Chapter 170 (1/2)
”Some time ago, an epidemic broke out in the small country in the East, causing people to be in danger. It is said that it is related to the plague Lord.” Zhang Daoxian continued, ”but he has not been in China for the time being, which is like nuclear deterrence. If he dares to fight in China, all tacit understanding will no longer exist and he will be chased to the ends of the earth.”
”Wait...” Zhang Shufen suddenly exclaimed, ”Xia Yan has killed Wu Tianfa and his son now. Will this man do it?”
”It's hard to say!” Zhang Daoxian looked a little worried. ”If the sanitation team took action, it must have broken the tacit understanding; but it has nothing to do with the sanitation team. It belongs to an unexpected emergency, which can only be regarded as private hatred. The man will come to Xia Yan for revenge. As for whether he will spread the plague, it's unknown!”
”Isn't Xia Yan very dangerous?” Zhang Shufen asked anxiously, ”will the sanitation team take care of it?”
”Xiao Xia, what do you think?” Zhang Dao looked at Xia Yan first.
”The sanitation team will simply give me to that person.” Xia Yan thought and said.
”Yes, if I were the head of the sanitation team, I would do the same!” Zhang Daoxian said.
”Why? Don't they protect citizens?” Zhang Shufen asked incredulously.
”They will protect more people by doing so.” Xia Yan straightened out his thoughts and said, ”first of all, if the environmental sanitation team gets rid of the relationship, it is not to destroy the tacit understanding. That person is likely not to spread the plague on a large scale, but only to trouble me.”
”Secondly, as long as the man hits me, he will reveal his whereabouts...”
”The sanitation team will use you as bait?” Zhang Shufen suddenly stood up and looked surprised and angry.
”This is the best plan,” Xia Yan said calmly. ”If it were me, I would do the same, so if they did, I wouldn't be angry.”
”But you will be very dangerous, you fool!” Zhang Shufen said anxiously.
”I may not be afraid of that person!” Xia Yan smiled and was very confident. ”Anyway, if you really take me as bait, the sanitation team will owe me a big favor. My favor is not good, hehe!”
”Hum, just blow it. You're not afraid of the people who are feared by the chain guard. Can you kill him?” Zhang Shufen said.
”Wait and see!” if the man's ability is to spread the plague, Xia Yan is his nemesis. So he didn't worry. Instead, the battle soared, which was naturally affected by the two white lights.
Xia Yan is very confident, but Zhang Daoxian and Zhang Shufen don't believe it all. They are secretly worried.
At 9 a.m., ”dududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu
Pull the text! Xia Yan said that in this era of hot words on the Internet, Yuan Tianlin's language style is really different.