266 The Second Battle (1/2)

Battle of Ascension HotIce 33020K 2022-07-22

The people in main Colosseum who watched the running of the Territory War between Asura Guild and Happy Guild fell into the dead silence. After the Randy and Zhen Yi annihilated Asura Guild, Evil Clan left the main Colosseum while the others were still on their seat.

The Territory War was not even lasted for two hours before Randy and Zhen Yi annihilated Asura Guild. They had witnessed how brutal Zhen Yi was as she crushed eight monsters less than five minutes.

Now, Zhen Yi was in the limelight while Randy in the shadow. Everyone focused their sight on Zhen Yi as Randy did was less compared to Zhen Yi except his rapid speed, there was nothing to be feared, at least it was what in most of the spectator's mind.

But Zhen Yi differed from Randy, she confronted eight monsters at once. She had an unknown skill or power which related to ice as they had witnessed Zhen Yi was freezing one demon with her ice.

Basically, none monster could have intact corpse under Zhen Yi's assault.

Every guild who had their eyes on Evergreen City felt fortunate they had not started on Happy Guild. Evergreen City was one of the most flourished cities in Asia Continent, not it was the first.

After the Battle of Ascension phase 2 started, every price of commodities, equipment, potion and more goods in East City soared to the unexpected.

The rent for the starter house had increased to 5 gold coin per months from 50 silver coins per month. This made many people immigrate at the available in their territory teleported to.

But among all the city, Evergreen City was the most flourish, and the price commodities also not as expensive as in East City. The cost of renting a house the same size as the starter house was 70 silver coin.

Even though it was more expensive, but it was much cheaper compared to the house in East City. Also, East City provided a job for them, not only a hunter but other normal jobs. Even someone with a low level could find a job there as long as they want.

With many people resided in Evergreen City with the order had been created, Evergreen City became prosperous. Many big guilds wanted to take this city with Territory War, the Happy Guild's member made them hesitated.

Even without Randy who had his level stagnant, there were three Happy Guild's members in the top 20 of the Level Ranking. Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and Akihiro.

But that hesitation saved them now, but they found something weird with the Happy Guild. Zhen Yi had that monstrous power, but she had declined the Territory War which had been issued by Asura Guild for three times.

They also felt insecure by the power Zhen Yi had, if they had to fight head-on against her, there would no one would win based their understanding about their power.

What if suddenly Happy Guild launched an insane plan like conquered the earth for themselves?

The last time they witnessed Zhen Yi's in action was when the second Ascension Tournament, but little over three months passed, and Zhen Yi power had grown to this extent.

Then the only one who could match Zhen Yi was…

Many heads looked at the Long Tianyu's seat. Long Tianyu never participated in Ascension Tournament. The Third Ascension Tournament was guild leader of the Evil Clan who had come up with the champion, it was a month ago, and Evil Clan dominated the tournament.

However, Long Tianyu had not shown his face during the Ascension Tournament, not even once, but his level had increased tremendously.

Asura Territory

Under Akihiro, Udin, Gusti, Long Xinya, and Asuka lead, they reached the Asura City after over an hour walk. On the way, they met many Asura Guild's members who were running away in fear.

As the more they got closer to the city, they met more Asura Guild's members. Because of this, they had to slow their pace down, and only managed to reach the Asura City only after over an hour walk.

But when they entered the Asura City, the scene behold inside the city shocked them. Inside the city, there were many corpses scattered, most of them had their body crashed into many pieces while there were a few without a head.

The five who were leading the 200 people looked each other as for 200 Garuda's members had their bodies shuddered as they looked the scene unfolded before them.