Chapter 201 00201 Attention (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 73290K 2022-07-25

I always thought of him.

That night, I turned my back without following him.

Six months have passed since graduation. A lot has happened over the years, but he still occupied a corner of my mind. Every time I try to think about it, I remember the night I followed you. Every time I think about the conversation I had with him that night, my heart tightens and I close my eyes.

“Then, my brother... ”

You're a trustworthy person. I keep trying to keep my mouth open, but I can't hear anything stuck in my throat anymore. No matter how hard I try to remember that time, I just want to avoid it instinctively. I struggled with regret for a while, but soon I closed my mouth. All I can do is just look back one by one at the time I was with him. Now it was the only consolation that supported me.

T r a n s l ate d b y jpmtl.c o m When I first started the rite of passage. When the team was at risk of being decommissioned due to a disturbance of a man I don't even remember now. When you draw the attention of the monsters and lure them into the woods like that nightmare. When we argued in front of the cabin. When you took on the boss monsters and made us run away. But as if to survive and come back again. And when I came into the hall plane,

Maybe it was starting to go wrong from then on. I tried to jog my memory since the Hole Plain, but I could hardly think of anything except that night. It's the only way. I avoided it on purpose.

“It's hard... ”

It's hard. I spoke a weak word without even knowing it. What will happen next? The situation is too confusing. You squat and squeeze your shoulders together. I shrugged my head and shoulders, but it didn't do me any good.

It was then.

“Gimhanbyol! Gimhanbyol! Where are you? You're not getting out of your room right now? ”

You hear a commotion, a visit. As I lift my head under my arm, I see a female user breathing with a furious face. It was Sung Yoo Bin. As soon as I saw her, I almost said it out loud. However, I was able to avoid immortality by barely speaking.

Tra ns la ted b y Jp mtl.c om “Ugh, the smell of cigarettes. Have you been smoking? All the clans are busy out there right now. Are you relaxing on your own? Smoking cigarettes? ”

“ ……. ”

“Oh, look at him staring. You want to eat a man? Why don't you close your eyes right now? ”

“… I was about to leave soon. ”

Sung Yoobin. After entering the Golden Lion with the introduction of Park Hyun-woo, I was one of the users who did not look at me with good looks. After the expedition, Sung Yoo Been temporarily became an executive in charge of me and taught me. While Park Hyun-woo was still, his teeth were showing up to me while he was escaping from injuries. Too much.

“By the way, I was wrong in the first place. What are you doing in secret class? I don't see the answer, the answer. ”

Let's ignore it. It only makes me feel dirty and upset when I'm with you. I was just about to leave for a visit.


“… Yes. ”

“I'm telling you. Do it today. ”

“ ……. ”

When I turned my head, I saw the face of unlucky Yoobin. His face was full of laughter, and his mouth was slightly bent on what was so pleasant. I felt like I could have as much fun as I wanted with this opportunity. She rolls her eyes around, looking at my face, and speaks in a contemptible tone.

“Do it right. For the record, don't expect Park Hyun-woo from me. I'm not Hyung Woo's brother, I'm Sung Yoo Bin. You've been very comfortable, haven't you? It was nice to be treated, wasn't it? ”

“I don't know what you're talking about. ”

“Yeah? Well, we can tell them now. Follow me now. We've got a lot of work to do. ”

Trans lat e d by jp m t l .co m When he finished speaking, he passed by me loudly. As I passed by, her shoulders heavily pushed me, and I could only twist once or twice with the recoil.

“Don't quibble, move quickly. Slowly explode. ”

She sneaks out one more word and leaves the room. I endured the boiling shame from the depths of my heart, and I bit my lips and followed behind her.


The sun was going through the sky. I told him to come before nightfall, so there was still enough time. As much distance between cities as there is a warp gate, I was still in Barbara. I didn't have to go very fast, but I needed to arrive not too late. It was because there was nothing good about having to make the impression of being arrogant because of the perception.

The number of people accompanied was one accomplice. Seeing that it was such a big place in the first place, there were no clan members who wanted to go. After asking Jeong Yeon for company, I instructed her to pack her things in advance just in case. First, I needed to see how the summons were tied up, but I was going to move on as planned unless it was a big deviation.

In a way, it was a good opportunity. We can see how the summons are working right there. I walked the street imagining which users would come, which conversations would come and go. Of course, there was Han So-young in the center of the imagination.

Barbara is a major city, so the maintenance is very good. However, the city was so big and huge, it seemed like it was about to get lost.

But that didn't apply to me. Barbara is a very familiar city to me. She wandered around here and there, wanting to get a caravan for the first time, and has been since she grew up a little bit. That's why I had a good understanding of geography in detail. Clan houses are located close to the user academy. A clan house of the Golden Lion was enough to pay a visit without a chief.

The facades of the buildings are easy to see and the streets are familiar. I crossed the bridge past the main street and walked to the middle while walking along the highway in the plaza. Through this square, you can once again enter the sprawling streets of many buildings. And in the center of it, there was our destination.

In any city, the square plays an important role. Significant billboards were stacked with numerous advertisements, but the overwhelming advertisements were today's clan promotional record. It was enlarged and affixed. A group of users gathered around it and began to murmur if they had seen us.

Luckily, the square was relatively quiet. It was time to explore and return in the morning, but considering this was a big city, it was definitely less.

It is mainly a place where users who are looking for a caravan or colleague live. However, given the small number of users looking today, it appears that the portal was opened and controlled by the Golden Lion Clan.

Seems like yesterday I was sitting here as a novice user, but now I'm an invitation to the summons as a clan road. It was true that even though it was unexpected, it felt a little subtle.

I felt that some of the users around me were gathering. However, when I looked around, I did not reduce the distance any more. I did not stop walking towards the destination without looking the other way.

Tr an s l a t e d by jp m tl .co m A white marble building suddenly appeared to the left as shopkeepers crossed a row of streets. Upon raising your head, you see a beautiful diagonal statue of wings on the roof. It was Barbara's temple. It was immeasurably large and wide compared to the Temple on Mule. Suddenly, Seraph's thoughts hit my head, but I swooped right off. I didn't want to think about it.

As I turned around the temple and turned to the right, I saw buildings rising high as if they were piercing the sky. Among them were clan houses of the golden lion and symbolic symbols of the user academy.

As I paused for a moment and looked up at the sky, I felt a slight pull in my arm. Turning to me, he looked at me with a weak smile.



“You nervous?”

“No, why? ”

She said, ”I haven't said a word. I opened my mouth. I said,” I guess I walked with a pretty girl like you. ”I took revenge. Goonju bursts into laughter.

“Phew. I can't live with myself. But since you're joking, I don't think you're nervous. Yes.”

If anyone who didn't know anything saw it, it was just a pretty woman's smile. However, a sudden rumbling noise spread around. The user who walks with his arms around me now is Goon Song. It's 10 rivers. It's amazing how the user who has been surrounded by the veil has shown him to be intimate with me.

Of course, this was also a kind of show. If what you did this morning demonstrated your dignity as a clan, you have now shown your personal relationship with me. It seems that there are many users who are hard to believe that they are below the user in the tenth year, so they can see that she is very considerate.

As we were walking the streets smiling like that, we were soon able to arrive near our destination. Clan House's front door was erected in front of him with a majestic appearance. It was still closed, so I couldn't see the durability, but I felt an awkward posture. In addition, a loud, sharp shout was coming into his ears from the wall. I could hear what he was saying, but I didn't want to.

“Shall we go in?”

“No, wait a minute. We don't have to go in first. ”

After shaking his head excitedly, he turned around and looked at me from the front. Then I lifted one flimsy finger and glided across the back of my nose. Soon I saw her swollen fingertips, and I realized the surroundings were strangely quiet.

Tran slat ed b y jpm t l .co m Turning back to the front door, the door opens slowly. Then a group of users starts walking out of the opening. By empowering his eyes, he was able to closely examine the user's impression at the forefront. He looked like a wizard wearing a dark red robe, but I remember seeing him in the square the other day. Did you say Sung Yoo Bin? And behind her....

Without a gap to look closely behind the car, they came forward and walked in line. I quickly activated the third eye.

Player Status

1. Name: Sung Yoo Bin (Year 3)