Chapter 108 00108 Same question, different results (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 53550K 2022-07-25

I hear her shrill voice. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. An act that may look like cleanliness of mind on the outside, but it's everywhere. After a short breather, I began speaking in a splendid tone.

“I've lost precious people before. ”

I thought a lot about saying this, but I decided to do it. It is unlikely that she will think of a user suspension after hearing this. Now it was time for me to answer her questions, and the flow of the 'true crystal' felt under my hands seemed to be ending soon.

“I can't tell you how sad and desperate it was. After that experience, and after coming into this fucking hall plane. I remember that moment, and I worked hard to build strength and adapt to it. ”

“ ……. ”

“I wanted to be empowered, knowing the power to harm my life, and accepting it... because I literally wanted to live. My goal is ultimately two things. Survival and return. I have yet to give up the hope of surviving in this Hole Plane world and returning to Earth. But... going back alone is meaningless. ”

I paused and turned my head to look at the children. An-hyun's face, An-sol's face, is the face of reason. The children were concentrating on what I said, with a deep breath. Of course, the truly precious ones in my heart are not children. T ra nsla t ed b y Jp m t l.c o m

It's a kind of fuzzy prank that's always been about words and sincerity. I turned my gaze back and said,

“I don't want to protect my precious people and let them die. I want to live without a single death and return together to Earth. Even if I could make a sacrifice, if I could save those precious people, I would be able to accept that sacrifice with confidence. ”

“Bro…. ”

“Brother... ”

“Brother... ”

The light of ”The Crystal of Truth” was light. It still blooms with a light color. I have no choice. I thought of my brother Kim Yoo-hyun and Han So-young. And I truly judged what I meant.

T r a ns lat ed by Jp m t m The group around me, however, is mistaking those precious people for children. Especially those who exchanged eyes with me were all expressions of elasticity and dreaminess. I'm sorry, boys, but I won't let you ever regret following me.

Jungyeon, Shinyong and Vivian were also staring at me with a very impressive face. The Crystal of Truth proved that my words were not spoken in my mouth. That's all I have to say. However, the crystal ball was still being maintained. After finishing earlier than I expected, I had a taste for it and was about to turn my head again.

At that time, Shin Yong who had been listening silently opened her mouth.

“Ha-yeon, let's stop now. ”

“Yes, yes...? ”

“You've asked enough questions. So let's stop. And a leader.”

Shin Sang-yong suddenly stopped speaking and sat down to fix his posture. And I fell flat on my face and hit my head on the ground. ”Tak.” The sound echoes around you.

“Leader, I'm sorry. For a moment there, I suspected you. So I couldn't stop her when she brought out the Crystal of Truth to you. But after I heard what the leader meant... I realized how stupid I was. ”

“I'm glad the misunderstanding was solved. ”

“She's the savior who saved your life, and she did me a favor. Nevertheless, I could not get rid of the doubts that were on the other side of my mind. I'm so sorry.”

“Today I'm going to get something for saying this after I return to Mullo. And wake up. I can't even begin to see you like that. ”

When I opened my mouth with a depressed voice, Shin Yong struggled to get up. His face was filled with regret. When I look back, I can see Jeongyeon staring at me like that. Starting with the new business, she looks at all the faces of the group, including me, and stops looking at Vivian for a moment. At that moment, I could see a shimmering light in her eyes passing by.

“Th...! ”


I quickly turned around and spoke to the children in a gentle voice. Just about to talk to me, Jeongyeon swallowed a saliva with a blemish face. She just said that was the last question, and it wasn't the mood to push me further. He was angry and said, ”Stop with the good stuff.” Perhaps if you open your mouth one more time, then you will truly incur the wrath of the rest of the party.

Tr an sla te d b y jp m tl .com The children were all mouthing off with a long face. I opened my mouth with a calm face that I had not shown to Jeongyeon.

“If you guys usually have questions, ask now. We still have a little time. ”

When I asked, Ahn Hyun and Yu immediately shook their heads. No, if you don't ask questions, we have time. I could not hear the cry in my heart, and they spoke to me in a shy tone.

“Bro, I've solved all the questions. And I never doubted it in the first place. Rather... I'm sorry. And thank you, brother. ”

“Me, too. See? I knew it. You fooled my brother... I feel sorry for my brother... ”

I sigh as I look at the puzzled well behind my back. I turned my head to Ansolo, thinking that it would work somehow, because I had a new purpose and bias. And she... just stared at my face with a dazzling glance.

I am intuitively dangerous (?) and I was about to turn my head to Bian.

“M-brother... ”

“Huh, huh? ”

“I want to ask my brother... ”

Don't you do it. I wanted to say it like a chimney, but I would cry right away. In addition, the other children were curious about Sol's question, so I didn't think of a reason to refuse. As soon as Sol accepted my silence as a positive, he twisted his body and opened his mouth.

“What does he... think of me...? ”

“Cough, cough!”

An-hyun, who was listening quietly, vomited a strong cough. I bitten my lip thinking it was coming. Haha. What do you think? I think it makes me want to harass and cry all the time to an immature child... But I couldn't let it out.

“ ……. ”

T ra n s l a te d b y Jp m t l .c om The brush now squeezes its hands as if it were very courageous, and the ball is dyed red. As I try to open my mouth, I see an unexpected arc.

“What do you think? You're always acting like a child, and all you have to do is cry. What kind of questions do you have to ask your brother? ”

“Yes, Soo-hyun's face is too embarrassing. Don't ask questions like that in private. You have to know when and where to hide. ”

The well and Bian shoot their brushes side-by-side like a target. Even though I nodded my head that the passage was right, their speech was sharper than necessary. At the rebuttal of two female users, Ansol pushed out his lower lip.

“Well, I didn't ask my sisters. ”

“Where is this kid...? ”


I sat down the well that was just getting up in a loud voice. Things nearly went wrong, but the crisis was overcome with the proper help of the two. Having everyone's attention, I suddenly opened my mouth.

“Solly, she's so sweet and innocent. Sometimes it surprises me. And... it doesn't really fit into the world of Hall Plain that well. It's true.”

“Hehe…. ”

“But Sol is a priest. I'm always focusing on the possibilities rather than the lumps... of a brush. ”

“But... I'm not much help... like my sisters said... I just keep crying... ”

You know very well. However, I shook my head slowly, without sticking my head out.

“The priesthood and Sol's personality are very good together. I always thought Solly had the potential to be the best priest. No, if you could just keep that in mind, you'd be the best priest in the world. ”

Yeah, 'cause you're gonna be Brilliance Priest later. I'll be very useful at the time, so I'll try to comfort you now. I grinned, grabbed the crystal ball, and climbed up. And the flame of' The Crystal of Truth 'was still rising in a light color.

When I heard my answer, Ansol's face changed noticeably brighter, and Ahn Hyun lifted up his waist with an excited face. And at that moment, after checking the flame of the 'Crystal of Truth' lifted into the air, Sagrad slowly saw the flame. Tr ans lated b y jp m tl .com