96 Chapter 95: Burned Dick = Ntr avoided. (1/2)
While Honoka ate her food, she could not help frowning with some discomfort at the two glances fixed on her as she ate.
”What's going on?”. Honoka asked as she looked up and observed Bao Zhang and Qiuyue looking at her with curious eyes, making her feel quite uncomfortable.
”Nothing” x2.
Bao Zhang and Qiuyue responded at the same time as they refocused on their respective meals.
At the bottom of the third floor of the restaurant was a table with dozens of empty wine bottles on it, and sitting there were two men who had ugly smiles on their faces while they had a red flush on their cheeks that showed they were drunk.
But the two men's eyes were bright and full of lust as they watched the far table in front of them.
Or rather, they watched lustily at the two beauties sitting at the table, they watched to Qiuyue and Honoka.
The eyes of the two men went up and down inspecting both breasts, their waists and finally their asses.
Then both men looked at each other while licking their lips lasciviously;
”What do you think, brother?”
”What, what do I think? Hehe, you already know what I think hahaha”
”Nice, brother, Let's go then! I'll take the biggest one, I like mature women hehehe”
The two brothers were well-known characters within the Zhou kingdom, but they were not known for their good reputation, on the contrary, they were known for their terrible reputation and for being the misfortunes of their family.
”Come on, I want to have those women in my bed tonight!”
”Yes, brother!”
The two brothers got up something shaky with the wine bottles in their hands and started walking towards the table of Bao Zhang and the two women.
While the three ate quietly and enjoyed their respective meals.
Bao Zhang who had a calm expression was moving his right hand and caressing gently the thigh of his mother Qiuyue, while Qiuyue ate with his face slightly flushed and Honoka did not notice the situation that was happening under the table.
Although it was expected that Honoka did not realize, after all, those who are sitting in the table with her are mother and son.
Bao Zhang, on the other hand, while rubbing the thighs of his mother, ate his food with total tranquility and watching from the corner of his eye to his mother, waiting to see what reaction she puts.
But Qiuyue seemed to be avoiding looking at him.
A slight hidden smile was shown in Bao Zhang, since even though he was taking such a perverted action against his mother, she did not show a resounding rejection, rather seemed to be firm in trying to appear stable and pretend that nothing was happening, but even so he could see the slight redness in the ears of his mother which showed that she was feeling it.
'Hehe, if you do not want to look at me and stop me, then it means that I can move on, let's see ... what happens if I rub here?'
Suddenly, Qiuyue trembled and looking down in an attempt to hide her reddened face from Honoka who was eating just in front of her.
But Bao Zhang could see how her hand holding the fork was shaking and her breathing stirred a little more.
What made Bao Zhang's inner smile grow since he loved seeing his mother's shy face or could tell that it amused him to look at her try to hide her reddened face of Honoka front to her.
Bao Zhang wanted to see that red face that was only shown to him to go one step further, and when he was about to move his hand to go further inside-
Suddenly, loud and annoying voices appeared next to his table.
”Hi, beauties! Can we join? ”
”Well said Brother, it is our duty as a gentleman that we are to accompany the beautiful ladies!”
Both Bao Zhang and the two girls rolled their eyes and scowled at the sight of the two men who, although dressed in something refined and luxurious showing that they were rich. Their faces and expressions were messy and similar to the filthy crooks that could be found in slums, especially, the great smell of alcohol that could be felt from these two men.
The beautiful Qiuyue who saw them had the slight sensation of having seen these two men at some time in the past, but could not remember where and her current concentration was in the perverted hand that had not yet come out of there.