Chapter 353 00353 Barbara (1/2)
East, West, South, North.
Among these four gates, the most advanced troops were the eastern gate troops, where one Road was the commander of the gun.
The Eastern Gate troops encountered users who appeared to have escaped Barbara while traversing the ”Sanctuary Forest,” and suddenly stopped marching. He stated that he waited for instructions on the subsequent direction of progress, such as the processing of users or proceedings, through communication corrections equipped to facilitate communication between units.
And the preface who received the communication said, ”I want you to lead the users here. The march will stop here for a while, and do not delay the perimeter until communication is complete.” I replied.
Later, users from the East Gate team who had left for India arrived, along with users who had fled Barbara.
'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…. Seven handsome?'
T r a ns l a ted by Jp mt l.c o m Counting the numbers one by one, you raise your head in surprise. The number of people themselves may not matter much, but the more I look at it, the more subtle it feels from the first time I saw it.
Should I get Ansol? '
Suddenly, I felt sorry for the fact that there was no blessing beside me, but Lord's question began.
“I hear you're the one who escaped Barbara. It looks like you're having a hard time... I'm sorry, but I have a few questions. because they're important to us now. ”
“Haha. No. It's okay. It's a little hard, but I'm just glad to meet people like you right now. I heard the situation from the people in front of me. I will answer your questions wholeheartedly. ”
The question of consideration road was answered by a man in the middle of seven users. He looks humble and full of tiredness on his face. I felt relieved that his face was truly fortunate.
But I narrowed my eyes and looked at him closely. I keep seeing torn clothes and dirty clothes.
Tr an sla t ed b y Jpmt m “Thank you for understanding. So, can we hear some simple user information first? If there's a clan, I'd love to hear it. ”
“This is Baek Gun Woong, a four-year user. You are not affiliated at this time. The original clan was disbanded after the Steel Mountains expedition. ”
When the man reveals his name, consideration road looks around the users gathered around him. Looking at my eyes, I felt like I was looking for someone who knew the Hundred Guns. However, all of the users who gathered here had some status or prestige.
On the contrary, it seems that White Gun Woong is a so-so user, but it is generally right to think that there are few opportunities to interact. Unless it's a special relationship.
After checking the reactions of users shaking their heads together, the consideration rod opened its mouth again.
“I see. Perhaps you can briefly describe Barbara's situation now?” For example, the current pattern of battle... ”
“It's a pattern. To be honest, I left town a week ago, and I have no idea what the combat situation is. I'm sorry.”
“Yes? What do you mean? What do you mean, you don't know?”
“Literally. We left town a week ago. It was before the city was invaded. ”
That means they left Barbara before they even got invaded.
But is that what you look like? '
Barbara's stabilization is arguably the greatest on the North continent. Moreover, if you left a week ago, you must have passed through the area around the city. It was rare that my clothes were damaged that much, or not at all. I felt that my first weak suspicion was amplified even more.
“Let me tell you the situation before we come out.... ”
I listened to the follow-up of the White Gun Woong, and activated the third eye.
Tra n s l ate d by Jpm tl .c o m And as soon as I checked his user information, I felt a tremendous amount of force go into his eyes.
“I don't know where to start... First of all, cutting off the Warp Gate was an act of tyranny by the Golden Lion. They don't seem to be changing attitudes in the east and south, they're just getting away with it. I thought maybe he was trying to get a defensive force. ”
“Well, I know it wasn't just the Warp Gate, but it wasn't the call itself. What happened to that? ”
“Oh, that's... We know that similar events have happened in other cities that have been invaded before. However, even though Barbara was not attacked.... Honestly, I'm not sure why. However, whenever I tried to communicate, the flow of magic became very unstable. ”
I quietly shaken my head to the left and to the right as if I didn't know that part of the White Gun Woong. His story continues.
It seems that the Golden Lion has been helping to defend the city in some way, including growing old and soothing its users. However, the North, who believed to be the last burial ground, had already turned their backs, and the number of people escaping through the gates increased every day.
In this situation, White Gun Woong tried to survive, but he said that he fled the city without hesitation as soon as he saw the invaders who had reached the foothills.
“I admit it was a cowardly act. But I didn't think the city could survive. It used to be a city where more than 10,000 people lived... There won't be a thousand of us left when I get out. ”
“Well…. You heard the man. So you don't know anything else. ”
“Yes…. ”
Baek Gun Woong added a voice of deep regret. And considering it, Lord nodded with a bold face. In a way, Barbara's situation was like that led by the Southern East. I didn't think it was strange that I had already made some predictions.
“Very well. Then we'll have to decide their behavior...” I think we should head back to the city like this for now. It's dangerous here. ”
“Ah. I have a favor to ask you about that. ”
“If you're going to Barbara, maybe we should.... ”
At that moment, White Gun Woong stopped speaking. T ran slated b y jpmtl .com
Because I took a step forward. Suddenly, everyone's gaze shifted, and I slowly walked towards the Consideration Road.
“Huh? Mercenary Road. Do you want to say something? ”
“Yes, load considerations. Do you remember the last time we organized spies? ”
“Oh, of course I know that. Especially because of the ability of the Shadow Queen, even those who didn't come out of the White Seo Yeon's mouth were able to start all over... Why did you bring that up all of a sudden? ”
“I had an idea. Would you mind if I asked them a few more questions? ”
I was no longer a chick. Preparing for this war was the most revolutionary user and the road of the mercenary clan, which is now rising in stock prices. It used to be an act to be arrogant, but now it's in a position to speak up.
Consideration Lord showed a light of mystery, but he shrugged his head once or twice as if to try it.
I immediately started asking questions.
As always, start with a straight shot.
“Let me tell you something. I find you very suspicious. ”
“Five days' drive from here to Barbara. It takes about seven days to get there slowly. The horse itself is not a big problem.... By the way, I can't get over the idea that the timing is too good. ”
“I don't know what you're talking about. ”
“You said you left right before the city was invaded, but that's all you don't know. They could have been invaded more than a week ago. Or maybe they've already fallen. Do you understand what I'm saying? ”
T ra nsla t e d b y Jpm Speechless.
As soon as I finished, there was a small commotion between the users around me. I was surprised by the sudden remarks, and most of the sounds were to say, ”What nonsense?” But I was anticipating this reaction anyway, and I had confidence and a weapon in my spleen, so I blew it right up. It was because I wanted to end it with a quickie without any fuss.
“Oh my. Mercenary Road? ”
At that time, a polite and quiet voice called out to me. The identity of the voice was the tune. She squeezes her arms together and speaks in a dull tone.
“I just said, are you questioning them as vagrants? ”
“Yes. We have all the spies in custody. Since we haven't been in touch with the spies, I was wondering if we might be interested in our situation. So he was going to spoof users, or vagrants, into users. ”
“Hmmm. That's a great guess. There is no evidence, just the severity.... Forced?”
The tune spilled a light smile and beat me to a pulsating color. Then White Gun Woong quickly smiled back at the embarrassed face, wondering if he thought he had an ally.
“Haha. I'm fine. I get it. It could be as suspicious as this. In that regard, I can explain... ”
“No, actually. I know I'm being pushy, but I'm thinking the same thing as the Mercenary Road. So that's what this is about. ”
It was then that the Tarot card magician, Chonghui, who opposed me, quickly lowered his expression and immediately changed his attitude.
“Yes? Well, what the... ”
“We're not idiots. I know it seems plausible to hear you say that, but there are too many corners to think about. For example, a crystal ball for communication. Even if you were in the city, if you were out of the city, you could use a crystal ball. We just used it very well. Have you tried it?”
Uh, I was going to say this.
It was a bit of a waste for me to try to make a big burst and follow the supporting explanation, even if I felt forced.
“Oh, no. We don't have a crystal ball. ”
“Aha. I see. So let's do a simple body search. I think the mole might have brought a crystal ball for the covert communications. Isn't that right, Mercenary Road? ”
When the person who thought he was an ally changed his attitude and attacked, Baek Gun Woong's consistent calm expression faded and only the embarrassed look was replacing him.
'Hmph. That's quite a pair you got there.'
Soon, I was amazed at the glance of my eyes toward me. although I still thought she was an unbearable woman.
“You're so mean! ”
At that time, one woman who was still listening in the back loudly shouted.
“Do you have any idea how we left the city? I was so anxious to get here. I thought I'd only found one. Treating vagrants like this.... ”
There was a light on the woman's face that was truly unfair. However, it seemed to me that I was already confident with the third eye, only to appeal to emotions and somehow try to escape the crisis.
“How…. How... how can you do this? I thought I'd barely lived.... How... (* Sob *) Ugh...”
How could you do this?