Chapter 28 00028 Meet people you know. (1/2)
“I've seen a woman on the way here. But we can't be sure that the woman we saw was the one who was abducted, as they say. ”
It was intended to be as less shocked as possible. However, I was still confident in the eyes of the woman. She quickly nodded and replied to my words.
“It's okay. I'm in the mood to catch straws. I don't know about long hair, but I'm pretty sure it's a yellow dress. ”
“Even in yellow dress... It's shredded. I just checked some of it. ”
“Well….” What? ”
I said, the woman stammered momentarily. The three friends, Seon Yoon, and Seung-hyun, who were already holding hands, seemed to have anticipated what would happen next. But her eyes still haven't given up hope. Soon, with a trembling voice, I opened my mouth in a voice of hope that it would not be.
T r a nsl a t ed b y Jpm tl .com “Why, why were my clothes torn? ”
“When we found her, she was lying on a tree. And as I approached to check... He was already dead. ”
“Won Hye-soo...! ”
The woman called Won Hye-soo sat down, shaking her head as soon as I finished speaking. The heavenly host next to her soon received her, but her legs would have already been completely loosened. I felt sorry for the woman called Won Hye-soo because I knew the pain of losing precious people better than anyone else.
For a while, silence passed.
“How is Hye-yeon dead? ”
However, she asked me with a bold voice whether she had accepted the reality. However, it must be a little shaky to get a bad voice. I kept my mouth shut for a moment. He still opened his mouth as if awaiting my answer.
Tran sla te d b y jpm tl .co m “It's okay. I was expecting something. All you have to do is tell me what's going on. ”
“… there was blood on his mouth. Maybe he bit his tongue off. ”
“No, wait a minute. That can't be right. He's not gonna kill himself. ”
“It was almost naked when I found it. And... there was fluid coming out of the vagina, presumed to be that monkey monster. ”
At the end of what I said, the atmosphere sank cold. Friends were furious that much. I feel like my fist is going to explode right now with my eyes closed. Seon Yoon, who listened quietly next to me, was able to feel the loss and anger of the Saddam because he had set his blood foot in his eyes.
At that moment, I was dumbfounded by the screams of Won Hye-soo, who was just staring into the air.
“Ha…. Haha... Haha... Aaaaahhhh!”
“Hyssoo! Wake up! ”
“Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! ”
It was so fierce that Choi Seung-hyun, who showed a relatively fluffy attitude, also took a step back. Won Hye-soo started screaming, grabbing and tearing the floor with both hands, making sure he couldn't overcome the loss.
“No, Hye-yeon! Hye-yeon can't be dead! Lies! Hye Yeon-ah-ah-ah-ah!”
“Won Hye-soo! Wake up! We've all lost our minds. Don't you remember when you told me not to get carried away, but to look at the reality calmly? ”
“Shut up! Hye-yeon! Hye-yeon!”
Lee Hye-soo, who was wandering around like a crazy bitch, looked at me. Her mouth twitches in fury, and she jumps out of her seat and rushes towards me. Surprised that Yoon Yoon and Seung-hyun quickly grabbed my arms, but they still hurt me.
“Liar! Don't lie to me! He can't be dead! You're lying, aren't you? Huh? Tell me you're lying...! Say it!”
“Hyesoo.... Let's go check it out. Calm down. ” T r a nsla t e d by jpm t l .c o m
Even though Seonghyun constantly calmed down, Won Hye-soo was almost halfway there already, so he wouldn't be able to hear. I glanced at her and spoke in a quiet voice.
“The body should follow this trail for about half an hour, and you'll find it. There aren't a lot of trees around. I'm sorry about your brother. ”
“You bastard! You killed Hye-yeon! Don't lie to me! Did you run away cowardly when you saw Hye-yeon get hurt? You could have saved him, but you ran, right? You cowardly bastard! ”