Chapter 246 00246 First Quest (1/2)
I felt the cold dawn air. A light inhale caused the sweet flesh to mix in the air and pierce your lungs deep.
The morning air was tapping the back of the naked body, but the front of the flesh did not dare to invade. With my face gently wrapped around me, I had a warm spring breeze of comfort.
I was filled with the desire to go back to sleep, but I forcefully awakened the calm spirit. I slept well. I went to bed relatively early last night, but now I think I slept every day at the Academy.
As I raised my head, I could see her face making a colorful nose sound with a relaxed expression. Suddenly, I remember boasting that I won two games last night. And two days ago, when we were shuffling, I remembered being ashamed of the gem of imprinted amplification underneath my navel. After looking at that face for a while, I quickly got up and started dressing. Ansol might wake up and open the door and come in.
After wearing all the basic equipment. Finally, the moment I put the sword and the new moon sword inside my belt, I heard two slamming swords. It was not a loud noise, but it sounded like a dead rat at dawn.
It was different. I could see her eyes flashing while sleeping, either responding to the noise or holding her mother's smile. She blinks three or four times, her eyes filled with a slight blue light that soon focused on me.
T r a n s lated by Jp m t l .c o m “Soo-hyun... ”
“Go back to sleep. It's still a little early in the morning. ”
“Where... are you going? ”
“I'm going to the library. I have some material I need for my meeting today. ”
After just waking up, her voice was deeply locked. She gets up with a slight twist and a wide base, then covers her chest in fury. Soon, he looked at Hayeon, who was embarrassed, laughed, and turned calmly.
“After breakfast today, we will have a meeting on the fourth floor. As I said yesterday, I will listen to each and every one of them, so please tell them to be prepared. ”
“Mmm-hmm. Yeah, but why do I need to think about it? ”
“... Haha. ” T r a n slated by Jpmtl .c o m
“Haha, I'm kidding. I'll do as you say. ”
I smiled bitterly at Hayeon's playful words. When we came back from the expedition, I was going to go straight into position. Then you won't be able to take everyone on this expedition because you need a clan member to stay in the city and work.
I felt sorry for causing you so much trouble after the user academy, but the only members of the current administrative clan were Choongyeon or Jeongyeon. Combat users are good, but in the future they will also need a professional administrative workforce.
“Sorry. Just a little more effort. We'll leave a few men behind. ”
“No, I'm sorry. Su-hyun goes out and fights for her life, but I'm the only one comfortable in the city... ”
She shakes her head calmly and replied. And the two of us, facing each other, smiled at the same time.
“Well, I'll be back before breakfast. ”
I finished my speech and started walking toward the door. Soon after the visit, the moment I left, I said, ”Go back.” I could hear her voice.
Different cities differ, but libraries generally operate almost all day, such as temples. I understand that libraries like Monica's are closed late at night and open early in the morning. According to Earth's time, we can see it around 12: 00 p.m. and 4: 00 a.m. at night.
I received enough data from Istanbul Row, but it didn't include the records I wanted to check. What I wanted was more information about the ruins inside the canyon, not about the delusional plateau and the hallucination canyon as a whole.
As I approached the library, a man opened the door. Dressed in a magic robe, it was clearly a combat user running part-time, not a resident or a living user. His face was a little tired, but he frowned as soon as he saw me if he didn't know he was coming at this time. I ignored the reaction lightly and began to search inside the library.
‘Ancient... Myth... Legend... ’
After going through the records in the archives for a while, I found a few records that I was looking for. Despite considerable reductions in memory that we already know, the amount of records we have in our hands was still fairly thick. I immediately started reading the records.
T rans la ted b y jp mt “ ……. ”
In the beginning, there were many records that were searched and handed over quickly. There were also some records that were only mentioned a few pages in front of them. However, the thickness of the record that I was holding became thinner, and by the time I was almost at the end, I was able to find a record that was related to my memory. I read it one line at a time.
Since the record itself was only eleven chapters, it did not take much time to read. It's been a while. I put all the other records in place and then turned to the entrance, except for the last one I read.
At the counter, there was a user who opened the door for the first time, and he fell asleep with an open book. Thought I'd wake you up for a moment, but I decided to just quietly write down the record name and user information on the rental list. Soon, I pulled out a large map that was stuck like a flower bundle next to me and dropped the coin in a bowl on the counter.
Soon she heard the coin ring, but she could not hear the man's head. I whistled myself out.
Breakfast was served in a quiet atmosphere. There was a calm and solemn atmosphere that made it known that there was an important meeting after dinner.
After the meal, the members of the mercenary clan, including myself, went straight to the fourth floor. The conference room was the biggest and best room I use.
“We will now begin our meeting with the Mercenary Clan. ”
When I put the map I bought this morning on the wall of the Oval Office and looked back, I saw a total of nine clans sitting in their seats. Most of them were sitting round a large table in the Oval Office, but only the choir stood next to me with their hands together.
I checked each face once, and I spoke calmly.
“I told you most of what was important yesterday. But some clans asked me to give them time to think. We need to determine the grants of the quest before we go into more detail, so let's take a moment to hear their thoughts first. ”
After returning from Istantel Row yesterday, I explained my situation to the clans and asked them for their opinions. Up until now, I have mostly independently decided and led the work. Of course, I still tend to do so, but I was also hoping to get the clan members' opinions as I set up a clan house and took a seat in the future. Moreover, this quest was the first, and it contained too many things to decide independently.
When I finished, Shin Yong looked at it and lifted his hand. There were two clans who asked for a hold on my opinion, one for the high notes and one for the new.
With a slight nod, Shin Yong clears her throat once or twice and opens her mouth.
T r ansl ated b y jp m “Hmmm. Well, then I'll speak. First, you are not opposed to the quest itself. I went through the records given by Clan Lord yesterday and concluded that the Heights of Delusion are well prepared with the judiciary received from Istantell Row. The rewards are good and the chances of success are high.... It might be a bit difficult to enter the Hallucination Canyon, as Clan Lord has added. ”
“Well, may I ask why? ”
“Yes, yes. If you look at the rate of birth in this record, the rate of life in the hallucination canyon is less than 30 percent. The Emoticons can prepare for the Delusional Highlands, but they know that in the hallucination canyons, the benefits fall in half. That doesn't mean there are a lot of quantities.... Well, you know. I think it's better to take a risk and leave the Delusional Highlands safely, even if there are fewer rewards than going into the canyons. ”
Shin Yong is the head of several clan members in a horse. Shin Yong saw their reaction and said, ”Within.” ”I breathed out loud one last time.
Next, she turned her head toward the classical music, and she was also a face that empathized with the opinion of the novelist.
“My opinion is similar to Shin Sang-yong's. I understand Clan Lord's opinions, of course. But up to the Heights of Delusion, the Hallucination Canyon is definitely dangerous. It's not about me and Su-hyun, it's about the other clans. If it were just me and Su-hyun, I would agree. ”
The irony was that I and myself were not a problem, but I was not confident enough to protect the rest of the clan there. Considering the field effects of the hallucinogenic canyon, it was a reasonable opinion.
As a result, both of them commented on the pending application. I take a few moments of moxa and open my mouth with a bold tone.