Chapter 142 00142 End of exercise (1/2)
I looked at her with a face that I didn't understand for a moment. Did you read my questionable expression? Yeon-ju opened her eyes wide and asked.
“Oh, you didn't know? I've been on my tail since I got out of Mule. Weren't you marching to get rid of them? ”
It was only then that I could understand the details of the insult. I could definitely feel the tactics of some of the users who were following us when we left Mule. And I didn't see them as vagrants, but I knew that users who appreciated our rapid growth were being followed. Mule has no users. Whenever he goes out on an expedition, it is distributed with quality equipment, so anyone who knows anything would look at it for a while.
But I had to tilt my head again. It wasn't a swift march to get rid of them, but I could see it as a concussion. Following the pace of this march meant that they were not very novice users. I thought about it for a moment, then quietly asked her.
“It must have been some distance before the day passed. Are they still chasing us? And how did the user player know that? ”
Tra nslat e d by Jp mt l .c om “Rather than chasing him, he should be able to say he's following him with a certain distance. I think I'm seeing and tracking the signs we left behind to make sure I have a good archer. And have you forgotten who I am? I put a shadow on them from day one. ”
It wasn't until I heard a voice that I could understand her first words. Will it run or will it take off? That means if we camp here now, they'll be within range of us.
I still can't get a good feeling whether they are just a user following them or a vagrant. However, I had a tendency to be very unwilling to wear a tail. I shed a tear for a while, but I was able to make up my mind without such a big worry.
“I'll camp here. ”
“I'm taking it off. But they seem pretty discreet. Do you think they're that easy to catch? There are eight of us. ”
“You don't have to move everything. And if it doesn't come from there, you can come in here. ”
As soon as she heard me, she let out a slight snort. Then I made my eyes slightly narrow, and I began to bite my face open. After looking at my face for a while, she opened her mouth in a loud voice. Tr a nslated by jpm t l.c o m
“You can also get help from your friends. Or I can help you. ”
“That's all right. It doesn't have to ruin the mood for the early stages to get to the point.” ”
“That's what the group said. What about me?”
“Please stay at the base camp. We have to prepare for one possibility in the bay. Anyway, I think it's enough to deal with them alone. ”
“... You don't want to do this alone? ”
Suddenly, I silenced myself as soon as I stabbed the tune. I felt like I was stabbed. I could see a deep smile on her mouth as she saw my reaction.
I glanced at her with bold eyes, then turned away. I didn't want to talk to her anymore. Because, you know, I had a similar angle. It's a similar idea. That's how she got inside of me.
“You know what? You smiled for the first time since you left the expedition. ”
I didn't feel it at all. I touched my mouth with a calm hand. And behind my back, I felt her words grab me one more time.
“Well, I'm glad they're not helpful. Okay, but watch out for bats. ”
I quietly raised my hand and was at peace with her words.
A short distance away, he approaches the group and opens his mouth.
“I'm going to camp here today. It's a little early, but it's a bit of a blur. ”
After the march today, the group looks at me with a surprised look as they declare that they are going to camp. However, everyone seemed to have relief on the other side of their face, not to dislike it.
So we organized the camp and decided to have an early dinner. As early as I went to bed today, I said I would get up early tomorrow and leave immediately, so everyone will go to bed quickly. Seeing the children eating with a brighter face, I opened my mouth in a quiet voice. Tran s lat e d by Jp m tl.c om
“Today is going to be the same as yesterday, but we're going to make some changes. ”
The group listens to me. I turn my senses in secret to check one direction, then raise my voice as if to listen.
Originally, there was one person standing in the firewall, but this time we decided to increase the time per hour and replace it with two people standing. Of course, there was a way to change it. And I just hope that some of them are smart, with a little head spin. That way they can easily figure out what they want and deal with it.
“So I'm going to play the first time today with you. Other than me and the quartet, you can pair up two by two just like you did yesterday. ”
“Soo-hyun Kim, do you really need two people? ”
When Vivian raises her hand and asks, I hold my head back and answer.
“Yes. I think we need to be a little more vigilant. Especially not in the mountains. And the firewall number was originally two people, one trillion people. Back in the day, we were outnumbered, so we had to stand one by one, but now we're not. I was going to do that when I went on this expedition, but I forgot. So I think it's better to change it from now on. ”
“Hm. Obviously two are better than one. In the meantime, I was wondering if I could offer you a proposal, but you've been thinking about it. ”
“Yes. And... I think there are a lot of bushes and trees around here, so there are a lot of restrictions on vision. One to guard the base camp, and the other to patrol lightly to maximize efficiency. ”
“Very well, I'm all for it. ”
As Shin Yong steps forward for safety, a quiet tremor breaks out among the group. However, there was nothing wrong with what I just said in my heart. In the end, the whole group agrees to settle the matter.
After that, there was some commotion. Everyone looked at who was there before and after him. After a short time, the group reaffirms their pairings and resumes their meal. And Ansol, who seemed relieved that his partner wasn't playing high notes, suddenly turned his head toward the dense bush with an odd face.
“Woof...? ”
“Sola, what's wrong with you? ”
“No. I just keep seeing someone looking at us. ” T r a n slat ed by jp m tl .co m
At the end of the sentence, a black bird pops out of the bush with a purring sound. Later, when I saw the bat flying away into the air, I turned my head to Ahn Hyun, saying that it was nothing.
“It's a bird. It's nothing. Never mind. Let's just have dinner. Here, try this soup. It tastes amazing. ”
“A bird? I don't think so... Hehe. No, I can eat alone. ”
Ansol frowned as An-hyun refused the spoon with the soup. While An-hyun immediately lowered the spoon again, I exchanged a meaningful heart gaze with her.
So we finished dinner and went straight to bed. The group chats for a while, but they all have lazy expressions because of a warm meal. Later, looking at the users burying themselves with one or two sleeping bags, I leaned back against the tree. There was still a little time left for the night.