Chapter 249 00249 Surplus Income (1/2)
‘Should we stand by or move on? ’
There are three echoes. That meant someone was murdered somewhere in the plains of the ravine.
The wailing rings after the incident. Once we were safe, the problem was that it was difficult to determine where the incident took place. No one knew if the scene was near the camp or far away.
“Ansol... Innocent.... Reason.... Get up quickly... ”
Whether the situation felt serious, Ahn Hyun was waking the children quietly without causing a commotion. After a moment of listening to the surrounding ridge, I turned my gaze to the music. But I don't think it takes much to play high music either. After looking around for a while, she quickly shakes her head with a dark look.
“I don't think he's around at all. ”
“Don't be careless. In case she shows up, the streets don't have much meaning. ” Tr a n s lat ed by Jp mt m
“Wailing girl. ”
After a short answer, I tapped the handle of the New Moon Sword. Hanbyol lays a jeweled egg on his left finger about when he took it out. Soon after, she came closer to my side, and opened her mouth with a voice.
“Brother. Wailing girl? Can you please just explain the situation a little bit? ”
“You understand what's happening right now, right? ”
“Yes. Someone died earlier... ”
Tr a n sl ate d b y Jpmt l.c om “Yes. That would give us three separate scenarios. Number one. If the user was killed by the same user. Number two, if a user was killed by a monster. Number three, it looks a little bit like the second case. A ghost floating on the plains of mourning, attacked by a wailing girl. Do you know what I mean? ”
I thought I would understand because I replied sooner than usual, but thankfully Hanbyol nodded.
After a little time of vigilance, the son-in-law remains calm indefinitely. Ko Yeon-ju stepped back as she looked everywhere and asked, reducing the distance to me.
“But I know that the girl in the song has rarely been seen in person. I won't be harmed unless I deliberately provoke it... ”
“Yes, but on the contrary, if you upset her, you have to take the blame. ”
“Does that mean someone deliberately pissed off the Wailing Girl? How?”
“It's just one possibility. And that's a lot of ways. ”
“Then…. ”
The moment she tries to speak, I feel someone rushing next to her. I thought it was Ahn Hyun who went to wake the children.
“Bro! We're in trouble! ”
“What's the big deal. And be quiet. ”
“Oh, yes. It's not the other way around, and Ansol's acting weird. ”
“Sol...? Are you awake yet? ”
“No. I broke it, but as soon as I woke up, I kept talking nonsense... ”
As soon as I heard that, I turned my eyes to where they were sleeping. As a result of the episode, the reason had happened a long time ago, and he was taking his own equipment and stepping back. However, Ansol was not yet awake. You enter the sleeping bag, raising only your upper half, staring into the air with your hollow eyes. I immediately walked towards her.
“Ansol?” T rans lat e d b y jpmtl .c o m
“ ……. ”
“Ansol, answer me. ”
“You're late.”
It was an endless, literal nonsense. However, as soon as I heard Ansol's words, I felt a strange aura rushing down my back. And, at the same time, my whole body felt strange.
‘This... ’
The energy I felt when I went to the Academy to find innocence. Complex emotions occurred in my mind, but I quickly refined them. Ansol's anxiety detection effects have already been proven. Then, for now, it was more important to solve what was facing them.
“What do you mean, too late? ”
“Both. ”
“Tell me in more detail. ”
“Waiting, moving. I don't know what to do. ”
“Well…. ”
Ansol said something similar to what I had just thought. Suddenly, a gust of wind creeps past the camp as you feel overwhelmed by the shock.
It was then.
The sound of cutting through the forest on a dark plains echoes through the silent night sky. That sound is so weak that it may sound like the wind when I hear it, but I've been making my hearing sensitive for a long time. The origin of the sound is fairly far from the camp. But one thing was certain, it was getting closer to here. Tr a ns la t ed by jpmt l .c o m
Self sufficiency.
“Ugh...? Brother?”
Ansol glances up at me with a dazzling glance, whether the pills have run out. I clasped my hand against Ansol's armpit, pulled her out, and walked straight to where the clan members were. Her lower body is dragged, but she tilts her head in a way that she doesn't know what's going on.
“Soo-hyun, something's coming. ”
“I heard that, too. All hands on deck. Battle stations. ”
You speak quietly, but the clans have obeyed my orders well. The cold sound of each weapon drawn flows into your ears. In the meantime, Hanbyol asked me if I would prepare the Light Magic, but I told him to just be prepared. And….
The word ”shovel time” was so quickly reduced that the distance from us for the first time was so colorless. And as the ambiguous sound gets closer, the clan members begin to get stiff and stiff. It was when Gimhanbyol and Ansol heard the sound of chanting silently, and a little more time passed from there.
“Oh, my God. ”
Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec!
There is still a distance. However, it was now a visible distance. And where we turned our gaze at the same time, the noisemaker was slowly revealing himself. It was a different person.
But it was a person. It wasn't a standing figure. With his body to the ground, he sprints back as if he were lying flat on his back.
“Hey, what's that? People...? Hiic! ”
The well takes a step forward to see if it tried to take a closer look, then immediately screams and bites its way back. It's because the man who was marching in a straight line towards us momentarily distorted himself ahead of the camp. The side edges curved, and together with him, his chest and abdomen waved momentarily. I silently observe the movement, picking up the embarrassed clan members.
Tr a n sl at ed by jp mt l.c o m ‘I am attracted to someone. ’
As I looked closely into his appearance, I noticed some strange things. First of all, the user's physical condition was not normal. Her body was badly damaged and dark red blood was oozing out of her mouth. Seeing that my eyes are not closed, it looks like I've already saved the day.
Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec! Zec, Zec!
He doesn't come right in. As if you were looking at the liver, you were just wandering around the camp, shifting to S. In the meantime, one of the limbs that was dangling was torn off and the ankle rolled up. It was a grotesque sight.