24 The legend of the Black Sword. (2/2)
”It is also said that any living being that touched the sword, would become dust”
[Turns to dust!] Bao Zhang was completely alarmed, it was the first time he had shown signs of fear on his face since he was reincarnated.
Bao Zhang knew that ability to turn living beings into dust, rather, he had seen it in the past when he had not yet become a God.
It was a long time ago, when the renowned God of lust was only in the ”Realm Divine” and still did not have the qualification to climb the World of the Gods.
He still remembers, or rather, probably there is no one in the world of the gods who does not remember those times.
The so-called ”Era of Darkness”
It was during this time that the first and probably the greatest war that could have happened in the whole history of World of the Gods erupted.
It was the War between the Gods against the Demons.
A war so great that, for the first time in all history, the world of the gods was on the verge of extinction, so great was the war that even the ”Sovereign God” himself. Who is the strongest god that exists in the world of the gods, was involved in the fight.
But the war did not stop only in the world of the gods, but the war was extended to the higher human worlds.
He himself had participated in the fight on the front when the lesser demons began to invade the higher human world.
It was a terrible war in which the side of the Gods was on the verge of losing, but fortunately, the Sovereign God managed to kill the leader of the enemy side at the expense of one of his arm.
With the demons losing their leader, they began to retreat.
It was then that the gods attacked the ancient world of demons, thus exterminating the demons and destroying their demonic world.
Bao Zhang even remembers how many millions of lives were sacrificed at that time. And another thing that Bao Zhang remembers is the special ability the demons used.
It was the skill Pulverization of the Soul Xian!
This ability allowed the demons to devour the Xian energy of the souls, thus turning the body into dust!
[It will be the skill Pulverization of the Soul Xian! How can that be?! How could the ability of the Demons appear in this lower human world?] Bao Zhang was full of questions at that time, did not know if this supposed black sword belonged to the demons, and if so, how did it come to this world?
”Are you sure it is said dust?” Bao asked, trying to confirm that he did not hear badly.
”Yes, in the writings it is said that the living beings that touched it turned into black dust”
Bao nodded in understanding, the person to whom the ”Pulverization of the Soul Xian” technique was applied, would turn black due to the corrosion of the demons themselves and then turn to dust. This confirmed.
Bao remembered that battle a lot, because although he was not in the main battle, since only the most powerful gods participated in it and took place in the Demonic world, he was in front of the war in the human world superior.
And after that terrible war ended, Bao had managed to enter the Realm Demigod, gaining entry to the World of the Gods.
Then, it happened a few thousand years until Bao Zhang managed to ascend as a true God and was known due to his connection with countless women, as the god of Lust.
At first he was called God of Lust as a form of mockery towards him, a new god. But with the passage of time, Bao Zhang became stronger as a god and the supposed name of the God of lust that had been placed to mock him, became his official name with which Bao Zhang was proud and what he considered his motto of life.
Bao Zhang kept thinking for a while, and then he could only sigh in disappointment, but when Bao Zhang thought that the her librarian would not continue anymore. She opened her pretty lips and continued:
”In the writings they say that the black sword remained for hundreds of years trapped in the same place without any human being who dared to touch it, but then, one day, something unexpected happened, an evil wizard who at that moment became known like evil itself, he got drunk with alcohol and went to the black sword with the intention of taking it ”