Chapter 61 00061 Mage and Alchemist (Rare) (1/2)
Took barely made it back and forth for half an hour. Despite half an hour's time, the children wiggle their weapons in their hands as if they were still in the heat of the battle with the Rengars. When I first saw the bodies of the users, I felt a calm atmosphere rising. At my satisfaction, I increased my walking speed even more by walking with a light smile.
There's another passageway in the clearing by Renga. It was a passageway across the hall from where we came in. Those of us who came out of there were entering even further without being disturbed. We can't be certain that this structure will continue, but the dungeon still has a rather simple structure.
Honestly, the Dungeon of the Ancient Alchemist Vivian was on a fairly easy axis. Suddenly, I remembered the time when I was exploring the maze for the first time in my head. I got lost and struggled for the past three months because I was so close to entering a place where even skilled users couldn't sneak in. However, it was natural that the current dungeon seemed relatively easy as it had experience at the time.
Compared to the memory of the time when I was devastated, I had a funky laugh. It would have been unthinkable if it had been me. At that time, I walked by thoroughly analyzing the traps and checking the path of monsters' appearance, even if I took a step. But now I felt caution fading away.
I prefer to be basically calm about whatever I do. It's because I think it's better to step on the food in a hurry, even if it's a little slower. But now, you were not frustrated to do the same as before as you were able to excel at your nature and add to your experience. Above all, I also needed a sense of fast-paced urgency when I didn't have enough time.
It was a dungeon in a small town, so it was definitely less difficult than an expedition in a normal city or metropolitan area. Still, I was a little nervous because I was close to the uncharted area, but I felt very comfortable with traps being set up everywhere and moving forward a little bit, unlike other places where monsters emerge.
T ran s l a te d by jp m t l .com When I think about it, it wasn't that hard if it wasn't for the last guy who came out of the cave. At the end, when the caravan popped out, I felt goosebumps all over my body. I can't just let my guard down, though. I kept my guard up.
Traces of the caravan lead here. Then he passed through the vacant lot, and he could see that he had filled the new rentals as much as he could sneak out. Then he was a somewhat intelligent dungeon master.
As I kept going inside, I could see a vacancy that was connected with another passageway. However, this vacancy was very small, less than half the size compared to where the Rengars were.
There was a small space where fewer than fifty people could enter and a jagged cliff in front of them, and there were four holes drilled under the ground. You are no longer able to advance through the breach. That meant I had to choose a hole and go anywhere.
When I stepped inside the clearing, the children stopped following me. I immediately triggered the third eye and magic detection without having to worry about where I was going. I quickly detected four holes, and I was about to walk to the second cave after holding my head down.
My eyes saw the face of the brush staring at the cliff with a puzzled face. The brush also turned to me and tilted its head slightly, as soon as it felt my gaze. I felt the urge to go and bite the ball right now because it was so cute, but I could hardly bear it because of Ahn Hyun next to me.
As I make my worrying face, the well, the typical sovereign of the mood wave, approaches with a commotion. I turned immediately to avoid annoying work, but the well also caught up with me in the direction I was turning. She twirls her dagger and opens her mouth to see if she's feeling bored.
T r a n s late d by Jp m “Brother, are you thinking about where you're going? ”
“ ……. ”
The well smiled and said whether he thought something of me was positive.
“I have an idea. ”
“What nonsense... ”
And I said, ”Oh, my God! He always talks to me. Let me do it this time, okay? All you have to do is sit back and watch. I have a very good idea. ”
He had a somewhat serious face on the outside, but it was clear that his jaw was slightly raised, and he was up to something evil. But I also felt like I was holding my shoulder and avoiding the wells that sparkle earnestly. I sprayed the surroundings with sensors, but nothing was caught.
I decided to let the well do what it wanted. Sometimes, the well showed an unexpected sharp side. I also had the intention to build up my experience. When I shut up and took a step back, the well became a suspicious face. Soon, she spoke to Ahn Hyun, who also turned the window around.
“Hyun ~? ”
“Ho-ho-ho. No, I just wanted to check something out. ”
When An-hyun called out to the well, she immediately said with swearing speech. At that moment, I could see a thick vein rising from the wellbore's flat forehead. If it had been the same, he would have been able to see the reputation of the former adoptive woman right away, but he still spoke in a bad tone. But I could feel the gentle life in his voice.
“... What is it? ”
“Last time I was in the rite of passage, Remember what you said? ”
“I said one or two things. ”
T ra n s l at ed by jp m t l.c om “You're in the city. Didn't I tell you my solo felt so good? ”
In the meantime, I can see his ears turning pale as he was busy looking around. He seemed interested in hearing his own story. What does she believe in that's so cute? I'm not pinching my cheeks or my ears. What the hell am I thinking about him?
Hyun was vomiting hot flushes with an enthusiastic face while imagining dark thoughts inside. It was the second coming of my sister's blowout.
“Aha. You mean that. Oh, yeah. How good he feels.... ”
“Ah, I know. We'll take it slow later. Do you really believe that? ”
“Of course! I'm light-headed. ”
Good timing. Looking at the well that was cut at the right moment, I put my thumb up inside. In addition, I sighed for relief, but I couldn't help feeling that something was going wrong. An-hyun also tilted his head to see if he felt any discomfort. But by then it was already too late. Seeing the well turning around with a nasty smile, Ahn Hyun's eyes grew as big as a flashlight.
“Then why all of a sudden... Wait, why? Hey!”
The string called out urgently, but he didn't pretend to hear the well and walked towards Sol. As he eagerly listened to the two of them, he looked back at the well that was reducing his distance from him. But I didn't just stand by as a sole. In the meantime, whether he had eaten enough snacks or sensed anxiety with a lucky 100-point trigger, he fled right behind me. I heard Ahn Hyun sigh of relief and the well frowned. However, the well opened its mouth with a gentle face.
“Soo-hyun's brother. Would you mind lifting the brush and placing it in the far left entrance? ”
I heard An-hyun and An-sol vomiting in front and behind. I also felt dizzy. But once I decided to leave it to the well, I forcefully raised my brush. The brush that was holding my collar tightly tilted its head as if it didn't know what was in English. Seeing the question mark over my head and believing in me with a selfless face, I already felt sorry for not knowing what it was.
If I had lifted it suddenly like this the other day, I would have jumped the race or cried right away, but I didn't do it anymore. I just said, ”You're not going to do anything that's hurting me.” I was counting on a trustworthy face. I put the brush in front of the far left entrance with an arrogant face, thinking it was a man who was recognized by a female user who would become the future priestess of Kwanghui. By the way, this was one of the entrances that should never have been entered, but it was important to watch the next behavior of the well.
“Tongue, brother? ”
I heard a voice of panic behind me, but I didn't mind stroking Sol's head and stepping back. The brush was still staring at me with a shiny, unsuspecting face. The well looks at it and smiles as if its stomach is twisting. I also had a bad feeling that I wanted to harass and resonate when I saw the face of the brush.