Chapter 38 00038 Hall Plain! (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 51440K 2022-07-22

After activating the voice amplification spell again, he raised his head again to look at new users. When the voice amplification was just switched off, no one but the party would have been able to hear Hyun. In contrast to beating, he opened his mouth quietly with a dry, life-sustaining face.

”I understand you've heard some stories from the angels. And of course, I know there are a lot of other things that you might be wondering. But if we're going to solve all of your questions here today, we're not going to have all day and all night.”

Of course. I strongly embraced the idea of entering the user academy as soon as possible. As I read in my mind, Park Hyun-woo had an elongated remark.

”As you've just passed the rite of passage, you must have accumulated a lot of fatigue on your body. Now that we have all of your consent, let me briefly tell you what the plan is going to be.”

He clears his throat for a moment and opens his mouth immediately.

”Barbara Metropolitan City has a building called the User Academy. Have any of you new users heard anything from a helper angel?”

Emphasize the word ”helper.” Users who heard Hyun's words noticed each other, then began raising their hands one by one. There was a slight murmur, but the magnificent hands were growing. Tr ansl ated by jpm t

Suddenly, it seemed like more than the majority of people raised their hands. No, most of the time, except for a few. That's how high the angels are rating the user academy. Hyun sent a signal to lower his hand to make sure that enough people decided to raise their hands.

”Very well, it may be a rerun from your point of view... but some of you seem to be too important to hear, so let me explain again. User Academy is literally a kind of training institute that helps new users adapt to and survive Hall Plane more easily. It is also one of the first official missions authorized to build user rewards points in recognition of its effectiveness.”

I don't know who made it, but it was definitely worth it. It is very rare that a user's random settings, not the settings of angels, are recognized.

Hyunwoo opened his mouth, starting with the history and purpose of founding the user academy. He also explained in detail the training and the benefits of graduating from the Academy. If you want to find out important information....

The training process of the user academy takes 3 months. Early on, the user's stats tend to rise rapidly. The user academy has an efficient training process for your skills and profession. That's why you can expect a much higher rate of stat increase than practicing with a football-style. All trainees receive 20 Silver per week. Users who complete a 3-month course can receive a stat reward equal to 4 points in Mission accomplishment rewards. I was able to get an overview.

To be honest, I only see 4 reward points, but there were a lot of things that sounded quite attractive to other users. I've packed quite a bit, but it still feeds me, puts me to sleep, trains me, and gives me money. It's like a single tribute.

Hyun, who explained for a while, finally said that each user has an upper limit to their abilities. Increasing stat points was up to you, but it was up to you, and it was up to you. And the points you get as a reward are just a few ways to raise your stats to the limit, so you can save some time explaining your user academy. Tra ns l a t ed by jp mt l.c om

”So that concludes the basic explanation. We were originally going to move to a listing inside the Academy right after the description… but it looks like some of you aren't quite as curious as we'd like to ask you a few questions.”

As soon as he finished, one female user quickly raises her hand in a gathering of long-range combat users. A fairly urgent hand gesture made me very curious as to what kind of question a young person would ask. Soon after, Hyun-woo nodded, and the woman got up and opened her mouth with a cautious voice.

”W-we... can we go back alive?” ”

I was as disappointed as I expected. That's the big question. I put my tongue to the stupidity of the woman I asked and looked at the look on her face. As expected, he was looking at the woman who was asking a rather disturbing face.

A metaphor for her question was that she had changed and eaten what she had explained so far. Hyun sighed heavily in his eyes and replied with a dry voice.

”We made it clear at the beginning that we are not the ones who are returning you home. If I knew that, I would be doing this right now. It's important for new users to work together in the hall plains in the future.”

The woman sits in a chair with her cheeks dyed red, perhaps feeling the pathetic look in her eyes. A moment of silence followed by a man of the magical talent family raises his hand. He was a male user with clean hair cut with sport cuts and a clever look. Hyunwoo nodded his head and also stood up.

”I know we call the world the Hall Plain now. to call ordinary people users. And I think we call it the Barbara metropolis. Is there anyone else in the city who's just called the Barbara metropolis?”

He immediately shakes his head and replies to the man's question.

”No. As you've heard from the angels, Hall Plane is split into four continents in total. And Barbara is the only metropolis in the northern continent. Apart from this, there are four municipalities, and eight municipalities on the North continent. It's also distributed by users like us. We haven't fully secured the North Continent yet, but in fact, the surrounding cities are under the jurisdiction of South Korean users.”

”You said that you are a Korean user, and other users of nationality...”

”Yes, Hall Plane is not just for Korean users. The eastern continent is governed by Japanese users, the western continent by American users, and the southern continent by British users. And of course, there's some kind of interconnectedness between continents. But once you look at it big, you can divide it that way.”

This question was still not very useful. A male user bows and sits down, staring at new users with an indifferent face. Since he said he would be asked three or four questions, it was likely that this question would be the last.

People didn't seem to think anyone knew about it. It was then that Hyunwoo pointed at a person and turned his head to see a female user with a raised hand.

Later, when the female user got up from her seat and could see her face, I shouted to myself. The last woman who woke up was Gimhanbyol. She was staring at him with a calm, cool face. I was curious as to what questions she would ask because I knew her sharp mind. The boredom that I had so far seemed to disappear in an instant. T ra n s l at e d by jpmtl .com

Immediately, her fine lips opened slightly, and a beautiful voice flowed in between.

”I heard that everyone here is going to be training at the user academy. So what's the real purpose of training there?”

The moment she finishes her words, the boy is distracted for a moment. Most people thought that frowning was a useless question. And those were the ones who didn't understand the intention of her question. Only a handful of people who understood her intentions were illuminating their eyes with a flickering face.

I also admired the sharp questions of Hanstar. Hyunwoo was also somewhat different from when he was asked the question of the first female user. It seemed quite embarrassing to wet my lips.