Chapter 273 00273 Something special happened on the return (1/2)
In the words of classicism, the children all burst into elasticity. Especially the ones hanging on the walls, some of them were enough to glow on their own. Looking at that fine figure, three people, other than me, stared at the relics of the warriors with a dazzling face.
But when I found out, my insides were thicker than I thought. It is because the reason I came to Magia in the first place was to get these. I felt even more surprised when I did much more than I expected in Mule, who had only seen one 'pneumatologist’.
In any case, objectively, it was great, but it was within the category I had expected. Even if it feels good, it's not a big enough emotion to be fascinated. So, I met the palms of my hands lightly, looking at the clans still standing far away.
“How long are you going to stare at me? ”
“Oh, look at me. ”
Tra n sla te d b y jpmt As I let my attention go, I clapped my hands together, and he muttered as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Then, the children woke up and showed shy faces. The reward at the end of an expedition always makes users feel good. Earlier, I felt the atmosphere that had settled down strangely began to unravel a little.
It was then.
Suddenly, you hear Ansol screaming loudly on the first floor outside the door. I just turned my ears and I listened, and I said, ”Heheh heh.” Hah, I can feel her breathing heavily.
“Everyone else is awake! ”
“… An-hyun. Gyeongjung.”
“Your brother. ”
“Yes, brother. ” T ra n sla ted by Jpmt l .c om
The two responded at the same time. Then they looked at each other at the same time, and at the same time they were impressed. On their faces, there was a wide expression on their faces as to why they followed.
“Where are you guys looking? Anyway, you. You said you found another one on the third floor. ”
“Ugh, yeah. It was like a lab. I didn't get a good look at it just now.... ”
“Then you two go up first. Me and Goon are gonna clean up here and then we're gonna head up. ”
“Okay, brother. ”
“Give me a bag. And tell Ansol I'll be down in 20 minutes. ”
An-hyun gave me the bag with a somewhat regretful face. I don't think I can get these myself, but I still feel foolish. But soon, they turned around, nodding excitedly. Perhaps there are other expectations around the fact that we are going to see new results.
I looked at the two of them walking out the door in a quick step, and turned my gaze toward the highball. I was going to clean up and get out of here. But the moment I saw her face, I had to put my lips back together.
Ko Yeon-ju was flowing me gently with a very ripe expression.
“Why do you look at me like that? ”
“Soo-hyun, too. I can't live with myself. It's usually negligent, but it's always cute at times like this. ”
“? ”
“Don't pretend you don't know. I know you wanted to be alone with me. Hoho.”
Yeon-ju smiled beautifully and smiled softly. I was dumbfounded, so I shook my head in excitement and sighed and quietly moved to the wall. Ignorance was the right answer at this time.
“Cook, are you ashamed? ” Tra n s l a t ed by Jp m tl.c om
The first thing I picked up was a garment made of leaves. Given the name Wigdrasil, it was definitely the clothes that the Society Fairy Queen wore. The clean, fresh scent of the forest, certainly all over the garment, was impressive. But there was one problem.
“What's the reaction, Soo-hyun? ”
“Enough nonsense and get your gear. ”
There was a lot of stickiness in the classical tone. Dare to lend a hand, I lifted my clothes in front of me.
‘It would be refreshing if I wore it. ’
The clothes had an overall one-piece format. However, it was not a problem that there were too many holes in the middle because they were made of pure leaves. The clavicle and upper chest were clearly visible and the lower part of the underwear was barely covered. I felt like I was seeing really short hotpants below.
“Ugh. Changed. You said you wanted it enough to kill me. Now you're neglecting being caught. ”
The Elf Queen's main weapon was a bow. Then you must have a skill as an archer. The moment I thought about it, I suddenly thought of Hannah. In a way, she has a very similar atmosphere to the Fairy Queen. An inviting and pathetic face. Fair skin. Starry eyes. A sweet soufflé. And maybe it's bigger than the classics.... Oh, um...
I didn't want to think about it, but the child of Im 'Hanna in this dress kept floating inside my head. Eventually, he lowered his clothes and shoved his head wide enough to clear his dirty thoughts, and a sad voice behind his back pierced his ears.
“Phew. I shouldn't have introduced you to Hannah. ”
“ ……. ”
I wanted to protest why I heard about Madame Im. But as soon as I heard that, I felt a delicate aura sweeping up my spine.
I swallowed a saliva and looked back. I could already see the beautiful classical music. The sound of crying is made up, and the tail of her mouth is slightly raised. I was beaten.
“How the Shadow Queen of the underworld ended up in a toxic workshop. Soo-hyun, are you really just going to keep me waiting? No?”
Trans l a te d by Jpmtl .com “Sola! Just a minute! I'll be there soon. ”
“Huh? Carr. Okay, thank you. I'll wait for Su-hyun to tell me. ”
I can hear An-hyun shouting to the first floor in a good time. If this guy had to.
“Heheh heh heh heh. I have to boast to Ha-yeon. ”
But first, what do you think I can do to replace Ahn Hyun's words with my answers? I wanted to tackle you, but I had to endure it here. When it came to me, I should have handled it unexpectedly without looking back. She was a hundredfold woman, so she didn't know what else to fall over for.
How do we reverse this transformation? In the end, there was only one way. After detecting who was outside, I opened my bag and calmly approached the concert. She squints with a swirling smile, then lowers her head slightly to see if she can fit what's in her hands. And that moment.
“Huh...? W….”
I quickly calculated the angle. He quickly pushed his face toward the target with a smile still on his lips. I was embarrassed by the look on her face as she got closer.
“Urgh...! ”
Soon, something warm and soft fell over my lips.
“Brother! Are you here?”
“Yes. I've got everything on the second floor. How about here?”
“Oh, come on. Just in time, brother. I had some gold and jewels, so I put them in first, but my bag was full. I can't even put the goods in yet.... ”
The words of reason that continued without rest stopped as I looked at the magic bag I was holding. I also shoved it in my bag, so it was hardly closed. Anyway, I thought I knew what the eyes of the well meant, so I turned the bag I was holding forward. T ran sl a ted by jpm
“It's okay. Where did you put the supplies? ”
“I put everything on the floor except one. ”