Chapter 334 ANSOL S Past % 26 Storm Battle. (1/2)
There were still many people in the temple. I thought I had something to see, such as calling or exploring, but I thought it was a little too much to line up to the entrance.
After all, Monica took refugees as a result of the invasion. As the overall population of the temple grew significantly, it was natural for users to gather in one temple.
“Did you hear the news this morning? I heard you lost all contact with Halo that morning... ”
“I heard. This is crazy... No, but I don't know anything about Halo... ”
“You said you had a good friend there. Have you tried contacting them?”
“Yes. As soon as I heard the news, I put a call in, but it's not connecting. Just a lot of noise... Phew….”
Tra n s l at e d by Jpmt m Speechless.
Today's hot potatoes were also halos. The fact that communication with the warp gate does not suggest much. It may have caused massive wavelengths that interfered with communication, or it may have left one person dead. In the worst case, we'll have to think about taking over the Warp Gate.
Of course I already know the answer, but I can't reveal it. I waited quietly for my turn to enter, accompanying the chatter of the users.
About an hour ago? The line that was lined up began to shrink, and soon it was my turn to enter. I briefly stated my name and purpose of my visit at the front door. And I walked through the busy synagogues. I was busy, so there was no guide, but I had already been there a few times. Soon after finding the room and entering, I quickly buried myself in a glowing blue portal.
“user Kim Soo-hyun. It's been a long time.”
As soon as I stepped inside the Summoning Room, I could hear the voice that welcomed me. After lifting his head, you can always see Seraph sitting on the altar with his white wings twitching. I confronted her silent gaze for a moment, and sat down in front of Seraph, leaving a little distance behind.
“I didn't page you. What brings you here today? ”
Tr a n slat e d by Jp “Guess what.”
I pulled out a candle from my arms and asked. Strangely, it is because if you face Seraph, you will attract the beginning of the year. Soon after igniting the beginning of the year, I took a big sip.
“Whoo-hoo... You're good at that. I always guess why I'm here first. ”
Seraph tilts his head slightly. However, the bear soon opened his mouth, blinking his eyes.
“Is this about the Guardians of the North? ”
Seraph knew that, too. I nodded in the sense that I was right. If you had spoken about the continent from the beginning, I would have explained it to you from the beginning, but the story would have been easier if you knew. I decided to cut to the chase without speaking back. Seraph would be more comfortable that way.
“Something very, very funny happened not long ago. Seraph, you know it's Lee Hyo, right? ”
“Yes, I know. ”
“Lee Hyo approached Ansol as bait to protect the North Continent. ”
“ ……. ”
Seraph doesn't say anything. And I didn't say it right away. If the angels think that Ansol is the successor to the North, it was because they wanted to protect Ansol at all costs.
I had my reasons for thinking so extreme. Although Ansol still had tremendous user information at the moment, he was a potential user of a secret class called the Brilliance Priest, who was later called the High Priest.
I once thought the North continent's guardians and priests of Kwanghui had something to do with it. But until now, he had completely changed his mind. According to my first memory, Ansol will join the Odin Clan, launched in the southern continent in a few years.
Even if Odin was a clan of four continental users, his headquarters was a clan on the southern continent. Of course, he may have quit on the way over, but he thought it was unlikely.
T r a n slated by jpm m Anyway, you can't miss a child who is likely to become big in the future. Of course, it wasn't just about the possibilities. Even if you cannot become a priest of Gwanghui, it is fine. Ansol called herself a mind-bender, but she's still helping her own way.
So, I opened my mouth tightly to bring out the soft, stiff horse.
“I'm telling you. I don't intend to make Ansol the protector of the North. ”
“Yes…. Yes?”
“I don't know what you and Lee Hyo talked about. But as a user of Ansol's life, I have no intention of handing her over. So tell the angels. Give it up.”
In my words, Seraph tilted his head even more with a curious face. Then, he closed his eyes as if he was trying to organize his thoughts, and immediately opened his eyes again.
“I understand.”
It was a very simple answer, compared to the one that was scorched into my heart. The calm voice of Seraph echoes through the summoning room, just as I was about to worry, even though I should feel happy for a moment.
“user Kim Soo-hyun. You seem to be misunderstanding something. If you wish, I'd like you to give me a chance to resolve the misunderstanding. ”
“... Try it. ”
I only asked for a loving beginning of the year with a shy heart. Later, Seraph continued.
“I acknowledge that there has been an attempt to elect user Ansol as the protector of the new North Continent. But that was just the beginning. The guardians of the North Continent have long been subjected to very rigorous judgments. Even if we give her a hundred concessions and we choose her as our successor, the process of being selected as a guardian is not nearly as compelling as fingernails. ”
“What, and how am I supposed to accept the benefit of that? ”
“It's …. Huh? Gabriel? ”
Tr a n slate d by jpmtl.c o m He didn't call for me. Maybe he was talking to another angel. At that time, I had little curiosity about what kind of conversation I was going to have because my mouth was always grubby and I had only heard about it.
The conversation didn't take long. Seraph said, ”Yes.”, “Yes.”, “got it.”, “I'm sorry, but no.” I said, and soon I sighed and opened my mouth.
“I'm sorry. I had a sudden communication.... ”
“It's okay, but what's going on? ”
“Oh, it's nothing. Anyway, here's your answer. User Benefit has been in protective custody for seven years this year. ”
I felt like I was trying to change the subject quickly, but I didn't have a big complaint because I got right to the point. I listened to Serrap.
“But since three years ago, I've been saying that I want to quit the Guardian, and that was two years ago…. So since I joined the Hamill Clan, I've been asking for it more strongly. Perhaps, I think, the user benefits were already exhausted. That's why we seem to have been working in such a hurry. ”
“ ……. ”
“Of course, it's hard to see that there's nothing wrong with user benefits. But handing over the Guardians of the North doesn't end with the two of us agreeing. Did she tell you about this? ”
”Right. So that's what you were going to say. '
Suddenly, I remembered when Lee Hyo was talking to me in this office. I cut her off on purpose at the time.
As I nodded once and tried to bite the lotus grass again, I could see the burnt lotus grass until the end. I threw it on the floor and opened my mouth quietly.
“Yes, I know what you mean. So you're not gonna touch Ansol from now on? ”
“Gabriel has agreed to disclose some information about the case. To the extent that I allow it, the answer is yes. Your ability as a guardian of Ansol is exceptional enough to be classified as a top class throughout all time. That's why the angels who opposed her talent voted to make user Ansol their successor. That's roughly half the total. ”
Top class talent as a guardian? The whole time? I didn't expect it to be that much, so I couldn't help but be surprised.