family members to the Temple. Lunaris Robe is a flower of the Ianor Kingdom at the time and was dedicated to ErRachel, who was supposed to be a saint.
On the outside of the lobe is a moonlight shaded protection spell. When the moon rises, it emits a faint glow.)
(Detailed description:
1. If there is a cooldown in the wearer's ability, reduce that time by half. T ran s lat e d b y jp m t l.c om
2. The robe is imprinted with a protective order. The wearer can be declared fully defensive for Magical Ability below 50 and partially defensive for less than 60. However, when subjected to Moonlight, Magic Power is increased by 10 points.
3. The ability to use the Blessings Of Moonlight hidden in Lunaris Lobe is available.)
The Bow of Passage
(General description: thinning of the first wing. Contains the power to break bad, wrong energy.)
(Detailed description:
1. An overwhelmingly aggressive bow against the energy associated with horse. However, its ability is based on the user's magical power.)
“I think these two pieces of equipment also have ownership. ”
I picked up the robe and the bow, alternating between Ansol and Seon Yoon. Ansol smiled at the nursery with the same face, but Seon Yoo-yun seemed quite surprised by his eyes.
There are two priests at the Mercenary. However, Lunaris Lobe was a fully womens lobe, with the middle part of the chest exposed in a diamond shape and the outline on the side of the leg clearly opened.
Similarly, there are two archers, but Hannah already has a better bow, so she won't want it.
At that moment, I looked back at the new Jae Dragon calmly, a sudden prank.
“New User New Dragon. Do you have any thoughts on getting Lunaris Robe? ”
New Jae Ryong blinked for a moment because he was surprised by the sudden indication. However, he soon smiled and laughed.
“Well, good. This is a gift from Mercenary Lord... Let's try it on here, shall we? ”
Tr ansl a t ed by jpmtl .c om Now it was my turn to be embarrassed.
“Eeee ~? Eeee ~?”
Soon after Ansol's ascension, Shin Jae Dragon once again bursts out his hand with a smile.
“Hahaha! I'm joking, I'm joking. You can't be a priest and make your colleagues feel bad about not healing their eyes. So I just want to say thank you. ”
“Here, I took a punch. ”
The clan members shake their heads in excitement and burst into laughter. The lobby on the first floor, which had been quiet until just now, smiles quickly.
And in the meantime, I'll look away. ”You're really giving it to me?” Ansol the Positive “May I?” I can see Seon Yoon worrying.
“Lunaris Robe will do you a great service. In addition, the Pasa Bow will be courtesy of Seungwoon, the user who has performed so much in the towers of Valhalla and lost paradise. Does anyone have any objections? ”
The clans shake their heads together. I don't know what to do. It wasn't even equipment for them to use, but it was a pity to leave it as it is.
“Whoa! Whoa! ”
Ansol runs out cold and starts pulling at Lunaris Robe with all his might. I held on for a moment and let go for a moment. She eventually crushes the hip with her strength, but she falls and laughs and hugs Rob tightly. I think he wanted to have it.
“I…. May I take this? The bow will do just fine with the equipment you gave me. ”
Seon Yoon came out late and scratched his head. I point to the clans clan members clapping instead of the answer, and the roving anvil. Seon Yoon smiles shyly and carefully receives the bow of Pasa.
After taking care of this, I took a breather for a moment. All that remained was one set of equipment, one item and one piece of equipment.
In fact, this settlement was only a process to stimulate pre-festival excitement. So that the clans can be reasonably distributed, when choosing the equipment to be seen at settlement, it is chosen from lines that do not overlap as much as possible.
So far, I've been absolutely fine. But considering the rest of the equipment, it was true that the clans were worried about convincing them. Tr a ns l ate d by jpm t
Arcus Valkyrie, Set
(General Description: Equipment worn by Arcus Valkyrie, the Guardian of the Rainbow Goddess Flavius. Arcus Valkyrie was once a hero, a woman who resounded from the battlefield, and was later called by Flavius to be a battle virgin.
Usually sealed in the form of a necklace, but when the wearer disarms, weapons, helmets, armor, gloves and boots are summoned and automatically attached to the body.)
(DETAILED DESCRIPTION (All these abilities apply once the seal has been unsealed.):
1. Arcus Valkyries' equipment is a summon set that can only be used by women, of which only virgins can draw their true power.
2. You can use the power of the Arcus Valkyrie, the Rainbow Aura.
3. When the seal is released, the maintenance time will be adjusted according to the wearer's horsepower stats. Increases Strength, Health, and Durability stats by 1 point and Agility, Magic Power, and Luck stats by 2 points during maintenance time.)
Eve's Blood
(General Description: Paradise was once a densely occlusive area, but once a rich enough one to be called Earth Paradise. But the surrounding countries, envious of paradise, move their magic in the dark, and the paradise is invaded. The inhabitants of paradise bravely resisted, but they couldn't stop the magic from coming in endlessly, and eventually they were wiped out.
Eve's bloodline is the last survivor of paradise and is the disease of Eve's blood, who was queen. Eve's blood contains special abilities, just as she was Adam's wife, who was called a half-god.)
(Detailed description:
1. An Yves bloodline does not work immediately, but can work when you want it to.
2. The effect is divided into two ”if” and there is also one ”choice”.
3. This is the first case. If Agility is below 80 points and Luck is below 80 points: Increases by 2 points each.
4. The second case. If Agility is below 90 points and Luck Stat is below 90 points: Increases by 1 point each.
5. This is the last option. One of the six user stats will be randomly selected and will decrease by 2 points. And then you multiply the deducted point by two and come back with four points. Returned Stat Points can be raised freely, but the ten-digit position of a Stat that has been decreased by that Stat (the place of the day is calculated as 0).), you will not see any effect.)
Bloody Scarf
(General Description: This scarf was given to Eve by Adam, the king of paradise. Adam bravely resisted the incoming forces of magic, but he couldn't stop them all.
Eventually, when Adam was finally beaten, Eve approached the king's side and wiped off the blood flowing into the scarf. He was the king of paradise, and Adam's blood was on his back, and he had a special gift on his scarf.)
(Detailed description:
1. Wearing a scarf increases the movement speed of the wearer.
2. You can use one of Adam's powers, Assimilate.
3. You can use one of Adam's powers, Absorb.)
A 'bloody scarf' doesn't matter. I was going to pay back my accomplice who is not here at the moment. The effect fits well and she has contributed a lot to the machine, so everyone will be convinced.
However, in the case of the 'Arcus Valkyrie Summon Set', the situation was a little complicated. First and foremost, the most appropriate salary will be sounding and the next best option will be to pick up the well. However, the well class was a 'dawn gladiator' based on a rare class cat mercenary. In other words, he was a user who did not fit with thick gloves.
'I really like your outfit.'
The choice to give it to ShaoXim was undeniable, no matter how many times I thought about it. However, it was also a problem to give cold water. The equipment to settle is too good. However, she had recently entered the machine and only participated in the 'Lost Paradise.' User information was acknowledged, but it was true that according to the Contribution Points, it was noticeable since the cycle.
Maybe he just doesn't talk. I felt that the atmosphere that I had enjoyed had subsided again. You seem to be thinking about the rest of your equipment. I felt the need to organize my thoughts quickly.
'Yes. Let's give the Arkus Valkyrie Summon Set to Chashorim. And soothe the well with Eve's lineage.'
Eventually, I took a short breath and calmly stopped my mind. It is not good for Clan Lord to look like this for long. So, even if there is a room for discord, it is best to be thorough.
I stand before a necklace that emits a faint light. Then you quietly open your mouth to the clan members.
“I know I've said this to you before. We're not exploring to collect equipment, we're exploring to use it. Of course, I don't think indiscreet distribution is good either. That's why we manage the classes so thoroughly, and we separate the equipment from the full payment. ”
Soon, the necklace is lifted, and you see the clans staring up at you.
“As you've all seen, this necklace is an excellent tool for summoning the Valkyrie Set. There are some limitations, but they also allow you to use your powers and increase your abilities. So I thought a lot... Yes, I'll say it again. This device is meant to be a great addition to your outfit. because she thought she could handle it best. ”
At that moment, several clans stare at the well. Everyone knew her sharp personality, so they were probably worried about something they might not know.
However, unexpectedly, the face of the well was very bold. No, I nodded my head as if I didn't even care about the necklace.
Looking at the well, I calmly said.
“Sunrise Gladiator is a rare class based on Cat Mercenaries. This meant that the Argus Valkyrie Summon Set, which made him heavier, was not a good fit for quick situational judgments and quick body movements. So, instead of this necklace, I'm going to give you Eve's bloodline to boost your agility and your luck. ”
At that moment, the well looked up at me with a sulphite glance. Though it looks decidedly daunting, a beam of regrettable eyes is passing by.
It's been, what, three seconds? He tasted the well with his face that he couldn't help it. Then I started clapping quietly, smiling.
The clans are silent for a moment, but soon they clap along the well. Suddenly, I could barely sigh as I looked at her approaching. I wanted to use a flock of raw animals, but it seemed reasonable.
Soon after I gave Eve's bloodline to the well, I went to Chashorim. It was because I thought I would keep waiting until I turned around and looked at both sides with an awkward face.
“User Charged. Congratulations.”
“Oh, Mercenary Road. This is too much for me. ”
“But there's no one to hang out with other than the sound of it. And it's a big deal anyway. ”
“Ha, but…. ”
The sound of it still lingering. I didn't forget motivation.
“Isn't that all you need to do? There is also a secret class arcus valkyrie in the warehouse. If you keep working hard in the future, you'll also get that. ”
“Ah, ah...! ”
I hung the necklace myself to the suit. She wraps her hands around her neck, but it's already too late.
Soon I turned to the brightly smiling clans... No. Why are the women clans staring...? Oh, isn't it?