Chapter 297 00297 Butterfly Effect (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 55860K 2022-07-25

Ansol's eyes were pretty clear for waking up just now. As I looked at her, I felt a strange camouflage at the moment. There is no expression on the face, and the eyes are deeply silent. Just staring at me, I couldn't find my usual flutter even after washing my eyes.

At that moment, Ansol's lips slowly opened.

“Brother, I fell asleep and missed my brother's words. I'm sorry.”

“Huh? Yes. ”

“By the way, can I hear again what city you're going to? ”

“… the first destination is the Eastern Common City of Principal. The second destination is the northeast town of Mule, to be exact. I'm going to settle things on Mule and get back to Monica. ”

Ansoldo should know the location of the city. Nevertheless, she added a detailed location because her tone and attitude were not unusual. T ra nsl a t e d b y Jpm tl .com

And as soon as I heard Ansol's words, I could recall what had happened at Barbara's Warp Gate and the user academy.

Is it triggered again? ’

Knowing what was going on, Yeon-ju was expressing an interesting expression. However, most of the clan members were staring at Ansol with a deaf face. Just then, her attitude had a tremendous distinction compared to what had been shown.

Later, looking at the slightly frowning anvil, I activated the third eye.

Player Status

1. Name: Ansol (Year 0)

2. Class: General Priest (Normal, Priest, Runner) T r ansl ated b y Jpm t l .c o m

3. Nation: Free

4. Clan: Mercenary (Rank: D Plus)

5. Jinmyung · Citizenship: The One Who Leads the Light · Korea

6. Sex: Female (20)

7. Height · Weight: 160.1cm · 46.7kg

8. Tendency: Lawful

[Strength 25] [Durability 28] [Agility 27] [HP 35] [Magic Power 88 (+1)] [Luck 101]

(The remaining stat points are 3 free points and 2 horsepower points for a total of 5 points.)

‘The One Who Leads the Light…. ’

Others held the heart of what Ansol's true meaning might be. I've been rolling my head around, but I can't think of anything I want to do. It was just a vague guess as to whether it might have something to do with the secret class' Priest of Light Whispering ’.

“Brother, take me with you on this. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“I'm going with my brother... What?”

“You asked me to take you. You're coming with me. ”

I insisted. Ansol opened his eyes to see if I didn't think I would allow it. T r a ns la te d b y jpmt l .com

I don't know where my luck is spreading, but I've seen 101 do it on my own. Knowing that, and making Ansol's fortune 101 is no different than age. Ignoring her words was like denying yourself.

I ignored the eyes of the children asking me to take them with me. And he opened his mouth in a louder voice than before, meaning that there were no more people.

“Then, I will add Ansol as an extra person, including Goyeon, Gimhanbyol. That's it.”

“Clan Road. Should we get ready right away? ”

“I'll do that. I'll end the meeting here. Good morning to you all. Yeon-ju Ko, Hanbyol Kim, An-sol. These three, please prepare to leave now. ”

“Yes, I will. Hey, and Sola. You two, come with me. ”

Ko Yeon stood up, clutching her fingers. Kim Hanbyol quietly got up, and Ansol stood up with a smile on his face. Suddenly, her expression returns to normal.

I opened my mouth to Jeongyeon, thinking that he was a changed face.

“Customize. We'll be back in three days at the most. Until then, please take good care of the clan. ”

“Don't worry. And take care of yourself, Clan Road. ”

Jeongyeon answered with a clear voice. And when I heard the answer, the enemy was relieved.

After the meeting was concluded, the clans immediately went into preparations. It didn't take much time to prepare because it was a matter of business, not an expedition. Despite the sudden departure, I was able to finish all preparations for departure before noon.

I was thinking about leaving immediately, but Ansol's stomach growled and decided to leave after a simple breakfast and lunch.

And while eating the tasteless food that my employees prepared, I had to do a lot of hard work to calm my beating heart.

Tra ns la t ed b y jp m t I'm finally going to see my brother. And I'm going to see my brother's colleagues. To them, I was a sinner. One misjudgement led to the death of everyone, and ironically, I was the only one who survived.

Haven't seen my brother so far because I didn't want to interrupt the future of walking. But now I feel strongly that it was a simple excuse. Maybe he was reluctant to meet them without knowing the guilt that was in my heart.

He died because of me. I was the problem.

If it wasn't for me, if it wasn't for me.

I slowly closed my eyes and thought of that moment.

‘Oh my. Soo-hyun! Are you waiting for your sister? Wait a little longer? I'll get you soon. ’

What are we gonna do? Idiot! Why are you making this happen...? She'd rather like me! ’

‘Haha. Don't worry. I'll take it from here, so run! Come on! ”

‘Idiot. Wait a little longer. I'll beat you up right in front of me. So run as fast and as far away as you can before that. ’

I already regretted it many times in the first round, and I felt guilty. However, even after a lot of time has passed, the guilt of breaking hearts does not go away. To put it simply, the last words the Hamill Clan members who came to rescue me left are so memorable.

To be honest, I still don't understand. Of course, they followed their brother's orders, but they didn't express any grudges as they were dying. Can humans, or can users...?

Eventually, when I thought about it, I put the spoon away.

After seeing my brother and his colleagues again for the first time, Bob never went down his throat.


Shoot it! Shoot it!

The sky was clear enough without clouds in the morning, but when I was about to leave, it started to rain like crazy. It was a sudden rain that did not show a hint of foresight. But I didn't slow down the departure time. During the clear day, I didn't have waterproof robes, but I could buy them at the store. And the shop was on its way to Warp Gate, so there was no need to delay. T ra n slat e d by Jp mtl .c o m

“Woof. My brother. What's wrong with them? ”

Ansol said, picking up the hood slightly, whether the hood is too stuffy to cover his face because he couldn't press down on his head.

I and three others have now arrived at Monica's Warp Gate. And like Ansol said, there was a crowd of users around the Warp Gate. And they were shouting indifferently about the use of the warp gate.