306 Bottomless Pi (1/2)

Battle of Ascension HotIce 40730K 2022-07-22

Randy and Zhen Yi were unaware of Enigma who was going to evolve to Saint Grade Undead. Currently, they were standing before a pit. The pit was about five meters in diameter and the pit seemed to be bottomless.

Zhen Yi turned her head toward her husband, with a puzzled look, she asked, ”Are sure it's here?”

Randy didn't give a response as he seemed to be checking something in the Battle System. After a while, Randy nodded his head as a response at her wife's question.

”Yes, it's here, right inside this pit,” He gave a confirmation with his finger pointed toward inside the pit.

Afterward, Randy used his Fire Elemental Power and shot a fireball to the pit. The fireball illuminated the dark pit and showed the pit's wall. There was no something suspicious or dangerous.

After the fireball descended thirty meters, there was still nothing. The bottom of the pit could not be seen still.

Fifty meters…

Hundred meters…

Even after the fireball died, Randy and Zhen Yi still could not see the bottom of the pit. They looked each other, and they were hesitated to go down now.

However, in Randy's map showed them, they were right before an Ascension Chest. Yes, after they had successfully annihilated Barton Legion along with the remnant of the skeleton soldiers.

It took five days before Randy along with fifty Garuda's members to clean Barton Legion from Sumatera Island. Randy leveled up for one level while his wife gained three levels.

Afterward, Randy and Zhen Yi immediately headed out to where the Ascension Location was. However, what they found was a pit, a bottomless pit at that one.

Even though Randy and Zhen Yi were sure there was an Ascension Chest in the pit, but they hesitated to enter the pit.

However, it was sure the pit was not bottomless as it seemed because the map showed there was an Ascension Chest inside the pit. It just they could not see the bottom which made them uncomfortable and uneasy if they had to jump into the pit.

Randy hesitated, but the pit that looked like bottomless didn't stop him to get the Ascension Chest.

”I will enter the pit,” Said Randy as he pulled out the two Infernal Blades and crimson flame shrouded his body.

Zhen Yi turned head at her husband. There were a worry and concern over her face. Even though her husband was strong, but the unknown was the scariest. Maybe, there was a stronger creature than her husband inside the pit.

”No worries, even there's beast or monster inside the pit. At the best, it's Mythical Grade one, that kind of beast will not be able to kill me,” Even though Randy's words sounded arrogant, but his words convinced Zhen Yi.

”All right then, let we enter the pit together,” Zhen Yi responded with a smile.

Even though there was a higher grade beast than the Mythical Grade beast inside the pit. If she was to enter the pit together with Randy, then there was no need for her to worry with two people entered the pit.

Randy actually didn't want to enter the pit together with his wife. However, he clearly understood of his wife; he would not be able to prevent her to not enter the pit together.

Randy nodded his head and Zhen Yi had a bright smile on her face at her husband's response. He and his wife looked again in the pit. Even though they decided to enter together, they were still nervous about it.

Randy inhaled a deep breath and Zhen Yi followed her husband. After a few moments, Randy looked at her wife and nodded his head, indicating to get ready to jump into the pit.

Zhen Yi took another deep breath before nodding her head, indicating she was also ready to jump in.

Even though they looked nervous, but there was anticipation too in their eyes. They were excited for the thrill that waited for them ahead. It was like Bungee Jumping, but they had no rope on their waist.

Randy never tried Bungee Jumping before because he was scared. But now, he didn't need to be scared again. The same as Zhen Yi, she also never tried Bungee Jumping. After all, with her situation, she could never have fun like this.

However now, Randy didn't need to be scared anymore with his current strength and Zhen Yi also could have more fun with no one shackled her anymore

Randy held his wife's left hand and counted down from three to one. He made a gesture of counted down with his left hand.




Randy raised his hands up and Zhen Yi also followed her husband. Raising their hand, they jumped in together. Of course, Randy still held his Inferno Sword and Zhen Yi had her Ice Fury in her right hand.
