Chapter 367 00367, Im sorry, bro. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 71660K 2022-07-25

The energy in the vicinity is intense, and azrang begins to flow in like a flood. I couldn't see it clearly, but I felt a lumpy, unpleasant feeling.


At that moment, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. And I could see that some of the formations surrounding me and my brother were misunderstood. It was happening in the direction I was running from. Just as Moses' miracle had come a second time, the everlasting tide began to split to the right and to the left.


And me and my brother, we started running without delay between the cracks. I run fast, but I don't stop looking around.

After the summoning was completed, the water spirits were in perfect shape. It's about a meter, 50 centimeters tall. All the spirits flowing through their bodies were shaped like a woman holding a trident. A pointed ear was raised through the long, watery hair, and the upper half was a fairy figure. And the lower half was hanging on the tail of a fish, with a mysterious light flowing through the body that resembled a mermaid.

After a while, the spirits turn to a solemn face and begin to look on one side. Even the gentle fury around my eyes seemed to make me very angry. T r a nsl a te d by jp m t

It was then.

Buffalo. Buffalo.

While I was busy running, I began to slowly see the identities of those that angered the spirits in front of me. They seemed to reach hundreds of them, slowly approaching with Halbert shining with a terrifying glow.

What am I supposed to say about them?

The body and arm were human, but the face and lower half were the shape of a goat. Two dull, glowing horns stood on his head, and his body was wearing armor while dark-red was sensitive. Coming along with a deep red glare reminded me of 'Mathew.'

“I'll save you now! ”

And between those who walked in line with the cucumber, a unique, cheerful voice rang out to the king. T r an s lat e d by jp m t m

Vivian came out just in time to save her brother.

“Show yourself! Satyr! ”

It's that moment. A sudden appearance of a massive half-breed of black fog rising around you, reaching within six meters. He seemed to be three times the size of the other horses, presumably the commander of an army ahead of him.

“Wipe it out!”


Vivian gives a harsh order. The goat's horses howl in a boiling voice. Suddenly, a flash of light flashes out from their eyes, and they start rushing forward as if they were beasts full of slaughter.

La, la, la....

Then, the water spirits do not lose, but sing a song and raise their shining trident.

Soon, the battle between the spirits and the beasts began, beginning with the chaos of water and darkness.

While the spirits were dealing with the demons, me and my brother were able to escape the siege. When you get to Vivian, you see her soaked in water.

“Glad you're not late. ”

Vivian also smiled refreshingly, waving her one hand to make sure she checked me. It doesn't look like much for the battlefield, but it shines beautifully through my eyes for no reason.

“These horses... You summoned an army? ”

“Yes. The 9th Legion. Satyros, the executioner. He's a great opponent of women. ”

At that, I turned my head. The place where my brother and I were just now was a complete mess. Tr an sl ate d b y jp mt l .c om

Where I turned my gaze, one horse was wielding Halbert, screaming a huge horror. Later, Halbert snaps the spirit's neck and passes through. But the spirit does not fall. Rather, fluid rushed out from the separated neck, and a slight fall resulted in a relapse with the torso.

Marsu quickly snatches Halbert back, but this time the spirit moves one step faster. I wondered if the hair that had been stretched out for a long time, but I soon held the two hands of the horse. Then, a deep watery trident is inserted into the beast's chest. The beast screams in agony.

A group of nearby colleagues quickly approaches, spreading their attack on Halbert. The spirit of water breaks into a cup of water in an instant, making sure there is no way for many to be hit.

However, the spirits did not stand still.

Thereafter, the ten streams, shot from the front, immediately struck the horses that were filled with abundant water rays. Whether it has a sharp side like Water Cutter, the horses that come into contact with the rays showed their bodies being torn apart by black smoke in a shovel.

I would have just entered the war, but the battle has been violent since the beginning.

And the landscape in front of us, it was almost the Middle Ages. No, surprisingly, the garrison was gaining the upper hand.

In a manner of speaking, the individual's abilities were outweighed by a spirit. It's because spirits were at close range, showing much more power, and were fighting in battle, compared to the horses charging recklessly ahead of them.

Nevertheless, the dominant leader in the battle was because of the existence of Satyrus in the horse-drawn army.


Every time Halbert, who was supposed to be on the ground, the boat, drenched the earth with a blizzard of water from several spirits. Satyrus was literally going crazy. And thanks to that, the horses were also dealing with the spirits without any retreat.

Of course, if a ”Spirit King” appears there, the situation will be reversed. However, we do not see the possibility of the Spirit King appearing, whether he has exercised his full strength in the number shown earlier.

“Vivian, can you step back and leave this army behind now?” ”

“Huh? Hey. Of course... oh, no. Yes, you can. It's hard to control when you're out of range, but the range has grown considerably since you got it. Yo.”

T ransl a t ed by jpm t l .co m I turned my head to the sound of the conversations, and I could see Vivian lifting up the Ordo of Order. The brother nodded with a face of good fortune during his misfortune.

'Control…? Range...?'


It was, really, a moment. As soon as I heard Vivian's words, all the thoughts that followed from the Giant went through my head like a flash of light. Several pieces were floating in my head, puzzling in an instant, and I came up with a plan.

“The troops are fine. There's only a little magic left right now, but with Ordo you can completely recharge once. Yo?”

“That's good. The screams of the enemy are getting louder.” Let's leave the troops here for now and let us fall back. Soo-hyun? ”

“ ……. ”

Soo-hyun? Soo-hyun! ”


Suddenly, my head is numb. I've been running backwards and wide. But like my brother said, the shouts of the enemies were getting bigger and bigger. With a slight delay from here, the enemies are almost here again.


And in this urgent situation, I called my brother in a reflexive manner.

Soon I turned around slowly. The sound of my brother's breath had been roughened for a long time, and Vivian was shifting between the battlefield and me, giving an urgent look.

Seeing them like that, I opened my mouth quietly.

“You and Vivian go back first. ”

“… What? ” Trans l at ed by jpm tl.c om

“I have work to do. ”

“What are you saying...? ”

“You two go back first! ”


At that moment, I felt a huge swing in my torso. As soon as I asked him to go back, he reached out his right hand and grabbed my shoulder.

“You…. What did you say...? ”

Seeing his face, I felt like I needed an explanation.

I was speechless.


I explained the situation as briefly as possible, and it wasn't actually that complicated a plan. That's why I was able to finish quickly.

“Soo-hyun? Now... What did you say? You want to assassinate an animist?”

“Just as I said. ”

“... Are you out of your mind? ”

And he said to me for the first time, ”Are you crazy?” brought out swearing speech.

I chewed on my lips for a moment, then shook my head boldly.

“No, you're not crazy. ”

“Wha.... Are you…. right now…. ”

I wonder if it's ridiculous. No, I don't know if I feel anger beyond that. The vibrating sound of his brother was mixed with strange iron.

I summarized the message very quickly in the beginning, and I was not prepared to speak as soon as possible. Nevertheless, this reaction was a sign that I clearly understood my plan.

I stared at Vivian this time.

“Vivian. Remember that. Remember what I said earlier.... ”


Just in case, I was about to get a commitment from Vivian again. Rarely as a brother, he yelled at me. At the same time, a very slight pain emanates from the left shoulder.

“Are you kidding me? I came as far as I could... What? You're going back in? ”

“I told you, brother... ”

“I know what you mean! Still...! Even so! ”

When I heard my brother shout, I suddenly felt relieved. I felt like I was being poked in the chest with a needle. But I didn't show any color. I just stared at my brother.

“Does this look like your playground to you? What kind of hero are you? Why would you do that? Why are you going in there? Why do you have to do this? Are you telling me you're a variable aid? ”

“That's not it, brother. I thought it was necessary for the situation. ”

“Ha. Oh, yeah? You did, yeah. Because it's necessary. So you want me to just leave my brother walking down the aisle on his own? You want me to just sit here and watch? ”


Now, his voice was not his usual low tone, but the resembling beast's growling voice. Holding my shoulder as if trying to crush it. It was like expressing a willingness to never let go.

Two, two, two, two!