Chapter 282 00282 Mercenary, take your place (1/2)
There were three reasons for choosing Maggia's expedition: It was the yellowest of the ruins around Monica, there was equipment and class to help the clans, and there was a request from Istantel Row.
And these three beats of the expedition had just begun to bear fruit.
Jeongyeon, Vivian has asked for rights to Ordo in order. Just in case, I waited a little longer, but there were no additional clan members. Despite the small smile on her face, Ansol was surprised. He participated in the expedition, and the priests said he could use it, so it was definitely possible. However, I was only smiling with a clear face that was so good for nothing.
I tapped the loving table with my index finger and gently nodded my head. Then they lowered their hands at the same time.
Do not look at the liver when dispensing equipment. I didn't intend to, but it was best to end it as neatly as possible. Situation has already been made public. So I thought it would be better to go straight rather than spinning.
I opened my mouth to Nazir.
“Vivian La Classidus. Tell me why you want Ordo in order. ” Tr a n sla t e d b y Jp m
As soon as I heard my words, Vivian's lips were bitten. The light flashes through the clan members' faces as well.
Ordo, in his personal opinion, was a more suitable instrument for Jeongyeon. She is a skilled wizard user. In addition, if we put together the secret class, ”Madosa of the Blue Moon,” which is already planned, two or three years later, we might actually be able to compete with the 10 lectures.
It did not reveal itself to the outside. However, I just said that I was implicitly not at all satisfied with the hand of Jeongyeon.
And then the silence for a while. As I waited with my hands clasped, his lips slowly opened.
“Of course, I know Ordo in order suits Jeongyeon well. But I'm confident I can use it. ”
“That's something anyone can do. That's not what I want to say. If you had this, what abilities would you be able to use, that sort of thing. Which means be a little more specific. ”
Tra n sla t ed by jpm tl .c om Vivian closes her eyes. Seeing that, suddenly this situation seemed very interesting. She's a very sophisticated woman, but I leave her alone because she does it when she does it. Unlike the kids.If I give the order right now, Hehe laughs and slaughters her without hesitation. That was the nature of Vivian.
Immediately, Vivian's eyes opened wide. Her eyes were glowing.
“Yesterday I took a close look at the Goose Apparel on Ordo of Order. There are four options that I'm interested in. All Spell Attributes 150% Output, Magic Power 100% Recovery, Zero Endurance, Magia's Key. ”
“That's what Mazia's key is.... Are the three options related to your chimeric magic? ”
“Uh, to be precise, they're the ones who signed with Mahjong and strengthened me randomly. Honestly, they say I'm the leader of the 66 Musketeers, but I'm not completely in control. Most of all, if I don't get the help of the sorcerers because I don't have enough abilities, the top men are hardly summoners. For example, within the 4th Army. ”
“Hmm…. ”
I listened to Vivian. What I expect from her is to change the atmosphere. Currently, most of the clan members, including myself, are being sent to Jeongyeon. Bian clears his throat once before connecting the words to see if he felt it. This was the point and the most important thing.
“But having an Ordo of Order will solve everything. With 150% output, summoned troops will become more powerful. On condition that it is 7 days, but if I can restore 100% of my magic now, I can summon the troops themselves.” Not only that, but if you master zero talent, you can compress everything except for spells that are uniquely linked to horses. The summoning time itself will be greatly reduced. And this is a guess, but if you're going to resurrect a magical city, I'll be quite helpful. ”
“Ho. I'd like to hear a little more about summoning the troops. ”
“The detail makes it too long. But what's clear is that an order can replace a magician with an orb. One with the highest ranks. Maybe the ones at the bottom... I don't think two squads are gonna make it. Anyway, I did what I wanted to say. I'm done talking to you. ”
Given some interest, Vivian tied her horse with a more relaxed face. I touched my chin. When I heard her, I was frankly drawn to her. If we can summon the troops as Vivian has said, it will be a great help to our future plans.
‘Are you sure you're pushing her, or are you turning some to Vivian and aiming for concurrent growth? ’
In a way, it was a happy concern. But instead of worrying about it like this, it was time to listen to the other person. I thought I could make sure. It was a short while before I turned my head to Jeong Yeon.
“I see.”
“Customize? ”
“I listened to Mr. Vivian. Clan Road, Ordo of Order, I give up. ” Tr a n s late d b y Jpmtl .com
“? ”
So easy to give up. But at that instant, I noticed that Jung Yeon's gaze had passed by a book with a blue glow. Even Bianca looks embarrassed, and she sighs for a short time. And he said with a bright smile on his mouth.
“If what you've told me is true, I think it's more appropriate that you have it than I do. That's just what I thought. I'm sure it's a shame, but I don't want to get too greedy. ”
“Really? Are you sure I can have this? ”
“If Su-hyun allows it. ”
You hear the sound of joy as if Vivian were running. However, my gaze was still fixed on Jung Yeon. She shakes her head without clearing her smile, whether she felt that look in my eyes.
“Jeongyeon! Thank you! Thank you so much!”
“Thank you. You.... ”
Jungyeon stopped talking. And I thought I'd wait a while, but then I spoke in a loud voice.
“... I'm a skilled alchemist. ”
Suddenly, I thought that Jung Yeon might change her words. Thinking about it, she was the one who lost her brother to Bianca. If so, it would have been quite an uncomfortable relationship, but from Mule until now it has not been as smudged as fingernails. No, I can't say I'm close, but I've demonstrated a normal relationship as a clan member.
‘Maybe you read my insides. So….'
Either way, Jeongyeon's heart was exemplary and thankful. I thought recruitment in Sazam Mule was a really good choice.
Tr a n sla ted b y jp mtl.c o m However, by declaring Jeongyeon there, the dance was clearly tilted. As I turned my head, I saw Vivian waiting for my words. He looked positively like a poop dog. At this point, I decided to put an end to Ordo's order.
“Then I will hand Ordo of Order over to Vivian. If I fail to perform the master ritual, I will transfer my authority to Jeongyeon. ”
“That can't be right, so don't worry! ”
Vivian gives a flawed face and screams loudly.
That's how Ordo was taken by Vivian. Thanks to Jung Yeon's concessions, the most challenging (?). By solving the order, it was like crossing the arm crease. And then the distribution process was fourteen thousand. Most of the remaining equipment had already been significantly narrowed.
First, the legends of Paradisous Plate Mail and Hoffron were distributed in excellence. There was no disagreement that his unique ability, 'Rewind’, and the meditation of the two armor were a perfect match. Paradisous asked An-hyun just in case, but he shook his head firmly. Perhaps he thought the great sun was better.
Of course, it took some skill boost to familiarize myself with them. Until then, the condition was to stay put, but he accepted it as a thankful face.
Marbolo's research record was unwittingly biased, and the Madosa of the Secret Class Blue Moon also returned to Jeongyeon, of course. Ordo gives up order so neatly, she doesn't see any regret. Rather, I showed him how to hug the blue book I handed him with a happy face.
Gladiators of rare class dawn, and gladiators of the litter, were the definitions of reason. She was a warrior of dawn, thinking from the beginning, and her dagger was her primary weapon as long as she was a dagger. The expression on the face of the reason for receiving the old and silver white daggers was quite bold.
No, I was pretending to be blunt. His eyes were trembling and his mouth was elongated. My hands and legs were trembling. I was able to guess how she felt now that she had achieved such a desired class succession.
Thyrbing was a little ambiguous to distribute. First, if you look at the sword, it's a bit long to say it's a dagger, but it's too short to say it's a longsword. If you ask me, it's more like a dagger. However, the reason was only a minor problem, and the fact that it was a sword made the situation even more ambiguous.
But in the end, it was decided by the owner. No, it was okay to assume it was fixed from the start. The moment I gave up my ownership of Tirbing, there was only one person who could handle it. Especially with her predisposition to chaos, Tirving eventually decided to take it with him.
As a result, all that was left was the headband of purity and the elixir of magic. None of these two solicited ownership. Maybe not because I didn't want to have it, but because I could see it.
Especially the elixir of magic tended to be more severe. The clan members who received the goods were sorry to take more, and the ones who didn't deserve magic elixirs were Ansol and Shin Yong. The problem was that both of them were not good enough to fly the elixir.
Eventually, the choice between the two items came back to me. I was obligated to handle this properly as a Clan Lord. While gazing silently at the two in front of me, I slowly raised my head. All the clan's gazes were converging on me. Tr a nslat ed b y Jp m tl .c om
‘Jung Yeon will evolve into a secret class... Then, Ansol, I should give it to one of you... Why are they both doing that? ’
When Shin Yong tried to say something, he turned his head and struck his hand. Ansol, too, has been avoiding my gaze for a long time. It's better to fight for what you have. I feel even more embarrassed when I yell at each other to yield like this.
I sighed heavily and took a chaste headband and pushed it into my arms. I had my headband set, but I needed to think a little more about the elixir. Of course, the thought won't last long. The more time I had, the more likely I was to be distracted, so I was going to deal with it unconditionally until the settlement was over.