Chapter 322 00322 ? (1/2)
I didn't answer right away. Instead, I gazed quietly at Vivian. She was expressing her confidence that she would be successful.
When I think about it, Vivian has never let me down. Maybe it's because of her that she solved some of the persistent fitness issues.
I touched Wigdrasil's fruit and opened my mouth gladly.
“Not bad, Vivian. Now you know how to say something interesting. ”
“Huh? Pull what? Gumi?”
“I mean, I'm interested. By the way... Do I really need 16 bottles for one white Seo-yeon? You said eight bottles was enough for the fairy queen. ”
Tr a nsla te d by Jpm t l .com “Ah. In a way, this potion is a double-edged sword. Only one case at a time. If White Seo-yeon resists even drinking this potion, then it can be difficult to hit in any way. I told you about the Resistance. ”
“I see. One more question, then. Is there any way to affect the mind other than the potion? You said there were two ways. For example, like Mavolo back then... ”
With a glimpse of Ordo in his eyes, Vivian bursts into laughter with a bright voice.
“Hahaha! I see what you're thinking. I'm sorry, Soo-hyun, but I can't manipulate the mind by myself right now. No, that's how Marlborough, also called the Great Wizard, failed. ”
“Yeah? That's too bad. ”
“Still, it's not like there's not much else to do. I think I can use the power of this wand to mimic some of the fun stuff here. Anyway, there are a lot of ways. I'm open to suggestions, so the choice is yours. Kim Soo-hyun.”
Yes, the choice was mine in the end. Suddenly, I thought I was good enough to talk to Vivian. I don't know if the impact of the contract or the nature of the contract was like this, but she really seemed to want to break the spirit of White Seo Yeon thoroughly.
Anyway, Vivian's words were only in the planning phase. In fact, we need to get into action to determine the specifics. T r a n sla ted b y Jp m tl .c om
I decided to leave the interview and go to the meeting.
“Good. I've made my decision. I'll approve your plan. ”
“Good, good. Excellent choice. ”
“I plan to build a prison in the underground training ground soon. I give you permission to enter there at will. And let me know if you need any manpower or materials. I'm here to lend my support.”
“Hoo. Now Kim Soo-hyun recognizes my worth a little. ”
Vivian nods with a stubborn face, her arms facing down her armpits. Overcoming the sudden surge of sadism, I was calm.
“Yes, yes. I'm authorizing you to do all the work. Good luck with that. ”
“Don't worry. Have I ever let you down? ”
No. I thought Vivian was the best fit for the vagrants.
I nodded once or twice before raising myself up. Then, Vivian, who was drunk with confidence, opened her mouth with open eyes.
“You're leaving?”
“Yes, I think I should go to the meeting now. You don't have to come in. I won't bother you for a while, so just focus on your work. ”
“Ah…. ”
Tr ans l at e d b y Jp m At that moment, Vivian's face, which had just been arrogant, quickly collapsed. She pounces as if she has something to say, but soon she raises her head in a grim look.
Why are you suddenly like this? '
“Okay…. I will...”
Vivian replied with a blameless voice, holding a juju island item.
Did I say something wrong? I tilted my head, but nothing came to mind.
Soon after, I opened the visit to go to the conference room, and a weak voice came into my ears.
“Idiot. You can touch me... ”
What was Vivian trying to say?
“That concludes the meeting. ”
I've organized the record and informed you that the meeting has been lost. There wasn't much to say about the meeting. I've dealt with the most important of the vagrants, and the rest should be easy.
“Everyone must still be tired, but things are getting a little dizzy around here. We also think that we need to be prepared for these situations. ”
Currently, all but Vivian and New Jae Dragon were sitting in the conference room on the third floor. Seeing the clans nodding one by one, I turned my gaze to Ahn Hyun and Jeong Yeon.
“You two must have some personal errands I've personally entrusted to you. Please think about them and tell us what you would like to adjust to today. ” T r a n sl a te d by jpm tl .com
“Yes Clan Road. But what would you like me to tell you about the details of the adjustment? ”
“Ahn Hyun, you were the one who settled the equipment, right? You can't do it alone. You're going to need a Goose Apparel, and you're going to need some help. It means you have to tell me. ”
An-hyun nodded his head to make sense of it. And I looked at the classical music with a sly eye, but I turned my gaze to the disfigured face to see something soon.
“Then I'll dismiss you. Why don't you all go out for a while? ”
“Please stay here.” As I was about to say, I paused. It was because the peach sitting at the far end of the table was holding up his hands. It was very unusual for him to ask for permission to speak publicly, so I gestured to get up quickly.
“User integrity. Do you want to say something? ”
“Khh, Clan Lord. I'm sorry. ”
I stood up trembling and apologized first. It was hard to see that he was simply nervous because his face was white. Then, I thought it was a bit strange because I was feeling uneasy throughout the meeting.
“Tell me, what the hell is going on? ”
“I…. I should have told you yesterday... I don't know... It's so good to see you... ”
“Innocence. Calm down, calm down. ”
“Well, that's... ”
The blasphemy seems more perplexing as the gaze of the clans pours in. When I couldn't catch a breath, I only tapped the table and waited for the next one. By the time I knocked ten times, his words had once again been opened.
“Actually, when the clan members left the city to find you.... I did a little help at Istanbul Row. ” Tr ansla t e d b y jpm
“Well, yeah. Jung Yeon asked me to send someone to protect Clan House just in case. ”
It was a story I had already heard from Jeongyeon. As it turns out, I have to thank you for this, so I was hoping to visit Istanbul Low soon.
“Yes…. But a week before she came back, Ha-yeon was contacted by her sister through a crystal ball. I got a call that he was alive.... ”
“So I was happy to speak to someone who came to protect me at that time. You said you knew Clan Lord well... But he came the next day.... It's...”
“Innocent. Don't stutter. Don't spin. Just tell me what the problem is. ”
Eventually, I couldn't overcome the exasperation, so I shouted out a loud voice. I knew it was in my nature. However, I felt so frustrated when I talked to Vivian who could understand me right away, but I listened to her.