Chapter 224 00224 Misconceptions give rise to misunderstandings (1/2)
“Exactly. The Summoning Room... should I say? After I woke up there, I went through a rite of passage according to the angels' instructions. When I woke up, I saw Yuna, and some other people were sitting in the void. ”
Innocence opened its mouth in a quiet voice. I stuttered a little, but then I started to picture the situation in my head as I listened to the story of the man who was speaking in a clear voice.
“I saw a lot of people. They were confused, they were anxious. But one of them was a very calm man. He stepped out into the center of anxious people, and immediately caught their attention. That's the first time I met Park Hwang Hee. ”
When referring to Park Hwang-hee, he let out a small breath.
“And…. ”
The story of Day 1 and Day 2 continued to be nothing, to be honest. Park Hwang-hee was just leading people, escaping the forest, discovering points, and meeting other survivors to act with them. And in the meantime, Park Hwang Hee's leadership was shining.
T rans l a te d b y jpmtl.c om “That's how we got past day two. Until then, I and everyone else believed in Park Hwang-hee. This man can lead us to survive here. The only reason I was able to endure that hellish place while I was mentally unstable.... because I wanted to live and because of the hope that I could live. And at the center of that hope was Park Hwang Hee. It was the third day after two hell days. ”
Following up, he said he met a total of three survivors from the first vacancy. Park Hwang Hee also brought all the survivors into her own team. The outward justification would be that they would live here together, and charisma, a unique ability, would have contributed.
If you can control dissonance, it's not bad to be called big. This is because the more people you have, the higher the strength of the battle.
But for the second time, discord was one of the most important issues in the rites of passage. That's the problem with food shortages. If there were a team or two, the food at one point wouldn't have been enough to cover a day or two.
“At that time, we had a very high proportion of men. We loved the food as much as we could, but it was all mouth-watering. Strangely, I met a lot of survivors in day two. But on the contrary, until then, I've only found the point once. I tried to endure it somehow, but I ended up on day three. We ran out of food. ”
“Then I should have gotten some food. ”
“Yes, Park Hwang-hee, who was trying to be as safe as possible except when he went inside, finally said that he needed to get food even far away. And we recruited volunteers to go out and get food. But out there, there are monsters everywhere, and who would want to volunteer? because at first, I was repulsed. But then something amazing happened. ”
Tr an sl at e d by Jp mt l.c om “Amazing thing? ”
In my defense, I nodded once and immediately opened my mouth. What he said was amazing is that Park Hwan-hee was the first volunteer.
“Everyone complained about the food, but everyone still trusted Park Hwang-hee. After all, he was an unworthy leader, and not a bad outcome. Whether they were impressed by the sacrificial spirit or not, one or two people who were just watching began to support them. And me and Yuna were among those volunteers. ”
“Aided in gathering food. ”
“Yes, to be honest, I was a lot of young men, and Yuna was a lot of women. It was embarrassing, but it was almost clumsy. It was true what I saw a little bit, but I wanted to help. ”
It could be said that the treatment of innocence was appropriate. Wherever survival is important, such as rites of passage, whenever large numbers of people come together, any complaint will arise. And the grievance arrow tended to be directed at the team's lowest contributors. I kept my mind clear and focused on what he said.
Park Hwang-hee applied first so that there could be a number of people who could search for food. More than ten people said they went out armed with the weapons they had until then to get food. And fortunately, at the end of exploring the half-day, he found a new point, and said he could get enough food to last a day, although not much there.
“We decided to remember that place, because there was a rule that we couldn't stay more than a day at the Safe Point that we discovered on Day 2. We thought we'd leave a few people behind, but we thought we'd all move together, we'd share our food, and we'd go back to where we were. ”
“Ah, save point. I've checked those rules. ”
“Yes, they were all carefully checked by Park Hwang Hee. Anyway, on the way back, someone asked a question. The safety of the save point lasts only one day. So it took me half a day to get food, so I thought the people I spent in the morning might be in danger. Park Hwang-hee thought it was reasonable, and after a lot of thought, he finally decided to turn around. ”
“If you turned.... Hmm.”
“When I went around the mountain, I decided to cross the mountain in a straight line on my way back. because that would significantly reduce the distance of half a day. ”
‘Crazy. No, I wish I'd been out in the woods before. ’
As soon as I answered my question, my innocence was a word.
“Of course, people who started in the forest were reluctant to go in. Shouldn't we go back to the way we came...? But there was no guarantee that the road would be safe again, and everybody was a little tired because they were nervous. He was armed in his own way, and in his worst case scenario, he thought he could survive. Eventually, we went into the mountains. And that became the worst choice. ”
T rans l at e d by jpm tl .c o m Until then, I finally stopped talking once, making fun of my mouth. It seems that the gloomy glow on your face still hasn't put aside the trauma of that time. I decided to use that gap to make another drink that I had made earlier. Soon after I gave him a cup full of bubbles, the purity took it with a slightly brighter face.
After a sip of the drink, he said in a loud voice.
“I still don't know how the monsters got together. Suddenly, monkeys started chasing us, and they grabbed us one by one like we were playing with each other. Three in a row were beaten by the monsters, and then we started to run away because we knew the situation. I heard the scream behind me while I was running away.... It was horrible.”
“You didn't think to fight? ”
“I don't know. No, I don't think so. The moment Park Hwang Hee ran in front of him, I was busy following him. It was the first time I could see his desperate face. At that time, he kept mumbling to himself and leaping forward. Now, when I think about it, it was kind of offensive. So we kept running, but one of our colleagues disappeared. Some people were caught by the monkeys. Some people were in a hurry to run and fall. And when we got over half the mountain, there were only five people left who had started with the first 10. ”
“Three of them are Park Hwang Hee, you, and your girlfriend? ”
“Yes. Should I say good luck with the misfortune? I think that Yoona and I were able to stay in the center of the group under protection. They took over five people, but they were relentless. But as soon as we got to the top and down the ramp, we started to pick up some speed. ”