Chapter 358 00358 Trap (1) (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 64930K 2022-07-25

I never thought I'd find myself, so I had to feel confused for a moment. It allowed me to see some people looking back at me with a weak commotion about whether the users around me were the same.

“Mercenary Road…? Suddenly, why is he…. ”

“Here you go. ”

I was already on the front line. I raised my hand as soon as I heard the Lord mumbling nearby.

“Hm. Here you are. Drifters are probably meant to be vagrants... You don't have to respond if you don't want to. ”

“I'd love to. ”

“If that's the case, yes. But don't talk too deeply. They're dangerous... ” T ran sl ate d by jp m t l .co m

Considering Lord's advice, I nodded once or twice. Later, he looks at the wizard standing next to him. Then, along with a short spell, I found that the voice amplification spell was once again activated.

(Are you Mercenary Road?)

Looks like we're clear on the wall. As soon as I came forward, a low voice of courtesy spoke to me.


(You left quite a mess in Mule. I was impressed.)

(You seem to have misunderstood the definition of divination. Wanderer.)

Tr ans la ted by jpmt l .com (... Hehe.)

'If you know what happened at Mule...' Have you heard the rumors? Or are you headed for the Warp Gate? '

It was a word that made my head tilt, but I decided to hold off thinking for now.

(Fine. Let me ask you one thing. Those must have been my men who were tracking you... What happened to them now?)


(With no one left? All?)

The returning voice was still low and calm, but it was filled with a subtle feeling of anger.

We don't know how much they know about it. But what's important here is that we don't have to go into detail about the capture and public execution.

(Yes, they're all dead.)


The word “he” stopped the vagrant's voice. It seemed like there was something more I wanted to say because it was a little blurry, but now the voice was heard by at least 30,000 people. You will notice things around you when you ask personal questions.

I don't know why, but I thought I might have wanted to ask about White Soyeon.

(... Like this. I see. I appreciate you answering the question, even though we're right for each other.)

Are we done here?)

(Yes, it's over. And don't call it payback, but I'll give you something good.)

Tra nsla t e d by jpm t l.c om ”The good stuff? '

He had already awakened his eyes and other senses. Once again, I looked closely at the wall and saw that a long stick was erected between the walls. If there is one thing unusual about it, it is that there was a round, blunt thing embedded in the tip of the stick.

“Beware. Mercenary Road. Wizard! Stop using voice amplification magic…. ”

Consider sideways, though you might say, Lord Moore, but it doesn't come into your ears. Earlier, my nerves were being driven all over the stick. It was first vertical, and then gradually tilted and leveled, then leaning even further down. And the end was conventionally aimed at me.

So long as you're ready to throw the stick backwards.

(Mercenary Road. It's a gift for the debauchery. You'll like it when you see it. Tsk!)

Soon, I started blasting in with a low paralysis.

Idiot! Idiot!

Maybe it's because it activates the senses. The sound of the wave of the stick coming straight down towards me is particularly harsh. However, as I had already looked at the action, I held the 'Caligo Abraxas' in reflection. I didn't know what was at the end, but I didn't intend to take it lightly.

The first distance was roughly 400 meters. However, the rod was decreasing the distance very quickly. Blink of an eye and we're almost there.

At this instant, I measured the distance of the great river and slightly bent my knee. As soon as the wand got within range, it was a trick to cut it with an incision.

It was then.


Suddenly, the light flashed.


T ran s l ated by jp mtl .co m It literally appeared for a moment and disappeared.


And the subsequent faint clutter.

Perhaps it would have been cloudy if you had seen it with your own eyes. But by activating my eyesight, I was clearly caught in my sights. that a single beam of light emitting intense light rushed in and hit the end of the stick exactly.

Yeah, it was like a flash.


The rapidly flying stick was blown out of the air, and a dark red liquid splashed into the air with shrapnel torn apart. Perhaps what was hanging from the end of the stick was part of the human body. Among them, it was likely to be the head.

'I don't know whose head it is.'

I let go of the thought of the head, and I turned to the protagonist of the arrow. I'm guessing big, but I turn my head to check the car. Then, not far away, I could see a familiar but unfamiliar woman.

Where did the gentle face and gentle smile disappear? Im Hannah was staring up at the wall with her eyes wide. Then in her left hand was Brilliant Flash, Laura Phyllis.

Woohoo! Woohoo!

It was a protest, a bow without flesh. However, one more arrow was produced that emitted a splendid light, and a dreadful aura began to flow again. Imhanna seems to be furious, but at the end of the arrow, the earth seems to be bursting open.

“Hiring a user. Let's stop...”

* Cough, cough *

I was going to order you to stop thinking one shot is enough. Then, suddenly, the clouds hit and the thunder-like noise rang everywhere.

I quickly turned my head and looked at the wall. On the contrary, there is a fragile movement in the walls. T r a ns l a te d by Jpmtl .c o m

'This is also...'

And before I tell you to stop, check the spell.

Cough, cough, cough!

In the dark sky, you can see a massive bolt of lightning as it draws and plunges him down.




A huge thundering sound echoes through his ears, and Simon is startled and hugs his head with both hands. Suddenly, whether he smelled the black smoke with the bitter aftermath, he glances at you, puffing his nose.

“Oh my God…. ”

Although this was a fleeting moment, the shield was clearly created just before lightning struck. However, the shield was torn apart in an instant and the lightning blazed against the wall.

As a result, there were several people groaning with black smoke.

The size or thickness of the wall is as thick as the metropolitan city, and is undeniably solid. However, the lightning struck the wall with a deep hole, and there was still black smoke pouring out.

Simon swallows his saliva with a shivering face, then sighs of relief as there are no more attacks.


“I'm sorry. I politely apologize for my independence. Simon Grimes.”

At that moment, the string next to me spoke to Simon. He was also covered in black soot, whether he could not avoid the aftermath of the lightning.

“It doesn't matter, wanderer. I didn't think anyone outside the walls would take the offer lightly anyway. ”

“Thank you for thinking that. ”

“I heard that vaginal and magical circuit applications are essential in order to be recognized as a wizard class on the North Continent…. Phew, was it real? ”

“ ……. ”

“Anyway... Wanderer, don't you have something to say to me? ”

“What do you say? ”

Simon nods his head, questioning his curious face.

“I feel a bit strange at the moment. ”