460 Dimensional Island 1 (1/2)
World Contest formally started. There were 71 guilds from Asia participated, 43 guilds from Europe, and 35 guilds from Africa. As the guild from America, no one knew.
However, during the World Contest, many guilds decided to send their men to America. They wanted to inquiry the current situation in America.
During the World Contest, the world entered a peaceful state. So they did not have to fear if their men got attacked in America. That was why many guilds decided to send their men to America during this time.
Dimensional Island
Even though it called Dimensional Island, an island in a different dimension. However, everything looked normal. It was almost the same as the earth. The sky, the sun, the land, and everything were the same.
Randy, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and David got teleported at the same location. The got teleported to the middle of the jungle. The dense trees surrounding the four and there was a small pond on their side.
It could be said they got teleported to strategic place. They could make this place as their temporary camp.
”Map is still working, but guild messenger is not…” Randy checked the Battle System.
Except for the System Storage and map, the other functions were not working. Randy even found he could not summon Rocky in this place. But there was an additional menu, Team Messenger.
This team messenger only could be used to communicate the people within one team. In Randy case, he could communicate only with Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and David. Not only that, there was a new feature in Team Messenger which Guild Messenger did not have, voice call.
Indeed this new feature was more convenient than sending the chat. Checking the Battle System, it was as Ascension Guild said, most features in the battle system would be during the World Contest. Even they could not access the forum. This meant they were isolated from the outside world.
”So, what's next?” Long Xinya asked Randy.
”Hunting of course!” Randy answered instantly.
Long Xinya rolled her eyes at Randy, ”I know! But the plan? Are we just hunting blindly to all over the place? Shouldn't we look for our guild member first?”
”Why do we look for them? We will do as we planned. We are working separately, there's no need for us desirably looking for them. Our main objective is the Evil Clan and the native of this Dimensional Island.
For now, we will take this place as our temporary base. This place will be our main camp for now. Next, we will explore the jungle!”
Randy pointed his finger toward the jungle on their back. The jungle was a bit foggy and it looked a bit eerie. Moreover, the tree also a bit weird, it was grey in color and its leaves were blue in color.
”Look here, we have a map here. We will investigate the jungle and shared the map later. So, temporary we will have to have our map first and move according to the situation later! I will go to the west…” Randy began giving out the order.
This was the reason why Randy did not take any guild members with him. So they could move freely without worrying the guild member. As for the guild member, the would move as the team. Without a doubt, the cooperation between them was very good after years working together.
As long as they move as a team, Randy did not worry about their safety. After all, Happy Guild was famous with their ten people formation.
The World Contest lasted for a month and Randy's plan was to scout the island first. So Happy Guild would do mapping in the first week. The map was crucial during this World Contest. Knowing the terrain would enhance their chance of survival.
After all, this place called Dimensional Island. No matter how big this Dimensional Island was, Randy believed a week was more than enough to map the whole island. Yes, this place called the island, so no possible this island was bigger than earth no?
As for his guild member, Randy did not need desirably looking for them as it just a matter of time before they would meet.
After a small discussion, the four immediately parted their way. Randy went to the west, David went to the north, Zhen Yi went to the south, and Long Xinya went to the east.
Randy went to the west. He found that that the for inside the jungle was thicker. As he walked, Shana who always silence suddenly spoke in a doubtful tone.
”Uncle, I find something weird with this Dimensional Island… No, it's as if I feel extremely familiar with this island!”