46 Assassins vs Bao Zhang 3 . (2/2)

God Of Lust RikSteing 31850K 2022-07-22

”Die!” The Assassin screamed as a fierce smile rose on his lips as he saw that Bao Zhang had become motionless as if him expected to receive his spell of 'Armored Glass Arrows'!

”I have it!”

Bao Zhang suddenly extended his hand to the air while showing a fierce smile, and howled;

”Armored Glass Arrows!”

Immediately, several arrows appeared that were the same as the ones the Assassin had launched, and these were launched against the arrows of the Assassin! Crashing each other!

”What!? What have you done!? How is it possible!?”

The Assassin widened his eyes wide as he saw what he saw. He was so surprised that he was stupefied in the place; Has he copied my spell? How did that!? Is copying the spell of others so simple?

Bao Zhang just smiled.

What he had done was to capture the essence of the magic spell cast by the Assassin and replicate it! This might seem an extremely complicated thing for other cultivators, but for him, an ancient God, this was as simple as raising a hand.

Although at the moment he could only apply this method with low-level spells.

Seeing that he had no escape from the innumerable glass arrows, the Assassin's expression became full of madness as he drew his two blades from his waist. He was about to go mad with rage, he had cast one of his best spells with the intention of killing the target, but not only did he not cause him any harm! But his cast spell was returned and now he was in a difficult situation!


Cursing, the Assassin leaped into the air and began to throw multiple blows with his blades breaking the innumerable arrows that fell on him.

”Hahaha Do not forget that I'm here too!”

Bao Zhang laughed, as he ran around the place at great speed and then launched himself towards the back of the Assassin, who was busy getting rid of the innumerable crystal arrows.

”Do me the favor of dying!” Bao Zhang shouted, throwing again a powerful blow that made the air tremble.

The Assassin felt the pressure of the approaching blow behind him; Fuck! What I do?!

He did not know what to do, he was in the worst situation of being besieged by two sides, if he stopped knocking down the crystal arrows and defended himself against Bao Zhang's blow, he would be riddled by the innumerable crystal arrows. But if he kept knocking down the crystal arrows, he would be hit by Bao Zhang's blow. What could he do to get out of this situation!?

Having no other choice, the Assassin could only grit his teeth and receive the blow of Bao Zhang, which to his consideration was better than being embedded by the innumerable glass arrows!

But he could not be more wrong!

Bao Zhang could easily see the Assassin's decision to receive his blow, so he smiled even more wickedly; (Ferocious Tiger Technique, activate!)

Immediately his muscles widened and his body gained incredible strength! Achieving that the force in his blow increased on several levels!


The Assassin felt the blow of Bao Zhang hitting against his own rib. At first, the Assassin had thought he could resist the blow, if only he gritted his teeth and endured, maybe he would get hurt, but he would not die and then he could run away and warn his fellow Assassins to come and help him.




The blow he felt was terribly strong compared to what the Assassin had expected.

The ferocious blow broke several of his ribs and forced his body to bend in an extremely dangerous and painful position! What could cause your spine to also break!

The pain that the Assassin felt made him howl with pain, and was fiercely expelled forward, in the direction of the crystal arrows!

”Noo !!”

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Multiple crystal arrows pierced the Assassin's body! Piercing him all over his body, crossing his flesh, organs, lungs, blood, etc.

Spitting violently a mouthful of blood, the Assassin fell and crashed fiercely to the ground!