152 Revenge Part Two (1/2)

Battle of Ascension HotIce 38800K 2022-07-22

After Randy urged them, Udin and Gusti took the gold note with a brilliant face. Which before the gloomy and depressed, now their face were glowing as the smile plastered on their face.

After took the gold note, they gave Randy a bow as thanks before came out from the room. They even forget that they wanted to tell Randy the reason why both brought the Garuda's members hunted at Bogor Territory.

Randy didn't mind as he already knew the reason from the man who called him for help.

”All right, let's extract the Primeval Nether Wolf's essence blood,” Said Randy as he took out a special vial.

Zhen Yi also took out a heart. It was Primeval Nether Wolf's heart. Randy took it when he cleaned the Primeval Nether Wolf and gave it Zhen Yi as his Storage System was abnormal, sucking every blood except the blood inside the special vial.

Zhen Yi gave the heart to Randy, and the latter extracted the blood to the special vial.

”let me get this bloodline, it was a formidable beast even it gave you a hard time,” Zhen Yi suddenly asked the essence blood for her.

Before, she could only watch Randy in danger as he fought alone against Primeval Nether Wolf which made her frustrated. She weak and immediately wanted to become strong. So, she could fight side by side with Randy.

The only way to become strong with one night was the bloodline. Also, she found the bloodline of Primeval Nether Wolf was formidable as she witnessed how hard Randy captured it.

With a strong bloodline like Primeval Nether Wolf, she believed Randy would give to her the Primeval Nether Wolf's essence blood if she asked it.

But Randy's response surprised her as she looked Randy was shaking his head at her request.

”Why? Do you want me to become a housewife to take care of your child? Don't treat me as a child or a weak woman!” Zhen Yi's voice was somewhat loud as she subconsciously grew angry at Randy.

Randy shocked by the sudden outburst of her wife. This was the first time for Zhen Yi to use such a tone to him. But he knew it was her who misunderstand for his response.

She wanted to storm out of the room, but she could not as Randy pulled her back.

”Wifey, you must be calm first and listen to my explanation,” Randy could not help but panic.

Randy's stat was far higher than Zhen Yi. She struggled for a moment and realized that she could not break free.

”You speak, I am listening,”

Actually, Randy wanted to give to Zhen Yi this bloodline after knowing it was a mythical bloodline. But Shana said to him, even though it was a mythical bloodline, but for now, it was king bloodline and should wait for the wolf evolved to the mythical beast before he could get the mythical bloodline.

”It's not that I don't want to give this to you or I want you to become a housewife. I want to get a better bloodline for you that's all. In seven days I will go to look for the Ascension Chest, so… Can you wait for a while?” Randy explained with a soft voice to soothe her.

There were two Ascension Chest appeared in his map, he didn't know if both chests would give him high-grade essence blood. But it was worth trying as the essence blood obtained from the chest was much better.

”You wanted to go?” Zhen Yi forgot about the bloodline when Randy mention he wanted to go looking for the Ascension Chest.

Randy simply nodded his head. His preparation was running smoothly and he could leave with ease.

”Can… can I go with you?” Zhen Yi softened and asked with full of anticipation.

But Randy's response disappointed her again as he refused right away, ”No, you should stay here and lead the Happy Guild. Also, protect our family,” Also, he didn't how much danger he would face later.

Randy found that as the more he was far away from Jakarta City, the beasts were stronger and stronger. He didn't dare to bring her along. Furthermore, after experiencing the strength of Primeval Nether Wolf. Randy didn't dare to take the risk only to please his wife.

Of course, he didn't this to her as he only told her to lead the guild and protect their family. If he told that because of the danger, he was sure his wife would flare up again like just now.

She noticed her wife put a downcast expression after he refused her to follow. She simply nodded her head.

Randy love dearly as he looked at the disappointment on her wife. He moved his mouth closer to her ears and whispered, ”Not for now, but I will take you with me when for the seconds Ascension Chest,”