85 Chapter 85: (1/2)
The next day Qiuyue was called by Patriarch Wu and the elders to the meeting room.
Upon entering the meeting room, Qiuyue who was wearing a somewhat changed expression compared to yesterday, walked straight forward and made a respectful greeting to her father and the elders.
The elders watched her with satisfied expressions when she saw that she treated them with respect.
After everyone settled down.
The elders take the lead and inform Qiuyue that she must marry the young Zhang in two weeks.
Qiuyue frowns and shows a trace of disgust towards these different Elders who try to instigate her to marry without even explaining the reason for her marriage, clearly these elders did not even bother to explain to her the situation.
Qiuyue cursed the elders in her mind as she regretted having greeted those despicable old men with respect.
Patriarch Wu speaks with a deep and grave voice that immediately silences the elders, then he looks at his beautiful daughter and cannot prevent a trace of guilt from showing in his eyes.
Then Patriarch Wu explains with a soft voice to Qiuyue about the situation the family faced and the reason why she should marry the young Zhang, in order to avoid the possible war.
Seeing that Patriarch Wu finished the explanation, and awaiting the answer of his daughter Qiuyue, the despicable elders did not hold back when trying to encourage Qiuyue with words of praise both towards her and towards Huang Zhang saying that he would be a wonderful husband for her.
Qiuyue frowned more disgustedly and was about to open her mouth when suddenly the door of the meeting room opened strongly.
And matriarch Wu, Liryl Wu, entered with a guilty expression while she approached her daughter.
Liryl approaches Qiuyue and asks her about her opinion on the idea of getting married.
Patriarch Wu tries to reprimand his wife by seeing this, but Liryl ignores him and continues to wait to hear her daughter's opinion.
Seeing her mother's worried face, Qiuyue puts on a smile.